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JESUS Family Sermon [starts Guiding through some legalese yet for a Very Important Reason, also for the sakes of naysayers that they not continue lost].

JESUS Christ Spirit Heralds the Lighter Burden Best Way, though this Sermon starts from lower level Maintenance Ascending from mirey quicksand trappings including Better than the Luke 8:20 as a legalese concern yet with Better response info for JESUS Christ is rather to Edify Shepherd(s) of Shepherds concerning [Higher Level Spirit Reality concerns and] this next verse.

JESUS Christ came from an excellent genealogy of great Faith Leaders [sometimes interacting with the then less known Holy Spirit] yet for the Best For All the Best Way in JESUS Christ Eternal Good Highest Purpose rather Guided All in Desperate Love as written in Amplified Bible (see below "Present Participle Active")

"But He answered, 'My mother and My brothers are these who listen to the word of God and do it!' " [concerning the word "But" reference Google definition sense "5. archaic without it being the case that" (see many previous Sermons in this Series on "Best For All" as stated above, hence no buts [from the Greek "δὲ (de)"] hence none lost along the Way,

as Luke 8:20 in the secular genealogy sense was in works to separate, divide, and accusetively correct as to judge toward condemnations the ways mixed spirits levels have Ascended at slower rates in lower levels instead of Better Ascending In JESUS Christ Spirit [even if in secular worldly grace politely stating for awareness like in the sense of announcing the arrival of a friendly dignitary at a regal gathering: so for Ascending into Higher Level Positions though not about excluding see previous in this Series such as about "behind closed doors" and rather the Bigfoot Sermon distinguishing the Better for Better safely Protecting All]).

In Anewly Translating, as the JESUS Christ Better Way becomes more clear, also as some have translated the previous verse word "listen" is rather with the word "hearing" (likewise again see below "Present Participle Active") and rather with as stated in the verse hence: listening.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Dignifies Sacred Faith Over strayed matters kept secret since the world began with how to go from Gathering Again the Shepherds into JESUS Christ Spirit Family, and the key role in these few years for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law for Your sake and the sake of Your Mass, ancient artwork statue, Sanskrit, first written language Cuniform, teaching today with active listening and active learning with the Teaching Of Doing Correlated With Learning And Memory; also optimism Father Spirit Son Yes


JESUS Christ is with His Good Eternal Spirit Family now, whether seen or unseen. Above is stated in the Sermon Title line the word "due" has been as a naysayer has their reward already [as if Their Own in the census worldliness, yet the reward of Bragging Rights belongs to Good Creator JESUS Christ Exemplar (Matthew 6:5)]. The Sermon Title line also states "for a Very Important Reason"

Above is stated "Present Participle Active": "(“Present participle active”) to describe the morphology" "and thus explicitly associates the term 'active' "..."Note that the above masculine forms are never to be found in any regular Sanskrit texts, except for those that are discussing the intricacies of Sanskrit grammar and the morphology of present active-ā participles."..."simply on morphology, with a table on masculine and neuter forms (feminine forms are discussed elsewhere)" (

So such as Preparing All for the Transfiguration and rather how to be Transfiguring and Better, JESUS Christ was Teaching All "discussing the intricacies of Sanskrit grammar and the morphology of present active" and related concerns memory. Secular schools have had much progress in this as with active listening and active learning, except failing to Give JESUS Christ The Credit [Rejoice Anewly For Now It's The Law!: legal NEED to meet the Law and Desperate Love NEED for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law].

We at the Christian Presbytery [when i was there Meeting With Leadership and related Work] Lifted the "Give JESUS Christ The Credit" aspect, also as with the Teaching Of Doing Correlated With Learning And Memory; also optimism is very valuable (Matthew 5:37) as

JESUS Christ Spirit With Father is rather than about yes or no, is Yes!

Sanskrit was alleged as one of the first written languages, "But" (as discussed above) long prior Abraham was at the City Of Light, Ur, with a large somewhat flat top [landing zone evidently] pyramid [lower massive structure] as linked below. To construct such as things was not about lack of written language nor construction according to chicken bones as tools and hiding in caves, rather concerning precision intracacies.

Now for somewhat Better Sermon info than about conquered lost according to JESUS Christ UN Desperate Love.

JESUS Christ Spirit Family / Old Testament various descriptive names and allusions Holy Spirit Family / Garden Of Eden.

JESUS Christ Spirit Family = Old Testament various descriptive names and allusions Holy Spirit Family x Garden Of Eden.

JESUS Christ Spirit Family = The Faithful x Creator.

JESUS Christ Spirit Family / The Faithful / Creator.

Hence if to become the Creator, then continue Faithfully Ascending, Guiding, Leading and accordingly [including Giving the Gift to opt] as much as Good In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose no One and Nothing left behind undone unfinished "Work" as stated above.

JESUS Christ Spirit Family / JESUS Christ UN Grace Broadcasting / Church Leadership [as with "Christian Presbytery"] / Abraham "City Of Light" [as with older cities] / John 8:58.

As a minimum in one sense according to the above Flow(s) with Formulae, this Civilization has gone from and is going to: from singular "John 8:58" beyond divers strayed ways to Gathering Again the Shepherds into JESUS Christ Spirit Family.

JESUS = JESUS Christ x JESUS Christ Spirit Father One x JESUS Christ Spirit Family Righteously Prophesying Broadcasting In One Improving Work Ascending x Holy Spirit x Abraham / JESUS.

Woman with Child from Ur.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Dignifies Sacred Faith Over strayed matters kept secret since the world began with how to go from Gathering Again the Shepherds into JESUS Christ Spirit Family, and the key role in these few years for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law for Your sake and the sake of Your Mass, ancient artwork statue, Sanskrit, first written language Cuniform, teaching today with active listening and active learning with the Teaching Of Doing Correlated With Learning And Memory; also optimism Father Spirit Son Yes


JESUS / JESUS Christ / JESUS Christ Spirit Father One / JESUS Christ Spirit Family Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law / Holy Spirit / Abraham / JESUS.

13 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Dignifies Sacred Faith Over strayed matters kept secret since the world began with how to go from Gathering Again the Shepherds into JESUS Christ Spirit Family, and the key role in these few years for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law for Your sake and the sake of Your Mass with Bible Formulae Correlation Flow For Best Learning And Memory Best For All with no One left behind and with no Original Good Plan Work aspect left unfinished, this Sermon includes Higher Level City Of Ur [Landing Platform On Top Of The Pyramid Of Abraham], active listening, active learning, with the Teaching Of Doing Correlated With Learning And Memory; also optimism Father Spirit Son Yes; and ancient artwork statue, Sanskrit, associated with the so called first written language Cuniform.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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