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JESUS Father Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the New Better Pilot, Pure and Innocent Authority Over His Ship, and with Him is (are from lower levels perspectives if to count in former lower level ways or in census) His Spirit: that is how we humbly can exist hence His Father onboard with cargo in JESUS Ship, as JESUS Christ UN Law recognized the Higher Level JESUS Christ Grace, this is the Grace Above The lower Law of great value.

JESUS Grace is exceedingly Ascending, at a rate Better than the rate of Law, for instance if to question everything in hindsight as in a court of Law then to not find Loyalty that is found in the previous sentence.

Symbolized in this pic: JESUS Christ Parameters yield [from various Hearts and minds faith types] UFO type ships of the future.

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JESUS Christ Father was counted in the census as not a person hence as another item [hence a vessel as counted] hence the Father Spirit was counted as if merely a ship, for We The People to Better try to understand the Better, the Father Spirit, that could fly, be under water, could walk on water, and could be in Us while soaring through Us.

JESUS Father Spirit One Gave for the Better New Beginning to continue, and as the previous Sermon corrected a "multitude of translations" JESUS Victory Sermon at with exceedingly more translations not linked in that previous Sermon also corrected;

for instance of the many translations King James [team] decided which Books would be included in the Bible [merely to that date] and which Books [translations] would not be included, and so likewise many types of strayed faith types of translations may also have become subject under this correction: this point being that if to Ascend into Heaven a census person and others may imagine many sorts of things such as shown above, some people like babies, some like weddings, some like as shown above, for instance a person having seen babies and having seen Weddings, but not the above may be with hopeful curiosity for to so see and interpret hence beware ("curiosity is very dangerous" [so first Pray And Broadcast JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ UN]).

JESUS Spirit even so, rather than merely about lower levels of things [Save if JESUS Perfect], concerns rather Your With Our [Eternal All] Better And Best future therefore this as if merely after-the-fact "corrected" thing is rather Anewly concerning You ["With Our"] JESUS One Righteous Bettering Prophesyingly [what good is a Righteous Prophet or a Healer or a Preacher, if not to be Righteously Prophesying, Healing, and Preaching?, rather JESUS One Do].

The Father Spirit Gave All Authority to JESUS Christ, and the Good Agree in JESUS' Name. New Better Translations as recorded merely glimpse about the True Faith that was (see above on "Ascending"). So both the Father and the Holy Spirit were given from JESUS Christ to All, so Victory Over Luke 24:19, but the Apostles were not "Ascending" Best so Their eyes and ears were closed to such until JESUS Christ more revealed Himself to Them, in other words, [even the "Apostles"] They were not [yet] Worthy [then at that situation]. JESUS Would that You notice the words "that situation" as stated rather than at "that time".

JESUS Gave but even Those Apostles of Great Faith did not continue Loyally, sorry me too all too much; so from time to time there is at least Awareness of the Tree Of Knowledge, yet JESUS Christ Creator is already Victor Over the Tree Of Knowledge completely: the Eternal First Person Ever, Bless His Soul. Many have failed through time, yet according to [personal faith yet also] according to situations. Even Apostle Peter walked on water (Matthew 14:29) but in another situation denied three times (Matthew 26:34 rather ibid. and Acts 27:31) of Bible record thank goodness so We don't have to repeat: with rather reading the record: JESUS Your Bible Write Your Record For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including for All JESUS Loved To Create.

The Father Holy Spirit In JESUS Christ Loved to create Better than JESUS Christ had been (Matthew 19:26). JESUS, His Name, the Christ, is the Authority Father Spirit In His Name and In no other name, He in His Name JESUS is with the New Increasingly Better Way For Ascending Best in His Highest Purpose Name, "JESUS Christ is at the Top Level" (ibid.) in His Name. So His Name is like the word improving, yet for All, no exceptions.

From the situation i was in [yesterday, in a dream] JESUS Spirit produced the Heavenly Better excitement unexpectedly to and for me and Us [a Man became seen]. The Man started Praying and i grabbed His strong rough hands (JESUS Victory Anewly With Yet Over [situationally at least] recent Sermon on palms together [about not merely self, such as the Christians Praying With Presidents Laying On Hands]) as though He had just been plowing with wooden handles, and as He likewise clung to my soft [typist] hands [i am a man], and immediately We were both a silver with some gold sparkler Ascending rapidly without harm and Heavenly.

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At the end of His Prayer He said "continue", not resisting, though i pondered a moment what to say as JESUS Christ Exemplar Taught for such a situation as this as i had never encountered though for to rely on JESUS Christ Anewly. Continuing, in JESUS Spirit Praying aloud [at least vocally in the dream], and for All to be aware i was already in JESUS Christ Loyalty as much as i was aware to so Be, hence according with the Given (Matthew 7:16 [along with JESUS Spirit able to gather needles for sewing even from thorns]) "situation" became with explaining for Him seeming toward Amish, that JESUS Christ is Victor Over electricity and air too, explaining that if His fire goes out such as on the Sabbath and hence for to read the Bible, then Better (JESUS Spirit Victory Over see "Amish don't use electriciy" New Covenant / New Logic, ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Sermon at

And when done JESUS Spirit Praying per se (with 3 Nephi 20:1) i continued Ascending inside the multitude of sparks awhile, though the gold sparks had ceased and the silver sparks had lessened some, and like unto done with a selfish factor as though an amusement park ride, i opted to [get off the ride] awaken, and the typical room appeared a little more vivid.

JESUS Spirit continuing [in context] pertinence Preceptingly fittingly, in a recent Sermon (see top Sermon listed at there was the Teaching of JESUS One beaming the light, enlightening the Best Way for All Ascending Straight Up.

Shown here is the ability to not merely reflect light, yet of JESUS Spirit Flow [as a river] to bend light and it's particles.

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JESUS Spirit Flow Up and can bend light independent of Mass (see above "Apostle Peter") (ibid. be aware concerning eddy currents and other effects [including per se safety glasses). And thanks to this "fittingly", We don't have to cause any of the "Mass" Members to stray, yet JESUS Christ We can redirect, reflect, retask, and realign, any that strayed, such as a funnel to focus and such as a Tube Ascending Straight Up, though JESUS Christ Grace is the removal of shackles and House Of Bondage.

So JESUS We Spirit have the Mercy to Give Before The Fact in planning for the Best For All concerns (hence in JESUS Christ: the Aware, the Good). JESUS put into each Heart an amount [as each opts] of such Controlling Power. JESUS One Controlling Power is for to Righteously Prophesyingly Best Way Opt such as allowing types of Missions, typically Straight Up, though consider the Good Samaritan story, and such as a rocket on course though happening upon a gas station or charging station in outer space such as an asteroid previously unseen and nearby able to yield water and fuel and such, and so for the JESUS Christ Better, if so, to consider a minor course change for Best, JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: Broadcast without price.

23 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit With JESUS Christ UN Law With JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Prayerfully Loyally Flowingly Anewly Bending Light For The JESUS Best For All, forumlating JESUS Best Way though uncharted unawares new territories as for the Amish and in Bible Formulas Better style sparkling with sparklers.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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