JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Finished It Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit reveals the answer to a riddle of the ages in this Sermon, as JESUS Spirit Led after the completion of the previous Sermon in this Series for to Flow together, yet for the Visitor: so to speak in bite sized pieces [so sized as JESUS Christ had prompted me perhaps a year ago] and You can see such as the new "Flow" Gift Value in this next sentence. The "riddle" is "of the ages", and also as JESUS Spirit Led to the Book Of Daniel 5:25. The first part of the Book Of Daniel [including "5:25"] is of Daniel and his friends, and the second part includes Daniel's four visions, history, and the beginning of the new age.

Ascendingly Preceptingly yet also with Edifyingly in the name of JESUS, for a secular faith amount as stated in a recent Sermon "to respect [direction] rank value" [and "Better than no JESUS awareness"] JESUS Spirit at in the JESUS Christ Lifted As Promised "Sermon Gave a Gift of Respect And a Gift of Appreciation", so with those previous Sermon Gifts [such as having visited the recent Sermon or heard such from a friend] as Holy Precepts

and with this Sermon being received Anewly Precept On Precept the JESUS Christ Better Value For All has gone in the Agreeing from the previous faith to the "Better" faith [at least in the secular] with these Miracle Gifts Anewly Recognized in "JESUS awareness" as much as Anewly Agreed is the revealing of the JESUS Best Way For All Flow Direction [even if some did not previously have such "JESUS awareness": it did not hurt, it didn't cost a thing Save JESUS Once For All as written in 1 Peter 3:18 Berean Study Bible "For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit," and

as written in Romans 8:11 "And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.", "His Spirit", "His" known name JESUS "Spirit".

In the great though secular movie "Battle of the Bulge" without weaponry they searched for tanks,

so a peaceful type and amount of faith at a rate and conditions applied such as weather.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Battle of the Bulge Henry Fonda scouting mission plane tanks


In the above pic the gathering of info is helpful not merely for Military Intelligence and Military Strategists, yet also for Politicians, Professors, Scientists, Supplies Distributions Mapping And Allocating, and so forth. So the above stated "Flow Direction" is important for JESUS Spirit Best Way Prioritizing, for Peace Efforts, such as so the two in the above plane and so others are not shot.

Misunderstandings have happened, and similarly Best Way Ascending has been as opted to stray from JESUS Spirit Best Way Prioritizing, hence as to misunderstand or be unaware of how to operate in the higher [rank, grade,...] levels way for to become worthy for to become promoted to such higher levels. In some situations Professors have taught Scientists and Scientists have taught the Military, in other situations the order has been reversed or other. It can become strange quickly, for instance in Graduate School Administration i helped write the book and was over the Military at that Institution, though when i had a Military Course i was under that Military Department per se. It did not mean i was smarter nor more loving than the Military Professor, nor he more than me.

Scientists and others have wondered what can be accomplished and what the extremities are, such as the cliche "edge of the universe" and such as about "the smallest thing". Preachers and other have wondered about the JESUS Spirit and the boundary [some called it a "bridge": the so called "bridge" has a name: JESUS the Christ] such as from the Created Heaven Ascendingly to JESUS Christ, and such as from the Creator to the Created [prior to the fall, the Good Created Of JESUS Christ]:

like unto a major wonder of the world.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Egypt, Sphinx


So for instance the boundary parameter and Firmament Level "from the Creator to the Created", has been as stated above a "riddle of the ages". The title of this Sermon is "JESUS Finished It", so the Firmament Boundary of this civilization is finite, "Finished", completed, as stated above "Once For All" yet this is written with "Save JESUS". JESUS Christ is Living, and as stated His Spirit was "made alive".

All things are being made known unto the world prior to the final end time of the Creation

through JESUS Spirit in the quickening pace.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, timeline, JESUS Christ Spirit


Daniel 5:25 "Now this is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN." and the 1st Testament confessed an "interpretation" [not a definition] the days to an end, weighed on the balances, and given [away, given] over (from verses, 26 through 28). Yet JESUS Spirit Righteously in "history" as stated above, and now; also Prophesyingly as stated above "the beginning of the new age".

So this JESUS Spirit Righteously Defining Prophesyingly applies, even as stated as much as "the beginning of the new age", to this "beginning", this startup in current lingo, is the near future; hardly about the distant future though that may apply also, though in pertinence this applies to the near future as stated. So this JESUS Spirit Righteously Defining Prophesyingly applies to and with and for Best For All as "JESUS Spirit Led" (stated above) with "Power in the NAME JESUS" (previous JESUS Same Name One Sermon at

All the created is in a Godsling (see below JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page link with Definitions). Consider a Googolplex raised to the Googolplexth "Power" raised to the Googolplexth "Power" raised to the Googolplexth "Power" raised to the Googolplexth "Power" raised to the Googolplexth "Power" for instance. This civilization counts numbers such as 1, 2, and 3, a lot, and 1 Trillion less often, and rarely counts up to merely one Googolplex; thus far for this civilization: 1 Googolplex + 1 = out of bounds according to the secular definition ( that has evidently not yet heard of this Sermon, and many others likely also thought "1 Googolplex + 1".

This point being the JESUS Christ Best Way Definition Best For All. If a secular person unearths an ancient scroll, a Christian Leader hardly denies because it exists [though may have true and/or false info]. So of JESUS Christ Best Direction Flow Comprehensively, the secular level Miracles also apply [such levels types and amounts and conditions apply such as stated above]. So to answer the "riddle of the ages" as stated above, the exceedingly beyond the above stated type(s) of Googolplexth Powers is not the realm as secularly defined, though [agreeingly thus far though conditionally with above stated "Googolplexth Powers"] hardly the Godsling of the separation(s) nor the former lower level above interpretation about the "given" in the sense that a Christian Baptized in the name of JESUS is with the Highest Level Eternal Good without bounds as much as fully repentant and not straying [even at least a mere instance applies, even prior to the first whole though after Baptism at least].

So the secular delimited itself to the level and parameter as stated above, while the Christian With JESUS Created Heaven One Earth [as much as pertinent] "without bounds", at least a JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophesying of the Better Coming. Behold this Anewly Gift to You for Best For All, recent JESUS Christ Lifted As Promised Sermon at explained concerning "Mother Mary in her first trimester" hence JESUS Spirit One Victory is possible Over "a mere instance" as stated above, likewise as stated above "Eternal Good without bounds" can apply, even if to make a mistake though then to be JESUS Faithful Again and Loyally Ascending.

Even Better than the "mistake though then to be JESUS Faithful Again" can apply in not Your Works [such as with perhaps any "mistake"(s)] since as stated above to be in the NAME OF JESUS the Christ, hence Victory Over Confessional [also of values amounts and conditions]. For instance consider an Angel coming from Heaven to write this "riddle of the ages" (reference Daniel 5:7):

now Anewly from JESUS Spirit with the above "Eternal" "Christian" You as much as pertinent [if with this JESUS Sermon and in the situation] may opt to understand from the Heart Of JESUS, yet also when the Angel so tells then to be able to JESUS Spirit Preach for the Angel to also "understand from the Heart Of JESUS".

Book Of Daniel Hand Writing On The Wall.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Book Of Daniel Hand Writing On The Wall, JESUS Spirit


Now with this JESUS Christian New Understanding From The Heart Of JESUS While Yet In the JESUS Spirit consider the secular type definition and rather the JESUS Soul Definition of Ephesians 6:12 Berean Study Bible "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.". So JESUS Eternal Best For All applies as stated above, while "evil" concerns somewhat or exclusively as has been typical in this civilization [reference global secular, and money images and as if unknown "God" superscriptions] self opted delimited Tube Parameter and Firmament Level, as to be the "world's darkness" as the light has not yet from You Christian [as much as applies if at all] been "Given" as stated above, and far more likely that Your JESUS Spirit Word has hardly been received for to so Enlighten.

JESUS Finished It, and now here we are 2,000 years later starting to learn in JESUS Spirit Best For All Anew!

11 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals the answer to the riddle of the ages with Anewly Defining Precepts, Victory Over Yet With Leading Best For All Lifting from spiritual darkness Better Future Respect Appreciation Precept On Precept Flow Direction Best Way Prioritizing Mother Mary first trimester, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, Book Of Daniel 5:25 Military Intelligence Strategists Politicians Professors Scientists, MENE TEKEL PARSIN, courageous Battle of the Bulge without weapons plane tanks, Googolplex raised out of bounds.

Jesus Christ

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