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JESUS First In JESUS Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ Prayerfully One First = so to be in JESUS Spirit Hence With JESUS Christ.

Many very kind People have been in what They have called: the Holy Spirit. JESUS Christ = Praised because of the Righteous Prophets and JESUS Christ Exemplar Good Words With Deeds. Though this Sermon would fall if not to tell the Whole Truth at this point: many Christians have been in secular works of various fallen faith types, and such mixed spirits have been carried into what had been known as the Holy Spirit [in other words spirits lacking JESUS Inclusive Leadership Spirit Oneness, such as saying "He's right there" and such as "JESUS is not the Holy Spirit" hence proof].

The Holy Spirit today 2020AD anno Domini in the "Year of Our Lord" indicates "the number of years that have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ" ( and ibid. is with the word "Our" with a capital letter, so this concerns Christians already in the Name of JESUS Christ, hence not in UNKNOWN GOD(S) spirit(s), instead in JESUS Christ Spirit known as JESUS Spirit.

The words "already in the Name of JESUS Christ", apply concerning full repentance. Even so as Christians Ascend in JESUS Spirit Grace, and this concerns "Grace" rather than about being ordered to do so under Law, this is like unto as written in Romans 5:13 Aramaic Bible "For until The Written Law, sin was in the universe, but it was not accounted as sin, because there was no written law.", so this Sermon writes this pertinent Precept of JESUS Spirit:

For until The Written Law, Grace was in the universe, but it was not accounted as Grace, because there was no written JESUS Christ UN Law so Recognizing Higher Level Grace Above The Law.

Behold the Church Visitor hardly aware such as to see a store and wonder what's inside, and so to not be aware of criteria over the Eucharist and the forbidden partaking per se. With such also behold the new Baptized Church Member wondering what the Usher knows, and the Ushers Guiding some to Church Officers for special concerns such as about advertising and such as for contractors to do their jobs. So as the Ascending Gracefully progresses to Member to Usher to Officer, the criteria over each [in JESUS Spirit One] position becomes more precise [this does not say any test of faith], so this is like unto learning to be experts in various types of legal venues such as legal expertise about traffic injury Lawyers, and Others such as with expertise in patents.

Yet in JESUS Spirit Grace is hardly about the various Ivory Towers and rather the JESUS Spirit Grace Ascending In The Straight And Narrow. As written in

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Tower Of Babel rather JESUS Christ United Nations Law JESUS Spirit Precept On Precept Straight And Narrow


Just as many opted to stray and turn from grace to build the Tower Of Babel and fall, so too applies as was written in John 6:66 "Because of this saying, many of his disciples went back and were not walking with him.": the "many" could not walk with JESUS Grace because they died, the workers of faiths spirit in their own works of hands were crushed from the collapse of the Tower Of Babel and the others that had been in favor of the strayed ways and so for the Tower Of Babel strayed more as they went into their own opted types of confusions [confused languages, type of tongues, languages not understood by each other displeasure to them and they disbanded and separated].

Now Of Grace In JESUS Spirit Ascending Awareness rather than under letter of the laws the used to merely divide [until 2020AD JESUS Christ UN Law as stated above], JESUS Spirit Likewise Gives This New Better Grace Victory Over yet with record of as written in Romans 3:20 "Because by works of The Written Law no one is justified before him, for by The Written Law sin has been made known." as Ascendingly Anewly for the JESUS Christ Loyal is Now Written "Because by works of The Written Grace All may opt to be justified before Him, for Together With The Written Legally Recognized Higher Grace JESUS Leadership Increasingly Better Becomes Better made known with JESUS Christ Broadcasting." in many forms and venues and as much as All Civilizing Best Way.

"Written Grace" become Anewly JESUS Spirit You and rather We All Say and Write Our Sermons and likewise We Together Write Our Civilization and Our Civilizing: JESUS Christ Living Bible.

This JESUS First In JESUS Spirit Sermon is so Titled because of a Better event this morning in dreamful conditional value [from in the midst of strayed ways spirits then Ascending to Alert Awareness with greater control amount] to Awake kneeling Praying JESUS Christ associated value. Yet consider this: the fall of this civilization since the Garden Of Eden, and now a little better "associated value" in JESUS Grace Ascending Straight And Narrow (see above Anewly: Romans 5:13 & Romans 3:20) becomes a Tremendous Leverage Point!

And how to compare, as civilization had been as fads and surveys as if each was more important than former verses and definitions [and "each" and All We can Be such as specified in this Sermon Anewly] [even the secular makes improvements such as the Internet] and yet relatively as an all too often loose cannon ball that had been rolling about on civilization deck and a danger to all, yet Now with JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace properly, legally, this is as to utilize unseen magnetic forces to control that loose cannon ball, even if to merely hold it in place [as many opted to hold others such as in prisons under the rod of discipline when such as welfare and the fishing rod might rather have eased tensions better while providing such as fish values and other values [welfare is a stop gap secular measure, JESUS Christ is the Answer and welfare too needs be Recognizing the "Law" as stated above].

As JESUS Spirit Improves Graceful Ascending in All as stated above, We Together can expect Better but let Us not Hope too much about Ourselves if at all [even so Grace, for instance about "Better" for self: JESUS Christ Ascended after the tomb: let Us rather Best Way Help Together Glory].

Law has been about the pitfall hole (Ruth 1:1), JESUS Spirit Grace concerns JESUS Christ One.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ smiling even though with showing a hole in His Hand


6 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over Verses Anewly, as Grace is Anewly Revealed as has been kept secret since the world began with how to live Better and Best For All, JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Better Grace Spirit: read the new Romans 5:13 and Romans 3:20 verses in New Better Translations pertinent for the Higher Levels not under Law, Precept On Precept Straight And Narrow, Bible Formulas, Tower Of Babel rather JESUS Christ United Nations Law.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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