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JESUS Spirit Flow Or Other, Sermon.

JESUS Christ Offers New Fundamental Principles Of Faith for the JESUS Christ Christian Church [Best For All] concerning Evangelism. The JESUS Spirit Way is through JESUS Christ as already prepared, such as if looking for water Moses tapped the rock, and such as today if to look for water You might through JESUS Christ Say And Do as currently Given [if no answer heard from Praying JESUS Christ the Original Exemplar then according to the Miracles such as about Immersion Baptism, and the JESUS Flow Path].

"Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.

Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life." (John 4:13 & 14 Berean Study).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Lead With JESUS Christ or at least Believe and Follow, JESUS Christ the Original Exemplar Faith or then according to the Miracles the Works sake, JESUS Spirit Flow Sermon Or Other


JESUS Spirit Flow concerns You and We All Saying And Doing as JESUS Christ and if Sent on a JESUS Christ Mission then like unto a Branch or root tributary or fruit or leaves...Best For The Whole, but if other than the Saved Of Christian Evangelism Flow, then Firmaments with mezzanine sublevels and conditions apply, in other words look at these next two lines [#1 & #2], the first Triad line (#1) has been temptation, but the next formula line (#2) is false [as the strayed ways of false prophets]:

1. Christian Preacher / lazy secular Person / a selfish Murderer.

2. Christian Preacher = lazy secular Person x a selfish Murderer.

The Christian Preacher is Better Than (many Bible Precepts Apply such as Proverbs 16:19) a lazy secular Person, and a lazy secular Person is Better Than (many Bible Precepts Apply such as Proverbs 19:22) if a selfish Murderer. But lazy secular People with secular Murderers is not what a Christian Preacher should Be: if to be lazy then hardly to prepare and Give the Sermon Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty Stellar Heavenly, and if to be a Murderer then hardly to be with as much Mass if any. "All" as stated above, need be Lifted, hence Evangelized and Better, of Us Each And Rather All (if "Each" "then hardly to be with as much Mass" applies).

JESUS The Creator Spirit is All, in the Christian Preacher, in the Lazy, and in the Murderer. Though the "Lazy" and the "Murderer" with capital lettering emphasis here denotes the respect for Them as JESUS The Creator Created Them In Good Faith: but if such "Lazy" and "Murderer" People stray and pass from census, such as from levels, and such as from Spirit levels, then as such opted, but such does not relieve the Christian Evangelist from Responsibility such as to Broadcast JESUS Christ Better as much as fitting [more about "fitting" than about excuses though JESUS Christ Higher Purpose in Given situations can apply, such as in the census sense if at Church Mass then hardly to be also on the street Evangelizing (reference Godsling)].

So there is a Higher Level Grace Flow (hundreds of Sermons in this Series with such were illegally censored: extra reason for You to Broadcast online as with Angelfire Lycos and

There is an under Law secular worldly flow up to a Firmament Threshold of full repentance, and there is a JESUS Christ Spirit Of Grace Flow Higher. A Person anxious to follow a certain TV recipe calling for 2 oranges might go to a grocery store and might see the last available bag of 3 oranges so perhaps might buy the bag even though one of the oranges looks past optimum ripeness. Some Spirits in People, Souls, might be becoming ripe although Their census flesh is past and turned to dust. So many types of conditions apply like unto double meanings that the lower levels cannot ascend through without Higher Level Grace In JESUS Christ Of His Protective For The Innocent Original Plan (Isaiah 45:17) (rather than Ephesians 2:12)

in other words as to drive to on a road but to encounter a toll booth without the price JESUS Christ Already Paid.

JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with Triad Flow With Formula proof defining hence how to be aware of what a false prophet is, therefore to Help Guide Better Awareness of what a JESUS Christ Righteous Prophet is, and what a JESUS Christ Righteous Preacher is, and what a JESUS Christ Righteous Evangelist is.

The secular worldly careless naysayer warriors worked to help explain in former times under laws that did not make perfect, such as to say in cliche "God favors those with the most artillery" [Thank You Warriors, yet Souls Rejoice a Better Solving from JESUS Christ has arrived as You Hoped]. Like unto the above are two lines: the first had been considered righteous, the second is unrighteous:

A. JESUS Faith / B. More Artillery / C. Foot Soldiers.

JESUS Faith = More Artillery x Foot Soldiers.

Trying to improve is with value, but certainly in the secular worldly under the level that does "not make perfect", it is often not even 50% right [a failing grade] (see previous on flip-of-a-coin), as it has often been merely 33 1/3 rd right ("A"): "A" minus opted "B" types and amounts and rates [of moving "Artillery" through mud, over mountains,...] minus opted "C" types and amounts and rates.

Let JESUS Christ Spirit show Us how to make a proper Triad that Flows into Better Living Mutually [enemies, rather Parties] and even Better For All [Party: whether census governing is this system of parties or that other system of votes or appointments or such is hardly this point as much as covered in this Sermon].

JESUS Loyalty / JESUS Faith / JESUS One Evangelism.

JESUS Loyalty = JESUS Faith x JESUS One Evangelism.

And Better is:

JESUS Loyalty / JESUS Faith / JESUS One Successful Evangelism.

JESUS Loyalty = JESUS Faith x JESUS One Successful Evangelism.

JESUS Faith = JESUS One Successful Evangelism x JESUS One Evangelism.

Now: what makes "JESUS One Evangelism" Good? JESUS! But "JESUS One Evangelism" failed concerning "Successful", like unto "More Artillery" in "mud", and "More Artillery" for more deaths is wrong: the unseen goodly results do not automatically mean failure(s), as in JESUS Name many Souls are Saved and hardly because of merely a single Evangelist: The JESUS Way Evangelism Is Planted Into Their Souls: These Seeds and Sprouts Grow Together As One "Highest Purpose" like a lawn that together rises to meet the sunlight, and rather as Christians Ascend For To Best Help All [without worship of destructive as if gods, without worship of artillery nor wars that risk the self and all so far worked to accomplish (see above "Protective For The Innocent Original Plan (Isaiah 45:17)").

As a minimum the "JESUS One Evangelism" also did not fail since to be trained in good is not failure. As an Elder Preacher fits Precepts of JESUS Words Together, the Elder Preacher may find Better How To Solve Better for the more "Successful Evangelism" that the Evangelizing rate be improved and so as a Preacher then Broadcasting hence the many Evangelizing may opt to enter into the Proven Better. But the "More Artillery" does no such thing, Artillery hardly cares who it murders: it is equipment, under the Human Firmament, under Dominion. To use a Murderer for to gain money is to enter into guilt against All. First Right The Murder, hence Baptize The Person, then Together All For Better All.

JESUS Christ Eternal came in Genesis, Matthew,...and so on, yet rather than waiting Be Leading In JESUS Christ Oneness and as JESUS Christ Would Like That Of You His Highest Purpose Be Accomplished, so to not merely wait for sign and Miracles and then after-the-fact respond, rather Lead in His Spirit Faithfully even if merely with what JESUS said in the Bible as written, and in so JESUS Christ Prayerfully One You Leading Loyally, You become the great Good sign for this civilization, become Their Best Miracle as All Hoped.

Let JESUS Lead Your Life, or if otherwise JESUS Will Come when You Faithfully Let JESUS Opt.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS is coming in the Golden Cube and then JESUS is coming on foot through the Christian [2020AD] Jerusalem, Israel, East Wall


21 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with Triad Flow With Formulae types of proofs defining hence how to be aware of what a false prophet is, therefore to Help Guide Better Awareness of what a JESUS Christ Righteous Prophet is, and what a JESUS Christ Righteous Preacher is, and what a JESUS Christ Righteous Evangelist is with how to become a More Successful Evangelist Formula As The Best For All JESUS Faith is Better than secular worldly eformula orb proof system correlations conditionally Anewly Better, JESUS Christ arrived throughout history, and JESUS comes, and JESUS is coming in the Golden Cube and then JESUS is coming on foot through the Christian [2020AD] Jerusalem, Israel, East Wall, Bible Godsling, GodMath Testament, 3rd Testament, 4th Testament.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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