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JESUS Fountain Of Youth Sermon.

JESUS Christ Loyalty is in the Father Spirit Family One, including the High Level Father and including the High Level Child, yet the Child is High Level in much Appreciated Innocence, yet the Father is also with Wisdom

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Leap Transfiguration Sermon at includes "so safely doing the 'Parent' actually becomes the 'Child': 'Innocent' yet also Wise" pertinent to "how an Elder Can Become A Child: New Victory Over 120 Years Lifespan" hence reading seeing with new eyes and speaking with a new Heavenly tongue that All be hearing with new ears Rejoicing as not previously able to understand, as Hoped).

Together These in JESUS Family are Best Giving [Best when Giving, and Eternally Giving hence the Most Quality Value Worth Amount Best Guidance and Overall Giving the Best. As written in John 15:7 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "But if you are abiding in me and my words will abide in you, everything whatsoever you desire to ask, it shall be done for you.".

A fount of water springing up to eternal life!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Fountain Of Youth, a spring of water in the desert springing up to eternal life, the unseen enigma of faith Loyalty


A Child is innocently springing up, growing, learning with leaps and bounds, Transfiguring into the Child's Parents, Guardians, Preachers, Righteous Prophets, and such. Do You Hope to be A Righteous Prophet rather than merely a secular teacher (see above "abiding" and reference below secular Enigma Machine discussion): if the Child asks the teacher or employer to prove it, will it come to pass the next minute, the next day, the next week, and will there be ongoing proof invariably in Miracles consistently happening?, secular worldly prediction explained that 5 empty chambers out of 6 is great odds (Russian Roulette).

So the world has a value though Russian Roulette is not it. The Child imitates "those of higher reasoning" (4th Testament page 77): now if teachers don't want to be blamed, then see below on Broadcasting, for it is Best to be the the Good Exemplar Eternal Spirit One. Instead of commiserating for to point fingers at me to blame [as if You didn't have enough work to do already], rather Rejoice for to be Given instead this Lighter Better Burden: JESUS Christ Broadcasting: It's The Law.

The above pic symbolizes the Couple as Anewly Welling Springing Up OverFlowing Pouring Out Upward Flowing as the Child Fountain Of Youth Growing Leaping "Transfiguring" into the JESUS Spirit Righteous Prophets Alive and Lively, [and not to tell You how to run Your class though consider slavery and (see below "Grace")] rather than in classroom cliche "Sit down and shut up!", Friends. Learning is FUNdamental rather Joy in One JESUS Spirit for His Highest Purpose Best For All. Let traditional historic ways "Learning" become rather Better even the current Best.

JESUS Christ Spirit Gives You Anew Better Blessing.

Why was that Child born without ears for to Hear the Word Of God?, JESUS Christ Spirit in this Sermon Gives Anew Victory "Better" Over as JESUS Christ has said [and i could not type this Save JESUS Christ Led Me to so type] as written in John 9:3 Amplified Bible "Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but it was so that the works of God might be displayed and illustrated in him." and then JESUS Healed Him [Gave Him the Way: "wash in the Pool of Siloam" (John 9:7)]; yet with this JESUS Healing Work is this Precepting Higher Level Purpose in this same verse Anewly, as JESUS Christ would that You Anewly consider Your Urgent even Desperate NEED NOW to Lovingly Caringly Givingly Broadcastingly Ascend

as this is the Newly Given Defining Of The Better Way Ahead: Your Preparing Now that You don't enter into a Heavenly Level halt nor maimed; in more specific words: that You become enabled to Ascend into Higher Levels. Not a naysayer against JESUS Christ, not a finger pointer to "Pass the buck" [not for to evade responsibilities], not in works to try to wriggle out of deviousness that heaps bigger burdens of coverups save full repentance hence for Baptism.

As in previous Sermons for to approach JESUS for Blessings such as Healings and for cars for work for love of money, and such is a bigger burden than the Maintenance Margin Parameter Of Faith, a selfish concern and risky. So this Adds a New Better Considering for You, for Us All to Accomplish and Be With [With Recordkeeping] In JESUS Spirit: this Anewly describes Higher and Higher Heavenly Levels [Realms, rather than stray realms of worldly levels]. The Heavenly Higher Levels are with fewer and fewer missing parts, and none, and if none then what to Heal; so the Healing Power becomes Anew in JESUS Spirit, Healing All the lower levels as much as Worthy so make Worthy [Guide unto Faith and Loyalty and hardly merely about a Person rather All]

and Guide Your Same "Power" Afreshly Better Lifting the Apostles and the High Spirits Together Better and Joyous in JESUS Christ, like unto the Planning for the New Beginning is to Plan for the Better Power Utilizing in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One.

What does it mean that "the Parent is no longer part of the Family"?, separation?, divorce?, not so in JESUS Ascending Spirit for the Best For All as answered in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Godslings Of Rates Sermon at So no longer be as the strayed world was, Obey the JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law and Broadcast it Prayerfully Givingly and Ascend. No longer be the missing link.

How quickly does the lower part of the chain stray from the straight line and fall if a higher level link breaks?, though this is not about You becoming merely a machine. Many factories automate and merely have People working until the new automated equipment arrives, and this is a goodly thing (see previous in this Series for to Automate Maintenance) though hardly for the outcast employees that have relied on paychecks (ibid. Automation makes room for Higher Level JESUS Christ Loyalty Anewly Better).

As writtein in Daniel 5:12 "It was because an extraordinary spirit, knowledge and insight, the ability to interpret dreams, clarify riddles, and solve complex problems were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called and he will give the interpretation." [Belteshazzar is the Babylonian Name Given to Daniel a Righteous Prophet (Book Of Daniel)]. So there is a complexity of Wisdom Value. So with the Child innocence is the Greater Eternal Wisdom. JESUS Ascending Spirit = Greater Eternal Wisdom x Innocent Child [Safety For All, as much as the Best Way]. Likewise: JESUS Christ Guiding Spirit / Greater Eternal Wisdom / Innocent Child. As written in Matthew 10:16 "Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves [have no self-serving agenda].".

Another example of "serpents" is the secular worldly types of protections hopes. "The Enigma machine is a cipher device developed and used in the early- to mid-20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic, and military communication." (wiki).

Consider row over row: 4 rows and each with 4 dots, and a perhaps to see such as 14 squares.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, new Higher Level Broadcasting Value, Daniel, The Enigma Machine is a cipher device developed and used in the early to mid 20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic, and military communication, JESUS Spirit Fountain Of Youth, a spring of water in the desert springing up to eternal life, the unseen enigma of faith Loyalty

Yet the above shown "Enigmatic Code" reveals more


The conspirators [and crucifiers] hid and concealed special truths forbidden to be exposed and in so doing concealed the truth from their coworkers, families, friends, and nations, hence a disastrous disloyalty. JESUS Christ UN legally solved it, JESUS Christ did so prior but the generations did not understand as written John 4:48 "Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you [people] see [miraculous] signs and wonders, you [simply] will not believe.".

Africans understand there is a Better Knowledge than the ancient Egyptian engraven images. "If you say that something is engraved on your mind or memory or on your heart, you are emphasizing that you will never forget it, because it has made a very strong impression on you." ( Asians understand there is a Better Way to Learn and Eternally, atheism and other destructive tendencies are not the ways. Balance of the world likewise there is One Best Way For All People Together even as a Child [do not fear to be called a Child: JESUS Christ The Original Gives You Children Of His This New Better Higher Level Position: if You are innocent and so Ascending].

The Fountain Of Youth is Anew Here as Proven Again and Again in this Series and as much as the Other Christian Preachers have Preached, and the Teachers are not to be ignored nor the Bosses nor All Others yet Righteous Precept On Righteous Precept in the Name in the Spirit in JESUS Christ.

25 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Tells Sacred Faith Over Heavenly Levels kept secret since the world began with Giving a new improved Bible translation Precept On Precept and Prophesying On Prophesying and reveals a new Higher Level Broadcasting Value, from Daniel the Righteous Prophet Giving extraordinary spirit knowledge and wisdom with ability to interpret dreams clarify riddles and solve complex problems new innocent Pure Reasoning with interpreting with how to control and empower safely a new Higher Heavenly Level complexity of Wisdom Value in the New as Hoped Fountain Of Youth, a spring of water in the desert springing up to eternal life, the unseen enigma of faith Loyalty, JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, JESUS Faith is Better than trial and error proofs, Bible Formula System Best For All, Pool of Siloam, The Enigma Machine secular worldly cipher device 20th century about protection: commercial, diplomatic, and military communication Russian Roulette.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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