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JESUS Fulfilling Need Sermon.
JESUS Christ Fulfilled All Things (Matthew 5:17), as much as Good Righteously For the New Beginning Better than the Garden Of Eden. People are with the Gift to opt, hence to know logic and knowledge is to stray if not yet with Higher Level Love than current level. A glimpse of former strayed ways, at the risk of sounding crazy but this is the JESUS Christ Spirit Way and not crazy, is many have wanted their Relatives to be Healed and many wanted JESUS to Convert their nasty secular boss into a nice boss: selfish knowledge and flip-of-coin logic have been nearly as much about good as about sin [though the JESUS Christ Way is Good and ultimate Victor].
JESUS already opted, so Your only need, if any, is the result of the Faith Path From Which You strayed as You opted.
(..."Child To The Hospital – Emergency").
If Your Child was run over by a truck, do You need the Healing for that Child?, Before The Fact: Yes.
JESUS Christ did not have to cause pains in order to Heal.
Even so, JESUS Christ Exemplar invites All to Improve
for instance these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Ascend from starter level to Best Ever Level.
If a truck ran over a Child that normally means passed from the Census hence to many in lower levels it meant: too late.
Not to confuse the issue, though After JESUS Christ Praying With Work "Before The Fact" The Best Way, if there is an indicator of a problem then at the first indicator is the best time ([ancillary to Loyalty] hence a Maintenance Responsibility priority) to instantly in the Name Of JESUS Christ Aloud Overcome Looking For The Good amount, and not to be disgusting rather Edifying if merely a drop of blood remains then such is as much as Good in Maintenance is to be Responsibly Applied, while allowing for Higher than Maintenance level: allowing for the Person to Ascend In Spirit Into JESUS Christ Heaven Oneness.
As very often stated in this Sermons Series: First Praying JESUS Christ Function the JESUS Christ Way, then the other things happen. So this reveals whether You are On Track or not. So how to know if You are on The JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way Ascending track? is to see if the Miracles that follow Your Loyalty are Perfect, Best. "Perfect" is JESUS Christ, rather than love of money, and rather than to lift a pistol if to think it might be needed to put holes in a Person: "to put holes in a Person" is to make sick, not Better not Heal not "Perfect" not the JESUS Christ Original Protector Plan for All Best Way Ascending (see previous Sermon on "how to Control Miracles Before The Fact").
What is the way to solve if with a splinter?, pull it out, pulling it out often causes pains; though note and not necessarily recommended my most recent splinter did not cause pain and after-the-fact of some activities i noticed it and tried to remove it and it did not cause pain though was too deep to reach under the fingernail without digging, damaging, so i left the little thing in there and thanks be for JESUS Christ the next day it was gone, whether dissolved or fell out or other Miracle! As stated above the Loyalty for JESUS Christ Best For All is First [even though before "the next day" i was on Maintenance break per se] Importance, and then the lower level Responsibilities.
Under legal: pertinent conditionally of a situation is "This means that competition rules in a signatory jurisdiction are in force ‘de jure’ but not ‘de facto’ and at least potentially this may put the opportunities foreseen in the trade agreement at risk." (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development COMPETITION PROVISIONS IN TRADE AGREEMENTS) as "jure" is the way to make a person or plan [such as software automating lower levels conflicts] into a juror. So the lower levels of selfishness have been in lower levels of works to compete against JESUS Christ Name Spirit Leadership et alia likewise. Similar is force majeure "1. Law unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract. 2. irresistible compulsion or greater force." (Google). So Legally this describes and even defines much about Higher Level JESUS Christ!
Historically prior to the Advent Of JESUS Christ about 2,000 years ago, wrongly interpreted was that force meant to persecute the wrongdoers including allowing for mistakes such as against innocent Children that in many situations were mistakenly considered wrong whether in home or school or playground amidst Children persecuting Children. This JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting For All Aware is the Better Way than such as about "spare the rod and spoil the child".
Matthew 7:12 New Living Translation "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets". And "essence" is "the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character" hence technically and legally and Faithfully not merely in this Sermon is the "quality" of JESUS Christ "character" "without" JESUS Christ the Created "would not exist" and We would not "be what" We are (quotes from
More concisely the Kingdom Of Heaven shall not be taken by force Save the Desperate Love Spirit Of The Innocently Giving JESUS Christ Leadership, and "Innocently" is not merely secularly technically and legally yet even so that "a little child will lead them all" (from Isaiah 11:6 New Living Translation).
JESUS Christ said the verse in this sentence, and it was said this Way for a future reason, [though for this situation the interpretation also importantly applies], as JESUS Christ said "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the gospel of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it" ( Berean Standard Bible) and with the Pulpit Commentary is this Edifying for this generation as though [in the pertinent generation need Edifying sense] Better than the verse [though the JESUS Christ unseen amount is exceedingly Better (not explained in this Sermon)] as if to mean "Better than the" words of JESUS Christ?, no. For this generation is this Desperately NEEDED Better Loving Way as the Pulpit Commentary clarifies:
"Up to the period of John the Baptist,"..."the old" [strayed ways] "of" [lower levels of practices were] "continued in force" under coercions and crucifixions. "With" JESUS Christ "began a new era; no longer were the old",..."the kingdom of God was to be enlarged, the old wall of separation was to be taken down" [rather the JESUS Christ Better Way to be Broadcast For All].
Even a lost Child can follow footprints in the snow to find [JESUS Christ] Home.
8 October 2020.
tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with answering how to Heal? therefore first how to know if You are on The JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way Ascending track? hence to Providing Desperate Love For All Anewly Heaven is taken by force as Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development COMPETITION PROVISIONS IN TRADE AGREEMENTS LAW may spare the rod.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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