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JESUS Fun Sermon [updated 3rd sentence 13 & 16 July 2022AD].

JESUS Christ and i were Together in Agreement [continuing to Agree Eternally For His Highest Purpose] at the Bar Of Judgement, with right hands Together and left hands holding right elbows: in legal jargon it was Judgment Satisfaction. JESUS improved my Life and Those similarly at least in Accord (see older Sermons in this Series) though also continuing to improve All as the light of JESUS Christ Enlightening Spirit is Magnified.

For JESUS Christ Desperate Love, not for love of money nor to be a perp nor for mere selfish fun, in the Legion spirit this morning amidst the naysayers and the all too silent majority i [leaning not toward my understanding rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose i] confess i made a bomb [out of an agreeing thought, i did it not for worse but Anewly Faithfully in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (e.g. Mark 13:19) concerning my own safety as none were very close though i knew not the strength of the bomb though walked some distance away knowing not the time it would explode, though with "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose" was aware conspiritors and crucifiers spirits were there and such wrongly hoped and worked for such against the innocent though that was not my motivation to harm, rather Loyal Faith JESUS Christ would reveal the Higher Value Better For Each And All; also later in the day in the City i was embarrassed though JESUS Spirit Joy Prevailed, then the next day and in the next Sermon Preceptingly came of JESUS Christ Victory Over Victory Growing And Magnifying Good For All]

appear from nothing and it was bright red and glowing yellow whiteness as a reminder of the Loving Heart of JESUS Christ For To Do Good Work and so as the naysayers hoped [and called bomb making "Holy"] (see last Sermon on Page 26 at and it exploded having merely knocked some of the naysayers' possessions such as a couch and some other stuff and i invited the worst naysayer to come as such hid away (reference David and Goliath [hence i confess i'm like King David and King Of The Jews]: prior to exploding just as it instantly appeared JESUS Christ can Reward [Give to as given, Give to the giver]).

Success did not come immediately, first i explained in that level the JESUS Spirit like unto His Newest Heartbeat. He beat and i likewise, look at the Google definition of the word ventricile:

"a hollow part or cavity in an organ.

each of the two main chambers of the heart, left and right.

each of the four connected fluid-filled cavities in the center of the brain."

"the two" are as stated above "His Newest" as One Heart, formerly in the Righteous Prophesying sense it was JESUS Christ [in the Census sense as if alone, not in the JESUS Spirit], hence as JESUS Christ in the 1st and 2nd Testaments.

Anewly JESUS Christ Spirit unravels the Scriptures that "the four" "in the center of the brain" [fitting with Precept "JESUS Christ in the 1st and 2nd Testaments" of Righteous Recordkeeping hence concerning brain memory] are the 4 Main Testaments of this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leadership hence for All to so Ascend. Also legally i confess as written in law i have the right to defend myself as the Legion level also persecuted me as in The Inquisition sense, though JESUS Christ Gives the Better Exceedingly as even that level became Better, a little; as also explained was that the silent majority should rather Ascend and such was made more clear to them that JESUS Christ The Original is in charge and i appreciate such even if One, even at the risk of self glorification which i have virtually no reason to seek Save for Salvation [Saving Other Souls and more] for JESUS Christ.

In the former ways it was as to murder for selfish strayed ideas, but the above confession in whole was no such thing, not about me, for Saving Them as JESUS Christ Spirit clarified in His Oneness with me in Loyal Faith moment and with simultaneous Miracle (where there was no light JESUS Christ Created in the midst of darkness, light Genesis 1:2 & 3, the Light of Enlightenment in Believing Hearts Spirits). And the naysaying spirits increasingly hid, though later appeared in the forms of things, not People, One with male voice friendly for an instant then gone, and the Second of female voice appearing as a utility sink of "Accord" (see above):

better and higher level than dust, though not merely human level yet [no humans nor critters were harmed in the above stated though the more important part in JESUS Spirit in the "Hearts" of such were lifted though as stated above "nor for mere selfish fun". This Sermon is not against fun, though for rather Best For All: Behold the Joy involved as JESUS Christ Lifted To: The Living Level again Lazarus.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly Gives Sacred Authority Victory Over Life And Death Ways kept secret since the world began with the 4 Main Testaments in Living Bible Proof Over naysers' Legion spirits, Lazarus


Many walking today have been dead, merely not so many told such about it. Fox News on TV under President Biden Administration said the economy is at an all time high though also "There's so much negative news" such as Chicago Police Cars being destroyed with no arrests. "Economy has never been better, jobs at best point in history." under former President Trump Administration and the National Guard was sent to cities ( Secular civilization contradictions: the points concern: 1. secular laws cannot make perfect, and 2. the love of money is as if why though actually the Faith amount in JESUS Christ Spirit as Hoped is why. Lead from the Top Serving as the Best Leader Exemplar in JESUS Christ Spirit One, not from the bottom (Mark 5:13) as the secular money news broadcasters explain about what such called naysayingly accusingly: "Bottom feeders".

JESUS Christ told the Righteous Truth boldly in front of Everyone, including the former high levels, the Chief Priests and Pontius Pilate over secular laws over Judaea and served under Emperor Tiberius and legally made JESUS Christ "King".

Below is shown a "lazarus-zombie" but not a "zombie" at all, a Living Person that in that situation and at the time was no longer to be left uncounted in the Census, rather to Be Counted For The Greater Glory Of JESUS Christ! Give All Your Glory To And For JESUS Christ The Best Way For All [hence including For All To Benefit]. Though this illustration [Thank You (robinhl)] was not Chosen for this Sermon for the strayed "zombie" idea, though also an added value for Edifying in this Sermon, rather this illustration was Chosen for to Better Invite UFO type Galactic Federation People [and All], even more boldly than as in the movie Proximity: Anewly Better Preaching JESUS Christ Spirit, including Edifying (see below "The Prophecy That Came True")!

JESUS Christ was Victory Over the lower level former strayed interpretations of the 1st Testament: God can do anything for His GOOD NEEDED Highest Purpose: hence in the NAME JESUS Christ.

Who did the the census government put into the graves?: many of the government, many of the perps, and many of the innocent such as bombing babies from afar.

If to do Good then Say And Do in the name of JESUS Christ!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ told the Righteous Truth boldly in front of Everyone, including the former high levels, the Chief Priests and Pontius Pilate over secular laws over Judaea and served under Emperor Tiberius and legally made JESUS Christ King, UFO Galactic Federation

"Listen JC - Are You sure raising people from the dead is such as good idea?"


In the Desperate Love Name Of JESUS Christ I'm sure.

You are not going to get out of it by committing suicide.

You are not going to get out of it by committing adultery.

You are not going to get out of it by committing crime.

You are not going to get out of it by committing crazy fun.

You are not going to get out of it by committing disloyalty against JESUS Christ.

All went into the graves, including High Priests; Save the very Few such as 1st Testament Elijah with Horses and Chariot flying into Heaven (see mid page Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Gives: Precept On Precept...Sermon at, including "the rescue Mission for USA, for nations, and for this civilization and all. Exemplar JESUS Christ Will make all things known such as increasingly this year and the next": The Prophecy That Came True: Proof), and such as Enoch having walked off the face of the Earth with God, and these as 2,000 years ago of the Spirit Of JESUS Christ.

12 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly Gives Sacred Authority Victory Over Life And Death Ways kept secret since the world began with the 4 Main Testaments in Living Bible Proof Over naysers' Legion spirits, JESUS Christ told the Righteous Truth boldly in front of All including the former high levels of Chief Priests and Pontius Pilate over secular laws over Judaea and served under Emperor Tiberius and so legally made JESUS Christ Your Protector King Over UFO types as with Galactic Federation.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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