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JESUS Christ Fundamental Principles Sermon.

JESUS Christ Preachers are with Fundamental Principles Of Faith such as the Golden Rule. Christian Preachers are with the Pillars Of Faith, The Righteous Path as with Church Membership then Ushering then Church Officer then Preacher, the Ascending Stairway Into Heaven Precept On Precept, and Faith Founded On The Rock JESUS Christ With Saint Peter Likewise The Founder Of The Christian Church. Christian Preachers are with Immersion Baptism and the Eucharist and the greater words of JESUS Christ.

These Are Good. The previous Sermon explained the horrific monsters that are coming and already attacking so many People already as seen in Person, on the Internet and as seen on TV, and in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Directed Energy Pulses Sermon at was written "JESUS Christ protects me") (see giant sized monsters in ancient artworks such as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: From the dead to the living Sermon at showing the giant Behemoth and the giant Dragon Serpent and the giant Leviathan of Revelation 12:3 that this morning JESUS Christ Spirit One has swept [cleansed of His Blood]).

It has been all too often said in this Series about the Naysayers attacking as the Legions, attacking Each Other and me and yet JESUS Christ including with this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Mission has been Continually Overwhelmingly Bringing Joy that the attacks become insignificant relative to the Overwhelming Joy(s). And this previous night the attacks were again and just as ridiculous as the previous and JESUS Christ Preaching made Himself known and

JESUS Christ said "fundamental principles are not for to take".

So rather than the former lower levels strayed and fallen ways such as about as stated above "JESUS Christ protects me", i said "I Give You My Protector": and the confusions waned and the attacks ceased. If They forget, We can remind Them. Write Your Living Bible and Broadcast it, and be saying Good rather than other, hence be with the Words As JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave For Best For You And For All Likewise.

Shown here is what the Ichthyostega of land and water 365 million years ago would have evolved to be


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit explains fundamental principles are not for to take so this Sermon Gives The Protector with Astonishing things of Sacred Faith since the world began as All Should, though many opted other deviously hence about how to become lower than the Human lower level Firmament and turn into a sick monstrous critter such as giant Behemoth giant Dragon Serpent giant Leviathan

The cute Harbor Seal skull is similar in size and characteristics to the Black Bear


If not to Ascend in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Best Way For All, to stray to fall. The Chosen People were mad and wanted meat, so the Lord Gave as written in Numbers 11:31 New American Standard Bible "Now a wind burst forth from the LORD and it brought quail from the sea, and dropped them beside the camp, about a day’s journey on this side and a day’s journey on the other side all around the camp, and about two cubits deep on the surface of the ground.", and it became a plague, and as written in Daniel 4:33 "Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws.".

Rather than devolving, You can become [an Usher and] a Priest.

Priests / Ushers / Humans / Animals / Plants.

The same Bible Flow Applies, whether Ascending or descending, also notice the light sources.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit explains fundamental principles are not for to take so this Sermon Gives The Protector with Astonishing things of Sacred Faith since the world began as All Should, though many opted other deviously hence about how to become lower than the Human lower level Firmament and turn into a sick monstrous critter, hair as feathers nails as bird claws


According to multitudes of images as engraved in stones and about false gods that enslaved and destroyed Good Civilized People, ancient civilizations that passed from the census shows part human part critter experiments, similar to as being done in medical science today. And much has been for security, in military science to make the "pure race" as it has been called and to make super athletes, and expert sharpshooters, and lightning quick reflex vessels with superbrains locked into computers.

Best Guidance First is required, it's the JESUS Christ UN Law, not an option.

Peace, Individual Rights, Dignity: such things are Values, not the problems. Love, Joy, Continuous Improving The Best Way For All is a Flow Direction, the opposite is as shown above and in the previous Sermon as the self concerned cannibal.

Millennia and civilizations showed how strayed corrupt ways proved self destructive to such civilizations, while the better civilizing caring for All, and less mentioned though more important for All being Priority hence the JESUS Christ Best Way as Proven (Lazarus Continued [some] after buried in the tomb, JESUS Christ after the tomb: He Lives!, Peter, James, and John likewise continue (see paintings pics in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Signature Sermon at

The Ascending become as Census People (John 20:15) and with New Powers such as shining as the lightning (Matthew 28:3), but to opt the other direction as critters with "claws" as explained above. Wars, suicide, and wanting too much selfishly does not necessarily equal sleep, it can mean loss of limbs such as due to the above mentioned "plague" and to change from human to under the Human lower level Firmament.

If You are of a spirit to ride a bike or to leave that bike, then an amount of cause and effect, but if to ride at high velocity while dismounting then there can be severe consequences. If to ride fast around a bend and there is gravel then perhaps to change from Healthy Human to unhealthy in NEED of Help. If to sever a safety net then perhaps to change more permanently. If to step into deep concrete while it is being poured then to be as Lot's Wife a pillar of salt in an instant. Every instant of not merely Your [His] life matters, yet also all of the Given Gift to opt, to think stray thoughts if not for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Also a Judge might merely see an Accused react when a word is mentioned and so pass sentence.

To ignore and stray from the Grace of the road signs has been the plan to be worse and the spirit of such answers to the Fundamental Principles, to ignore the bear trap sign is to risk losing a leg, to ignore the tar pit sign has been the fallen ways of some of the monstrous dinosaurs, though if to survive then to have figured out a [or some] way(s) to make the self [or group] go beneath the Human lower level Firmament Safety Net: to be an actual animal. And what would happen if You be found in works to cause Others to so be?

JESUS Christ Gives The Best. Other spirits have given other [careless selfishness has also applied]. If You want something, spirits can make it so.

14 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Christ Spirit explains fundamental principles are not for to take so this Sermon Gives The Protector with Astonishing things of Sacred Faith since the world began as All Should, though many opted other deviously hence about how to become lower than the Human lower level Firmament and turn into a sick monstrous critter such as giant Behemoth giant Dragon Serpent giant Leviathan.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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