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JESUS Future Sermon.

JESUS Christ Perfectly Perfects.

You may wonder: What can this Sermon do for me so that seeing [perceiving] i might Give to my Family and All and actually Better and Best?: this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Promises in this Sermon to Give You A Kingdom!

Now this New "Kingdom" is for Any For To Make It Alive And Better, hardly if at all about a challenge such as in the contest or wars sense, and rather of JESUS Christ Best Way For All Desperate Love Grace.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Promises for You A New Kingdom, Sacred and Faithful Over matters kept below since the world began with how to consider and rather Create in JESUS Christ Hope the New Better Kingdom, with Pertinent Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Grace Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Law Transparently Traceably From The Top With Best For All Bible Formulas hence new better Bible translations, also gif physics of better than how to stack planes on planes.


From the starting point, JESUS, Righteously Prophesyingly Come All Good Christ One Spirit, and with ancillary Miracles.

Here are some Ascending Flow things Preceptingly for making the victims the Victors. First Praying: Make JESUS Christ Original Exemplar First Broadcasting JESUS Christ yet if to Ascend from [as much as pertinent] Selfishness [Maintenance] to Families to Clans to Tribes to JESUS Christ One Nation hence to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace (with formulae specified in this Sermon) then consider this Christian Biblical Ascending [and Protective] Principle Of Faith concerning making [as though] Your victims the Victors [Yet Ascendingly More: rather His All Best!] as specified such as with these examples A, B, and C as 1:

A. JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Pointing The Best Way In Desperate Love One / Scroll Rolled Up / A written 2D page.

C. JESUS Christ 30 degrees as the Angels become One Living JESUS / 4 Growing Into Golden Cube Of JESUS Christ Second Coming / 4 Main Testaments.

The Ascending Angels For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All (line "C"), Righteously Prophesying Now are become Victory Over Line "B": the JESUS Christ Living Victory Over lower level secular knowledge about life. Hence for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All as written Matthew 19:30 Literal Standard Version "and many first will be last, and last first.".

B. JESUS Christ Point / JESUS Christ Scroll Line / JESUS Christ 30 degrees angles.

And this as JESUS Christ said, Agrees with the previous verse Precept as written in Luke 6:30 even the Better as With JESUS Spirit One from 2 translations:

International Standard Version "Keep on giving to everyone who asks you for something, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not insist on getting it back.", Preceptingly With

Literal Standard Version "And to everyone who is asking of you, be giving; and from him who is taking away your goods, do not be asking again;" as:

"be giving" and "Keep on giving to everyone" though explains about the source rather than about "something",

and to get "back" is to rather "not be asking" repetitiously [similar is looping (explained in this Series)].

And so as Promised above as JESUS Christ said as written in Luke 22:29 Young's Literal Translation "and I appoint to you, as my Father did appoint to me, a kingdom,"

Who freed the People?, the guy sitting under the fig tree (John 1:50)?, hardly; Christian Former President Lincoln?, hardly; me?, hardly; yet each and rather All Of These With JESUS Christ In One Yet Of Grace [rather than of laws that have enslaved], With Worthy JESUS Christ Leading Together.

The Soul under the fig tree per se was a sole, 1 single Person self edified [as much as in the moment as briefly mentioned in the Bible]. Christian Former President Lincoln brought a torn in half nation together, but in his own census name too much "sole", "single", "self". The Soul under the fig tree did a Great Good Thing, Christian Former President Lincoln did a Great Good Thing, Do a Great Good Thing.

Likewise as JESUS Christ Gave the Best Way For All, Ascend from [as much as pertinent] Selfishness [Maintenance] to Families to Clans to Tribes to JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) hence to Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Grace [Over Our Current Law].

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Grace [Over Our Current Law] / JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) / Tribes / Clans / Families / Selfishness.

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Grace [Over Our Current Law] / JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) / Tribes.

Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Grace [Over Our Current Law] = JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) x Tribes.

JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) / Tribes / Clans.

JESUS Christ One Nation (Christian Jerusalem: previous in this Series) = Tribes x Clans.

Tribes / Clans / Families.

Tribes = Clans x Families.

Clans / Families / Selfishness.

Clans = Families x Selfishness.

So a Person such as a Child, can answer the door, hence ascending from self to Family Level. As written, from Isaiah 11:6 New International Version ..."a little child will lead them". If a Child can Lead, how much more can You, if at all?, yet the Newly Given Kingdom as discussed above, is for the saavy Worthy in JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending Best For All, and so With Childlike Innocence therefore to Best Way Interpret as JESUS Christ Saw Clearly, Distinguishing the Worthy hence Uplifting without bias because of His Perfect Wise Christ Innocence, yet All Knowing. And the above Promised Kingdom does apply to this JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Innocent Way as described in this Sermon For Good For All For Best For All, hence even for: Perfect.

As JESUS Christ said in this Sermon "many first will be last, and last first", though Be Worthy in JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way For All as stated above, to Be Best Beware as a reason for to Create A New Beginning Loyally in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For All, hence to include Higher Level Better than former through JESUS Christ, hence in Maintenance including the amount of pertinence Law awareness about the Tree Of Life (previous Sermon): in plain language: Tree Of Life First Yes, Tree Of Knowledge conditionally [similar to the current as conditions apply in the census].

In The Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ as Baptized and as Proven in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series and including JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace,

rather JESUS Christ Loyal Best Grace Way Including Maintenance Responsibility Over Miracles

that follow such as including Law(s) [Perfect rather than worldly often too late]; as JESUS Christ confessed as "Sent" [Good Confessing The Best Way as the Sender Hoped as Sender JESUS Christ Hoped (Romans 8:31, rather see above "Good" "JESUS Christ" "With" "Tree Of Life")] Perfect One Perfectly Inviting (see previous in this Series on pertinent "Ascending" explanation), if You are with the Tree Of Life then Victory Over the Tree Of Knowledge ["with the Tree Of Life means like unto Eucharist and rather the JESUS Christ Spirit Leading All Best Host]: then able / Worthy, for Desperate Love One All than able to handle the Best as at the JESUS Christ Bar Of Judgement Agreeingly Good And Better.

So the sense of this previous word "Better" is First JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as stated above, then as explained, for Your sakes now hence i humbly confess this New Kingdom Given to me that i now Give You For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as stated above. What i Give You, i was given from below, from JESUS Christ First whether You wanted such knowledges or not, as JESUS Christ explained as written in Matthew 6:33 Douay-Rheims Bible "Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.", so here [soon in this Sermon] is Anew Kingdom for this Civilization without price.

And how Glorious For JESUS Christ, and how to explain the lowest worst becoming Created Anewly, so therefore innocently consider from dust to Mother Mary (see Given sign in the Previous Sermon), and so as stated above now "i humbly confess" about how "this New Kingdom" in part, that is as stated above JESUS Christ Gives Us a "kingdom" [Kingdom], and included in that Higher Level Kingdom Of Grace is this lower level Kingdom after-the-fact [though new to me in the situation years ago]: JESUS Christ Original Is King Of Kings, hence His Kingdom Over All Kingdoms and this is a Kingdom:

after Angels Singing in the JESUS Christ Higher Purpose, and after JESUS Christ Words, came this event, the fallen [as JESUS Christ explained (Matthew 4:10) and as that entity talked about itself] revealed itself unto me at night while i was in bed though very wide awake in the Census, and in so doing was as written from Genesis 3:1 New Living Translation "The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman,"...

note Moses handled such [in Egypt, and pertinent (for All: "live" Numbers 21:8) like unto the Law for All for All including for all Perps if any, to repent (as a minimum innocent until..., JESUS Christ did not cast a stone at a Person, and reference such as Quality Assurance Suggestion Boxes and such as Public Defenders)].

So this is not written for to tempt nor cause any to stray. What was shown me was a car of lines that lengthened or shortened, and moved with the connections points moving, somewhat as shown below. In the Heart Of JESUS Christ there has been Blood, and that amount was of a shape, and blood in general has an amount of stickiness and other descriptive amounts, and then the blood Flows and is no longer with the products it once hand, such as to deliver a product from one body member creating such product, to another body member in need.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Promises for You A New Kingdom, Sacred and Faithful Over matters kept below since the world began with how to consider and rather Create in JESUS Christ Hope the New Better Kingdom, with Pertinent Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Grace Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Law Transparently Traceably From The Top With Best For All Bible Formulas hence new better Bible translations, also gif physics of better than how to stack planes on planes.


So this Kingdom Given already, Anewly Clarifies. JESUS Christ is Self Worthy For The Best as stated above "Kingdom Over All Kingdoms", and so as if selfish Save as stated above: Innocent.

So now this JESUS Christ Spirit One Enabler Gift For You to Best Receive this "Kingdom" Gift, if to receive at all therefore this Enabler Gift is Anewly Victory Over merely the Gift, in other words so as to not cause the self to be cast out [such as from the Garden Of Eden]. This Enabler of JESUS Christ Original New Better Best For All As All Hoped [and Sent for to Find (example Luke 7:19 through 27) (example Magi aware of the coming Messiah of the stars of the heavens) (example the Hope of the Chosen People of the Righteous Prophets, and the Hope of the Selfish to be Authority Respected Over Such)].

So Prayed now is that All Be With The Good Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Spirit as stated above and as Enabling to Handle this Given "Kingdom" realm Gift as stated above and as described some in the above gif [and not shown is also in the prior gif extending from points to lines to planes on planes], that whether big or small, whether weak or strong, whether bound or free, Be Of Perfectly Perfecting Grace In Through And With, as stated above: JESUS Christ.

15 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit Promises for You A New Kingdom, Sacred and Faithful Over matters kept below since the world began with how to consider and rather Create in JESUS Christ Hope the New Better Kingdom, with Pertinent Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Grace Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizing Law Transparently Traceably From The Top With Best For All Bible Formulas hence new better Bible translations, also gif physics of better than how to stack planes on planes.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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