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JESUS Gift Sermon.

JESUS Christ Loves All though with Better More Important Desperate Love, that All should Desperately Love. Some have Desperately Loved, and in JESUS Spirit Faith Have Ascended an amount, and the amount such Have Loyally Been Ascending In JESUS Christ Spirit have been found Worthy. So this Gift is for Such.

JESUS Christ Spirit Prayerfully First With Anointing This Giving Of This Gift is to say this Gift is not for the less than worthy for this. Now to describe this Gift as popularized through LDS having so much Longsuffered Loyally, and found Ascended into the Church Of JESUS Christ including to have invited the sleeping without price to Ascend with Full Repentance into Immersion Baptism [and then Lifted, Ascended] has now been found Worthy of this Gift, and Other Christian Groups Likewise as many as have been so Saving Souls even of the sleeping.

As written at "They thought that Jesus was talking about actual sleep, but He was speaking about the death of Lazarus. So Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead," and now Anewly this Gift concerns as the LDS had stated They as They Longsuffered to Save any that has passed from the census in need of Baptismal Saving: there are so many Souls to Save, and LDS had talked about how long it took and such involved the pertinent John The Baptist activities hence a lot of Work.

This Gift as stated above for Such as Longsuffered is explained in Higher Level below this pic. Yet JESUS Christ Spirit is also functioning Best For All, so first since " as written at and in JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit Best Way Better For All as written above "there are so many Souls to Save,"..."hence a lot of Work", even Together of the Mass as many all at once have been Healed in Mass Healings in Churches and They fell to the floor Healed, slain in the Spirit,

and some Christian Preachers such as in the Far East as in China, Japan, and India with the population explosion [quickly growing population] concerning the hundreds of Couples Together and Each Couple Becoming Married All At Once Of The Ministering Spirit In JESUS Christ, and the Bible with many references to Wedding Feast(s) (, and JESUS Christ Hosting less "one at a timing" in cliche and rather Hosting the Mass:

hence as JESUS Christ showed me to walk though His Spirit, let the fully repentant and for Becoming Baptized Be Symbolized [in the Census with Ushers hands on Heads safely moving through the waterfall that thoroughly drenches [if not Agreed the former Immersion Baptism Way continues to apply] and let Each Usher move such as Two and Two (Noah moved: though lower level vessels) Process All as the Preacher even if with Loop recording of JESUS Christ Pertinent Wording [if Agreed] through the loud speaker system as the Mass Moves through the waterfall.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly High Tech Better Way, to be Baptized, theme park, much drenching passengers, scuba gear, resuscitation equipment, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, they fell back, Mass Healings


Safety is important at least Maintenance Planning Responsibility such as not to drown, sure footing not slippery, a ski lift type automated system may be utilized such as theme parks have ushered masses in the census through waterfalls with seat belts and much drenching passengers and hands on heads prior to much drenching, and let the Church criteria consider such as scuba gear and resuscitation equipment and controlled Maintenance with checks in startup through shutdown matters. Yes JESUS Christ Old Way Is Also One Anewly High Tech Better Way.

Like unto the 40 years in the desert, the Mass Feeding for All was with the Manna from Heaven (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS: Creating Manna From Heaven! at explains how to build a Manna Machine.

JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Father One Gave this Automated Maintenance Gift for to Best Way Help All, and now in the Higher Level such as concerning JESUS Christ as stated above for the More Worthy and Great Good Loyalty In JESUS Christ Spirit Is Pertinent, is this Anew Better Gift Over Much Longsuffering for to Righteously even Prophesyingly for to Create fully repentant spirits Agreeing with Baptism as the Christian Leadership so opts [whether to so be] Inviting [or not, not a requirement and hardly recommended for the skittish especially the Newer Church Members, and should NOT be as done in secular worldly TV for entertainment NOR love of money NOR for selfish kicks NOR to harm people NOR merely for fun NOR merely to see what might happen as there might not be a second chance NOR for arguments to antagonize spirits nor for battles.

This JESUS Christ Spirit New Higher Level Gift Becoming Given Now is the Loyal so opting to Baptize as many as had slept, can be as happened to me as JESUS Christ had me walk through His Spirit as JESUS Christ had me walk through His "Ghost" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Holy Spirit List Sermon at and not merely that, yet likewise Multitudes of Others including Others i know such as some Movie Stars and some UFO type Alien Rather Related (reference previous in this Series on such and on Galactic Federation) and Many Others [as much as for this as Pertinent, much other was goodly such as to invite and how to describe such as how one hand invites the other to Pray JESUS Christ Together].

Though be aware that some spirits, even multitudes can arrive that might not be interested in any friendly fellowship, hence in confusions flying and looping about causing Themselves friendly fire casulties so don't be tempted to stray; such "multitudes" have often attacked me though JESUS Spirit Prevails Joyously as Christ The Creator Gives according to Worthiness to Overcome such though don't put God to the test save if for to do as written in these two Precepts Malachi 3:10 New American Standard Bible " 'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and put Me to the test now in this,' says the LORD of armies, 'if I do not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.' " though Genesis 19:26 "But Lot’s wife, from behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, I Am, I Am He, they fell back, to the ground, slain in the Holy Spirit, slain in the JESUS Christ Holy Spirit, slain in the Spirit Of The Word Of JESUS Christ, speak the Word and they shall fall, JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly High Tech Better Way, to be Baptized, theme park, much drenching passengers, scuba gear, resuscitation equipment, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, they fell back, Mass Healing for Thy sake


This is as written in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirit Better Way Sermon Giving New Authority Guiding Over "Angel trails" and Mass Of Angels at with this as written above "Together of the Mass as many all at once have been Healed in Mass Healings in Churches and They fell to the floor Healed, slain in the Spirit" is what is means if in JESUS Spirit merely to speak the Word and they shall fall for Thy sake in the sense rather that for Your Public Sake They The Worthy In Your Loyal Faith One Will Ascend The Best Way In The Highest Purpose Of And Within The Spirit Of JESUS Christ.

20 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Moves Masses Through Sacred Faith Over The Way that had been kept secret since the world began with how to discover and implement JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly With High Tech Better Way With Less Longsuffering [and less wasting time though conditions apply], as for Mass Baptisms All At Once, theme park utilizing, much drenching passengers, scuba gear, resuscitation equipment, controlled Maintenance, many Wed at the same time, they fell back, Mass Healing, Far East Japan, China, current India population explosion, Cana Wedding Feast(s), Hosting Manna Machine.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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