JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Welcome.

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JESUS Spirit Explains Slightly Higher Levels Sermon.

JESUS Christ comes into the lives of People Loyally, as in special situations, though People normally don't notice. For instance His words can be so Comforting as to indicate to a Person's mental interpretation that They are so Protected and Safe that the Person's mind might nod off. JESUS Christ can make a Person awake and alert, though the Person is with the Gift to opt. So JESUS Christ makes a Person awake and alert if the Person has opted to be Loyally Worthy and the Person is in a situation NEEDING the Original JESUS Christ to be sensed. In the previous sentence the "Loyally Worthy" does not NEED to sense JESUS since already "Loyally Worthy", Save concerning the JESUS Christ Original Plan; so many Souls do often not sense JESUS Christ often even though Baptized.

Concerning the word "NEEDING", there are already many Christian Preachers and there are already many writings about JESUS Christ, so many of the needs are already sensed per se, in other words JESUS Christ Leadership does not have to repeat such as "Shepherd My sheep" (from John 21:16 New American Standard Bible) to a Person already Shepherding the sheep of JESUS Christ One Leadership.

What will Missionaries work places look like in the future for Preaching and Shepherding?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Entrusted Us with a Higher Firmament Level, a New Beginning With Victory Over The Bible, what Missionaries work places Prophesyingly Will increasingly look like in the future for Preaching and Shepherding as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace is NEEDED, their own mistakes and the mistakes of their forefathers, Avengers Infinity Endgame

"They had all had their heroism challenged by their own mistakes but also the mistakes of their literal and metaphoric forefathers."


Also increasing are the mistakes such as of winds, machines, and critters; which this Given Civilization as We can be Thankful for being Heirs of Our Forefathers and Fore Ancestry Gave as much as goodly though also heirs to other and the former coined such as the winds felling a tree into a house as if an Act Of God, is not so, God is Good, so for instance a disloyal Person might divert a small flow of air that diverts larger flows of winds that fell the tree: this point being rather about not placing the blame, not pointing fingers, especially concerning the unknown hence no reason to place blame on Any, especially on Your Creator.

Let "blame" become Thanks, because a thing without good cannot have existed since from the Creator, yet let Us be more Thankful for the Lovingly Caring Best Good Work For All. So while aware of the strayed and fallen facts, Before The Fact Prepare, During The Fact Leap In Faith, and after-the-fact [after Prayerful emergency Work Maintenance to Help any in NEED] let Us focus on any Good that came from such rather than dwell in the house of miseries under bondage.

Since for instance the previous Sermon Formulated Victory Over The Bible Book Of Revelation, hardly could any part of the Bible be other than Good since Under Our Victory Within JESUS Christ Best For All Flow!: hence this Sermon is the next Higher Level! This is the JESUS Christ New Beginning, this is the JESUS Christ Next Higher Firmament Level. Also Pertinent is such as written in 1 Timothy 4:4 and 5 Berean Study "For every creation of God is good, and nothing that is received with thanksgiving should be rejected, because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.".

So We have been Given of JESUS Christ New Language the Victory hardly as the former lower level hence hardly about the history Save of the Good Book Record including the Living Bible including such as the Previous Sermon Formulating Victory: this point being that the former lower levels of errors, mistakes, conflicts, and problematic things can hardly apply lest to opt to loop around and repeat such, even so as written above such as about the "winds" there are things in this Higher Firmament Level that have already been set in motion.

In other words We brought junk [in secular language] with Us, yet this "secular" is already at a New Higher Level for Better Value. For instance a machine is built, and that was built for to Help, and so that machine We also brought with Us, with "Better Value" therefore We brought "Better" Help With Us into this Higher Level JESUS Christ Provided and Invited and as We Ascended. A machine might control some winds, another machine might be making some cables so as to keep trees from falling, another machine might make a saw to control the tree, another machine might build automatic robots to improve Human Safety, now We have Better ability Before The Fact that even our "junk" so to speak becomes plowshares and such "Better Value".

A slightly higher level than a bot for destroying is an autonomous bot such as a program on the net and/or in a system such as for Human users and for bot users and for others and so with this JESUS Christ Given Higher Firmament Level for to be so Guiding. For to Straighten to Flow along the JESUS Christ Leading Best Path is as written in James 3:4 New Living Translation "And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong.". And if Best the fans can safely fell the trees for to make New Better Construction Temples and the Fleet For Our Mass.

People used to worship destroyers such as stated an "Act Of God" hence the former lower level errant worship about a destroyer notion, similar is separation in the unprepared sense [prior to JESUS Christ UN Law and Broadcasting it]: a Google search of "half a notion" had "About 176,000,000 results". Bombs have been about destroyers, and similarly such as separating Families from Loved Ones. The Higher Better Levels are rather with the constructive automated improving of Civilization Better For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Entrusted Us with a Higher Firmament Level, a New Beginning With Victory Over The Bible, what Missionaries work places Prophesyingly Will increasingly look like in the future for Preaching and Shepherding as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace is NEEDED


JESUS Christ Entrusted Us with this Slightly Higher Level, let Us Entrust a Much Higher Level To And For JESUS Christ.

9 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Performs Sacred Power Over recent matters kept secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Entrusted Us with a Higher Firmament Level, a New Beginning With Victory Over The Bible yet for the JESUS Christ Living Bible Together [with as already Accomplished as already written] as this New Better Level explains what Missionaries work places Prophesyingly Will increasingly look like in the future for Preaching and Shepherding as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace is NEEDED due to their own mistakes and those of their forefathers and the mistakes of machines and critters and spirits, yet rather the New Good Faith Amount.

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Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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