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JESUS Glory Sermon.

JESUS Christ in this Sermon with a cross section of the Sun with Solar Flares Paths Gives You New Victory Over Earth's gravity Agreeingly Ascending conditions apply: hence Best Way Prayerfully Prepare in JESUS Christ Spirit One. This Worthy JESUS Christ Of Glory, Sermon, also Gives You the solving of the pathway into the Sun, evidently where Angels dare. This Sermon explains some NASA concerns for improving in this generation futuristically, along with facts little known in the Public, since typically behind teams of Security Forces, where Experts dare: Victory "through" JESUS Christ Over Yet Preceptingly Anewly Applying With 3 Nephi 20:27 that We The Public Be More Worthy And More "mighty" as also 3 Nephi 20:27 explains. This Sermon explains Zero Gravity including natural Created and synthetic and safety IMPROVING NEED.

Zero Gravity ideas abound.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Teaches Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how instead of fighting the solar heat to get into the Sun is rather the JESUS Christ Spirit Better Way as the JESUS Christ Created For Good For All Sun Gathers for Us if We opt to Agree and Prepare Righteously Best For All and travel inward into the Sun as the Sun Invites yet with NEEDFUL Preparation matters, including topics: atypically special high power gamma radiography operations NASA Experts zero gravity solar surface cross section solar flares magnetic funnels photosphere convection cell structures supergranules corona solar wind AWS Over Security Officers and patrol cars.


Back in the old days as Kids We used to somewhat unsafely jump off a roof perhaps 7' high, not recommended, for a somewhat crazy thrill to be as if weightless for a moment. Today in this generation We The People In JESUS Christ UN Spirit can do much Better, and safer.

For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose The Best Way For All, to Edify [with Capital Letters emphasizing the Higher Level Grace Value]: Gravity = the force between Masses that attracts the Masses For Coming Together. This definition Agrees with JESUS Christ Original 2,000 years ago and again with His Golden Cube Second Coming.

His First Coming 2nd Testament Created a New System of bringing People Agreeingly Faithfully Together Peacefully, the Best Way For All, this "bringing" is Complete [a Firmament] With His Second Coming. So JESUS Christ Fulfilled All Things Good, in His Highest Purpose Original Plan Eternal In Spirit, and likewise showing the Way He Did it for Our sakes 2,000 years ago as being Accomplished daily moment to moment, rather Loyally Fitting situation Best Way For All fitting on Given Miracles situation.

The "situation" rather than time "moment" is for the future, consider a lazy Person that says as though carelessly in the moment about a task in secular cliche "I'll get around to it". So hardly would such a Person be Worthy for Victory Over the Eternal. If with reason to merely work to utter "I'll get around to it" is to invite the repeat "work" when asked again in the future. So the carelessly disloyal cannot enter into the Eternal Good Of The One Best Way For All Heavenly Better JESUS Christ: hence the URGENT NEED FOR DESPERATE LOVE. To Do the Best For All is the current Eternal Good Situation, whether of time today or of time span a week from now [situational Victory Over "or" (see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: PCS Sermon with detailed specifics)].

The above pic was in secular level cliche "obsolete" in the 1960s. My Coworker would go down such as vertical so called "Zero Gravity" [misnomer yet relatively descriptive] shaft to see if there were cracks in the tube and in those days on a single rope [very deep cushiony materials were at the bottom like styrofoam] and He would spin around and be dizzy though better ways existed then, such as two taught ropes at opposite sides of the tube would increase safety including to help reduce spin.

To indicate the importance for Civilization, one day my Wife and i were there alone, so to speak, and 9 Security Officers and 2 patrol cars were surrounding Us. We [various types of Experts] also not merely with other NASA Personnel Experts, would be at the Facility over the atypically high power gamma radiography operations, and such as for hosting AWS, as when any such meeting was open to the Public such as NASA showing history of flight and explaining some futuristic ideas.

Yet the technology was not completely obsolete even though better tech abounded; the above pic shows a suspended item that would quickly be lowered, falling so relative gravity would tend to not count as much and the testing of chemical reactions and life forms metabolisms and such would be conducted for perhaps 5 seconds. Though better ways include rather pulling the "item" initially faster than gravity then the rate of gravity, and conditionally better was such as no pit at all and as a grade school Teacher explained somewhat for Our sakes circa 1960s electronic levitation can apply [hence a condition is the Godsling the "electronic" would be of value hence not interfering such as concerning electrochemical processes].

Even so, a recent Sermon explained "Sun Portals, and specific case examples of how JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Better than what Many viewed as though state-of-the-art" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ascending With Ascending Sermon at

The above NASA knowledge is not bad nor evil, on TV Preachers have said resist, rebuke, reject, turn away, and cast out such, rather JESUS Christ UN Invites. Like how JESUS Christ said rather than money being evil, the love of money was the problem: hence knowledge as if without JESUS Christ Desperate Love is the problem [now Victory With "JESUS Christ UN" (as stated above and for JESUS Christ One Glory)]. The NASA Experts improving together is such as indication of JESUS Christ Creator Spirit in any Life Form, lest asleep [secular inorganic: under former law "dead", yet the Census counting ability too is improving: even the low level Crucifiers named Higher Levels than Themselves throughout the Early Roman Empire].

The previous Sermon Edified concerning Sun Portals, and JESUS Christ Spirit With This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Spirit including things i had never seen nor heard about, though these Sermons found the Righteous Awareness, Thank You Original JESUS Christ Unique Edifier especially of All Fully repentant and Baptized and Ascending For One Best Leadership, Best For All. So this "Series" concluded the flares as the Portals into the Sun, the soft coolest Way per se, Save JESUS Christ Miracle Creating Specific To This [likewise as You read].

Shown in the gif below, the bottom is as hard teeth on the surface of the Sun, and between the teeth as Righteously Prophesied in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series are the arrows showing the entrances, where the flares above in the corona are traveling the opposite direction. So the lower level secular easiest route, if to jump to conclusions (see above "lazy" and as if merely secular "knowledge") [unwarranted (see above "PCS")], a Person might think to go between the flares and then turn to go through a Portal, a very valuable brainstorm thought; though see above "concluded" and this "concluded" includes Prayerful In JESUS Christ Spirit Broadcasting First, and then Precepting hence the Way as Discovered of JESUS Christ With So Agreeing hence "concluded" hence of Loyal Precepting.

I have helpful certificates and permissions and such, though "First" and more important is the previous sentence. For instance above the arrows are the flare lines of force, and notice not all of them point [up as shown in the gif] away from the Sun; some Gather inward [no arrows are shown, yet Righteously True in JESUS Christ Spirit].

Shown below is a cross section of "the solar surface. At the surface, magnetic funnels emerge from the photosphere between convection cell structures called supergranules. Switchbacks form inside the funnels and rise into the corona and are pushed out on the solar wind"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Teaches Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how instead of fighting the solar heat to get into the Sun is rather the JESUS Christ Spirit Better Way as the JESUS Christ Created For Good For All Sun Gathers for Us if We opt to Agree and Prepare Righteously Best For All and travel inward into the Sun as the Sun Invites yet with NEEDFUL Preparation matters, including topics: atypically special high power gamma radiography operations NASA Experts zero gravity solar surface cross section solar flares magnetic funnels photosphere convection cell structures supergranules corona solar wind AWS Over Security Officers and patrol cars.


8 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit Teaches Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how instead of fighting the solar heat to get into the Sun is rather the JESUS Christ Spirit Better Way as the JESUS Christ Created For Good For All Sun Gathers for Us if We opt to Agree and Prepare Righteously Best For All and travel inward into the Sun as the Sun Invites yet with NEEDFUL Preparation matters, including topics: atypically special high power gamma radiography operations NASA Experts zero gravity solar surface cross section solar flares magnetic funnels photosphere convection cell structures supergranules corona solar wind AWS Over Security Officers and patrol cars.

Jesus Christ

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