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JESUS Godsling Sermon.

JESUS Christ Godsling is GodMath (4th of the Main 4 Bible Testaments [plus the JESUS Christ One Living Bible]) prior to Creating when only JESUS exists, though with the created the JESUS Christ Godling is Absolutivity. Absolutivity - GodMath = Relativity. Relativity per se is the created including the Census as as much as JESUS Christ has opted to be so counted in the census and in the created Heavens though the Work [the Hand] of the Creator is in all for Good [not for to stray nor tempt Others to stray]. So the Created is Good except if to stray from JESUS Christ Name Spirit Work Best Way For All.

JESUS Christ went a little lower than the Angels and so went up from there [Ascended from merely Gathering Disciples into Apostles and Ascended such as from Preaching in the Temple and out in Public and Working such as Assisting John The Baptist] and continued Ascending Leading One Leadership Flow as All Levels Of The Straight And Narrow are Lifted Of JESUS Christ hence All Flow Ascendingly. Symbolically if a Person does 1/4 HorsePower, HP, of JESUS Work at one level and another Person does 1/4 HorsePower, HP, of JESUS Work at a Higher Level then Each has done the same [lower level perspective Census counted] amount of JESUS Work, though from Higher Perspective More is expected leveraged from the Higher Level hence Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Prayerfully As Currently Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Best For All Best Way Is NEEDED lest to snare the self.

JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 28:18 [and as stated above "JESUS Christ" "went up" as specified] hence the Literal Standard Version applies "And having come near, Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'All authority in Heaven and on earth was given to Me;' ", even so other Translations conditionally also apply, and the condition is as much as Good in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For All [including such as above stated "Desperate Love"] as rather than splinters in various denomination (example

is as denominations have been as languages, like how each Bible Testament as stated in the first sentence above applies indicating a level of faith (including such as "UFO Language" Anewly added on [Anewly interpreted] in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ UN Grace Sermon at as written in Titus 3:9 "but stand away from foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about law—for they are unprofitable and vain.". As written in the "the JESUS Christ One Living Bible": "Today there are often last names that represent such lineages. Back then a name such as Abraham was used not only to represent a person, yet also others.", (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Human Timeline Sermon at [also consider not merely in the secular how plate tectonics is the living record of time folds in crust layers and rips, also wormholes and blackholes which may include levels of time traps as snares]).

The lower levels have been more at risks of failures even as the Tower Of Babel. In the Relativity is the Gift [even if stolen: Garden Of Eden] to be able to opt, and the Census opts (plural Census Save "only JESUS" as stated above, hence as long as the plural applies then the plural "opts" applies [not singular "opt" Save as "only JESUS" may opt as to opt to invite and when completed then "only JESUS" then JESUS may opt the New Beginning]).

Here is a secular Ivory Tower symbolically, in the language of Metageology.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Higher Level Wisdom included for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as New Types Of Snares Are Anewly Preceptingly Pertinently Identified, consider not merely in the secular how plate tectonics is the living record of time folds in crust layers and rips, also wormholes and blackholes which may include levels of time traps as snares


The Christian Bible is Holy, though also in the Census a layer of Christian Bible time can become inverted in 1,000,000 years or as quick as a rock falls. In the above pic is shown the time path of the secular Scribes and Pharisees symbolically, and the conspirators with the crucifiers, and the naysayers and as much as the victims are pointed against others (reference friendly fire and reference tactics many have used to selfishly get to the top) (JESUS Christ Desperately Invites Lovingly Guidingly: there is room at the Anew Top).

Similar to a secular Ivory Tower, there have been such as a checklist, and a process, and a methodology and for instance an employee might complain but that machine was bumped and doesn't seem right while the boss might say calibration is not due yet so use that methodology. I confess once decades ago i made a new secular methodology and made the others aware and the others followed suit, since our new equipment was too powerfully more accurate and better than the procedures of passed thoughts comprehended; so i made an ultrasonic gap in a term coined as "Micro Liftoff" to make our equipment excellent though as if less powerful to meet the obsolete criteria the institution required and with the New Records became the New Standard Accepted of All.

So a change to the Holy Bible is not necessarily bad, and as Many have Proven: Often Exceedingly Better In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: JESUS Christ is the Protector (see recent Sermons in this Series for some New Specifics) hence Victory Over former Bible curses pertinent not against JESUS Christ nor His Best Way Ascending. And this is like the time fold shown above, fitting Preceptingly Better Layer Of Time [when JESUS Christ said things rather in situations] Over Better Layer Of Time [not to accuse Others, not to curse].

Though such as the Scribes of the letter of the Law [of lower level value generally in the sense of this discussion, though in Higher Levels as concerning the JESUS Flow Formulating Preceptingly], followed hence after-the-facts, like unto traveling the surface, walking from word A to word B, from point A to point B, but to go the long route around a time fold as shown above, is to ignore the [wormhole rather] JESUS Best Way, the JESUS Shortcut Principle Of Faith such as the point where word A and word B are the same word, in the same definition sense. Rather than leanings in selfish works Ascend [though shown here as if about traveling down, yet a little applies such as to wash Another's feet, and such as to bend down to Give a Child a cup of water].

Some mass types have not yet fit through wormholes, but have become trapped, captured, snared.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Fit through the Straight Best Ascending Wormhole as written from Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse or bag or sandals. Do not greet anyone along the road. Whatever house you enter, begin by saying, Peace explained JESUS Christ.


Fit through the Straight Best Ascending Wormhole as written from "Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse or bag or sandals. Do not greet anyone along the road. Whatever house you enter, begin by saying, 'Peace' " explained JESUS Christ.

1 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with Higher Level Wisdom for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as New Time Situations With Types Of Snares Are Anewly Preceptingly Pertinently Identified! Absolutivity - GodMath = Relativity. Also consider not merely in the secular how plate tectonics is the living record of time folds in crust layers and rips, also wormholes and blackholes which may include levels of time traps as snares.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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