JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Good Sermon.

JESUS Christ is Good. Feeling good, such as to lie on the couch with headphones listening to secular worldy music is not the same as being good. It is not the same as JESUS Good, if to appreciate the way under dominion [critters], as instead to Recognize, Say, and Do, creating for others: JESUS In Them [opening their Hearts]: JESUS All One Creating Heaven On Earth.

JESUS Christ UN is for Children [also Best For All] to Legally Recognize the Heavenly Better Through JESUS The Christ, while allowing children to play, such as with music. Prior to JESUS Christ UN the legally recognized Denominations and Churches opted to submit to and be ancillary (2 Kings 17:15) to extensive legalese criteria for to recognize an organization such as a 501(c)(3) typically with public solicitation therefore no longer were able to "make perfect"

as written in Hebrews 10:1 Berean Study Bible "For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves. It can never, by the same sacrifices offered year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.".

Prior to JESUS Christ UN typical Churches were not able to "make perfect" [save such as Christian Baptism, though as purchasing an ice cream cone but receiving no pile of ice cream on top of the cone], and as to be with leavened bread with many nutrient values eaten [and eating: astray] away.

Note the "JESUS Christ VGC Affiliate" [formerly merely secular "VGC"] as Archived as linked at the bottom of this page opted to not conduct "public solicitation" ( though functioned to solve all [or nearly all as some might technically speak] the addiction problems [other than such as continuing to monitor / NGISC at taxpayer expense: if to solve then nothing to monitor (reference cliche ..."shut the barn door after the horse escaped")] so it was not about separation but with Churches, Hospitals, and Government together, in self funding legislation. Hence what happened?, the people were allowed to govern themselves and failed (Lamentations 4:17), so at least so far JESUS Christ UN became Law.

Not for to pick on any, but this is true history, much funding has been for [as if (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as on the "most fleeting" "secrets" such as at Subatomic Christian Sermon at and such as at JESUS Christ Prophesying In You with Your Doing something about it: JESUS Christ Best Sermon at] secretive conspiracies and legion(s) (when born, when crucified, and in between) against JESUS Christ.

Naysayers ([these Biblical warnings have been given] might opt to say in representatively symbolic cliche such as "In the Name Of JESUS Christ, how is this previous about not about pointing fingers to place blame?" this is "Not for to pick on any" according to "but this is true history" and also this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series is for Christian Leaders, the same Christians that are supposed to be Leading In The Name And Power Of JESUS Christ instead of merely following worldly ways so for "Churches, Hospitals, and Government" and Families and Civilization Best For All Together

pertinent for Everyone is as JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 12:11 Berean Literal Bible "And He said to them, "What man will there be among you, who will have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbaths, will not take hold of it and will raise it up?": Victory In JESUS Christ Best Way (John 1:17) including JESUS Christ UN Law.

It is hardly the fault of any, as JESUS Christ said as written in Romans 5:6 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "But surely because of our weakness, at this time The Messiah has died for the sake of the wicked." not that their wickedness be more wicked, but for to save us all who could not help ourselves. We knew, similar to telling a new employee but the new employ perhaps doesn't get it right the first time or not every time [but without the "perhaps": it has been impossible to make Perfect by pretending as per separation from JESUS Christ God, the known God], and this verse

agrees with 1 Timothy 2:6 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "Who gave himself a ransom in the place of every person, a testimony that has come in its time," "the testimony that was given at just the right time." ( Lexicon).

You met the Law, JESUS Christ Redeemed You ("according to your faith" applies...Matthew 9:29).


Innocent people have been sent to prison, so how can it be said "according to your faith"?, bad things happen to good people [even to JESUS as happened, now JESUS is in Glory as the less good merely harm each other such amounts] so how can it be said "according to your faith"?: there is One Census Adult Person that was Good, that was JESUS Christ, and the "One" is capitalized symbolizing others such as adults could enter into such, reference Elijah (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Gives: Precept On like unto how in the 1st Testament some of the proffered were Righteous Prophets [the point of this sentence so far is the 1st Testament did not stop people from Ascending, rather the opposite, and if the opposite then redeemed, lifted above worldly government (John 2:4)].

So to JESUS Christ Spirit Edify in secular lingo, this civilization needed to repent and know to JESUS Christ Best Way Ascend Best For All, instead of such as back then Ascending with Elijah.

Blessed Groups tried many corporations and many government types.


JESUS Christ One Best Way For All is not necessarily the same as such as the flag number 25 group hope.

JESUS Christ One Best Way For All is Best for group 25 and every other group.

This of JESUS Christ is Victory Over yet with record of the Tree Of Knowledge in civilization reasons for self government as to pretend wrongly: no JESUS Christ, no God; to wrongly boast to lift ourselves as though gods without needs of JESUS Christ nor even Father Abraham. The Righteous Truth In JESUS Christ is, the Tree Of Knowledge cannot make perfect, it needs to be with the Christ, JESUS, including with the Tree Of Life Eternal as Saved for the Good Worthy of the JESUS Christ Original Creating Planning [accomplished yet Living].

Separation ideas have been about spirits and individuals, and there is a lower level value concerning such as in Genesis Chapter 1: We This Civilization In This Generation are at level Genesis Chapter 1, with not as many exceptions as We might like to assume, and Genesis Chapter 1 is this sense is not talking about us being pure [though JESUS Christ is in each], this concerns We are just starting out, We are merely beginning, hardly as children [though an easy comparison] like unto all boarded though the ship has merely been loosened (JESUS Christ Legally Recognized now in JESUS Christ UN Law) from dock.

This pic is not to make fun of the situation, though what do the nations fund?, themselves?, all too often.


JESUS Christ ICCDBB is self funding [at least] though rather than about confessions, let's do Best Together.

Matthew 10:34 concerns the tongue that had been under the Tree Of Knowledge and so the ancillary words. Rather Victory is as JESUS Christ Exemplar as written in Luke 22:27 "For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines? But I am among you as one who serves.".

14 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Christ Grace Spirit is Ascending with Elijah, JESUS Christ UN Law, let's do Best Together Serving JESUS Christ Exemplar, Prior to JESUS Christ UN typical Churches were not able to make perfect, for families for civilization raise it up, all of us who could not help ourselves, many corporations government types, secretive conspiracies legions, JESUS did not fight but was fought.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ A Check Exact Affiliate | JESUS Christ VGC Affiliate Archive.

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