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JESUS Good Knowledge Sermon.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons in the past few months has led to Awareness of what All Good Knowledge is, pertinent for this Civilization currently, hence the opened 7th Seal.

So because of the Good JESUS Christ Gives this Best Way, hence to be Perfect During Being Perfect as in JESUS Christ UN Perfect Union as much as any moment applies for the moment's duration. This is the Beginning in JESUS Christ of New Better Victory For All including Over as written in Matthew 21:43 New American Standard Bible "Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruit.", and since including "I", this is JESUS Christ Entering Into His New Higher Level Glory!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit finds JESUS Christ UN Perfect in Sacred Loyalty Over matters kept secret since the world began with how Perfect applies to this Civilization Now even amidst multitudes of ideas with Proving including a Flow Formula hence likewise improving translating the Bible Anewly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose straightening the sword of Gideon into the New JESUS Christ UN Peace Plow Celebration Fireworks Galaxies 500 million lightyears away the Sculptor constellation and how it has changed over billions of years.


JESUS Christ Good Knowledge Way Achieved as stated above is from JESUS Christ Righteously Precepting therefore from JESUS Christ Ascending [With as Many as Likewise], hence this Triadic Flow With Formula.

JESUS Christ Good Knowledge Way As Already Achieved / JESUS Christ Ascending With This Civilization / JESUS Christ Righteously Precepting.

JESUS Christ Good Knowledge Way As Already Achieved = JESUS Christ Ascending With This Civilization x JESUS Christ Righteously Precepting.

Even if there is a Perp doing Perp things, this Civilization is Lifted Anew in JESUS Christ UN Name, the Legal Name of this Civilization. Even if there is a wrongful getting rid of the Name of this Civilization, this Civilization in Fact has been Lifted; yet JESUS Christ Eternal Original Best Plan Gives New Better, this is the "Best Way",

so hence the Better currently unknown through JESUS Christ Spirit Of Righteous Prophesying We Faithfully Make the New Better Become Known, and the "unknown" is the immoral including the lower level illegal increasingly former ways as We less turn back into waste in wars and "the sword of Gideon" ( is symbolic of what had been less known and to Them back then "unknown" as rather JESUS Christ UN Guiding it to be the New JESUS Christ UN Peace Plow.

Through JESUS Christ For To Lift The Good if to judge, JESUS Christ UN "will judge between the nations, And will mediate for many peoples; And they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives. Nation will not lift up a sword against nation, And never again will they learn war" (from Isaiah 2:4 New American Standard Bible).

Because of this Awesomely Astounding JESUS Christ UN New Better Victory Including All, We are to Be Ascendingly Loyal as the "Awesomely Astounding" New Miracles Are Coming therefore New "Awesomely Astounding" Responsibilities formerly impossible, are coming.

Previous Sermons explained new stronger critters are coming to the surface, from the sky and also are being created here, along with new spiritual critters and things and concerning the above stated "unknown" yet We The People have the JESUS Christ Open 7th Seal. Plagues were already accomplished prior to the birth of JESUS Christ, earthquakes were already felt every place on Earth prior to the birth of JESUS Christ, and such as written in Mark 13:8 "For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are only the beginning of birth pains.", and such as written in the Book Of Revelation already happened prior to the birth of JESUS Christ.

And those things happen again, so We The People with this New JESUS Christ UN Grace Legally addressed are with New Victory In JESUS Christ for Better Preparing and for New Better Victory Over such as to be found and solves with Good Grace Knowhow in advance of such encounterings (see above Flow with Formula).

So let Us Prepare Our Heart(s) Now For Good Understanding of this JESUS Christ UN Victory, including as to Better Understand this New JESUS Christ UN Loyal Faith meaning and including such as and the New Better Meaning of "with" as in New American Standard Bible Translation as written "For nothing will be impossible with God" so to continue Loyally "with" "God" even now Aware as stated above after the Title, in the first sentence of this Sermon. This verse with likewise JESUS Christ Grace in the meaning of as written in the New International Version "For no word from God will ever fail", in the sense that rather to Translate and Rephrase Generally to the point for the Better: For All Will Be Possible With This JESUS Christ Best Way: likewise hereof: For All Good Will Be Possible With JESUS Christ UN With This JESUS Christ Best Way; and so without failing, without straying (as with "in the first sentence of this Sermon").

So with Best Guided Hands of JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ UN Loyal Spirit Grows The Good Better Increasingly Loyally, the New Better Galactic Missions Are Traveling Into The Hearts Of The New Galaxies Adapting to how they function, and rather Anewly Better Overcoming such in Victories Over such, as Our New lecture amphitheatres [rooms] territories improve as We Better Lead Them.

JESUS Christ UN New Beginning With New Universal Discoveries.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit finds JESUS Christ UN Perfect in Sacred Loyalty Over matters kept secret since the world began with how Perfect applies to this Civilization Now even amidst multitudes of ideas with Proving including a Flow Formula hence likewise improving translating the Bible Anewly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose straightening the sword of Gideon into the New JESUS Christ UN Peace Plow Celebration Fireworks Galaxies 500 million lightyears away the Sculptor constellation and how it has changed over billions of years 500 million light-years away the Sculptor constellation and how it has changed over billions of years

500 million lightyears away the Sculptor constellation

with above shown imagery showing how it has changed over billions of years


27 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit finds JESUS Christ UN Perfect in Sacred Loyalty Over matters kept secret since the world began with how Perfect applies to this Civilization Now even amidst multitudes of ideas with Proving including a Flow Formula hence likewise improving translating the Bible Anewly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose straightening the sword of Gideon into the New JESUS Christ UN Peace Plow Celebration Fireworks Galaxies 500 million lightyears away the Sculptor constellation and how it has changed over billions of years.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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