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JESUS Harmonics Sermon.

JESUS Christ is aware and communicating with His Family and is aware about any that reject is Way. JESUS Christ Family is as Every Member as a Pillar of Loyal Faith Righteousness Gracefully sounding when resonated, when the Word of JESUS Christ in the scrolls is spoken in Best Precepting. JESUS Christ Pillars in Acoustic Emmission Testing would be as listen [or if quiet to make a sound] (rather than secular JESUS Joyful Spirit Words) and a target object resonates. If the [not merely reflection, reference a machine in operation with many parts and listening through thickness and monitoring the motions] heard and seen living record is of

a goodly "machine" then good, though if the "machine" has a corrosion cavity, a crack gap, a worn part from rubbing, or such then according to the acceptance criteria and Maintenance schedule the "machine" would resonate a less than perfect report. As explained as reported in New King James Version "A sound heart is life to the body, But envy is rottenness to the bones." with Hebrew word "Curative" applies, "tranquil" conditionally applies though not to stray to do nothing helpful (see previous Sermons on PRAYERFUL IN JESUS CHRIST SPIRIT DESPERATE LOVE NEED FOR ALL TO BE BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN and note i did it so such is for Your sake for Their sakes).

The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Darkness Sermon at spoke of the Giant Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way though the Milky Way is shown as spiraling and in this Series are Flow parts known as Triads for JESUS Family Leadership Creating Pertinent Formulas. So part of a spiral is a split ring. A split ring such as for to secure a bolt with nut, protects from radioactivity conditionally as discussed in the "JESUS Darkness Sermon", yet also [per se rather than mere looping] offers JESUS Spirit Leap Of Faith type electromagnetic properties.

Consider a spark plug gap, and similarly a split ring has a gap (discussed more below). With sufficient Power, the larger the gap the higher level the voltage though safety applies since more lethal. The low voltage [whether high or low level amps] is generally speaking less of a danger, virtually safe save if other pertinent conditions apply such as explosives. A little higher level voltage might cause surface skin burns that tend to quickly heal. Though high voltage causes deep lightning burns in a body.

Symbolized here, if JESUS Christ Speaks With His Family Membership [as though Members Edifyingly, hence conditionally per faith level amount] then Best Resonating as JESUS Christ said in John 10:14 Amplified Bible "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know [without any doubt those who are] My own and My own know Me [and have a deep, personal relationship with Me]—". So of default JESUS Christ is Aware where His "Members Edifyingly" per se are and any opted not in JESUS Spirit make other sounds such as toward critters' sounds: this means such as selfish words (see below "Active Listening", rather concerning JESUS Christ Best Way Pertinence "Precepting"); for instance a critter for selfishness carelessly might bottom feed in a pit then not be able to self exit the pit.

A JESUS Family Member may resonate nicely, without having been heard: this is a great New Sacred Loyalty Value Over former matters, kept secret since the world began, and likewise resonating harmonically One JESUS Family Member can Actively Agree For Better with JESUS Christ Level [and with a Level] hence All Pertinent in such Level; also reference echo location, and JESUS Words With Meanings such as concerning situations such as pertinent Tube locations (in secular reference such as Congress in the Capitol Building with specially formed echo locations). A Sheep [symbolically for Good rather than in the sense of a "critter"] can do things such as Agree With JESUS Christ The Original Exemplar, and Pray and Preach and Minister Eucharist and such, and so Functioning As JESUS Christ Functions (see previous Sermons: from New Member to Usher to Officer...).

The left tuning fork is not merely about echos as the whole moves into action, and the right tuning fork too:

previous Sermons were written in this Series [perhaps censored] of Good Spirits in mitten formation: fingers moving Together as One.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit great New Sacred Loyalty Value Over former matters, kept secret since the world began, and likewise resonating harmonically One JESUS Family Member can Actively Agree Functionally without words as this Sermon covers how to Create Wormholes yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN With Addendum 1, and with Superconducting Cavities Groundbreaking Laser Discovery New Extremes JESUS tuned split ring shorter pulses tuning forks functioning together, overlapping mechanical tape readers and advanced generator configurations


The previous Sermon talked as also stated above about the "Giant Black Hole" (hence toward Transfiguration Capabilities [not covered in this Sermon Save reference Matthew 17:2]), though step on step a line of split ring gaps if as JESUS Christ Word Tuning Forks make higher and higher voltages per se, and the aligned holes as Superconducting Cavities. Long story short: each split ring can carry increasing voltage at each step, and the aligned split ring holes can Transport (see in this Series on Transporter Beams and Repulsor Beams [such as to repel outer space debris]).

Hence these Agree in JESUS Spirit for to reach such as the Giant Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way a Way in JESUS Christ in a Level, is In JESUS Christ Spirit to Through JESUS Christ Create a JESUS Christ One Wormhole Best Way Better than nature (reference Adam and Eve after the fall, and such as, and Best For All.

So while a wormhole like unto a whirlpool flows, the split ring "higher" applications can also be applies such as to make active search "space debris" formulas, and so to create such split rings effects, through JESUS Christ Word(s) is such as like unto JESUS Christ UN Law Addendum 1 in Pertinence to position things in outer space with each typical voyage (see previous in this Series on "waystations").

JESUS Spirit such as healing toward fixing [amount of recipient Faithful Ascending] and straightening out the problems hence fixing is Anew Victory Over Active Listening of great goodly amounts of values though if to put the wrong part in an engine then a concern [yet with Precepting record of] Romans 12:15 New American Standard Bible "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.", so Preceptingly there is a season for weeping (Ecclesiastes 3:4) yet in Higher Level JESUS Christ Spirit In Your Living amount should solve (Revelation 21:4).

Like unto a wormhole is the piping shown below. "Groundbreaking Laser Takes Discovery to New Extremes" at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, "unable to capture their motion directly until now" relying on "shorter" pulses

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit great New Sacred Loyalty Value Over former matters, kept secret since the world began, and likewise resonating harmonically One JESUS Family Member can Actively Agree Functionally without words as this Sermon covers how to Create Wormholes yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN With Addendum 1, and with Superconducting Cavities Groundbreaking Laser Discovery New Extremes JESUS tuned split ring shorter pulses tuning forks functioning together, overlapping mechanical tape readers and advanced generator configurations.


[" 'shorter' pulses": see above JESUS Christ tuned aligned split rings discussion

(also reference diagonally split yet {for JESUS Census People, DNA type} overlapping mechanical tape readers and advanced generator configurations)].

10 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit great New Sacred Loyalty Value Over former matters, kept secret since the world began, and likewise resonating harmonically One JESUS Family Member can Actively Agree Functionally without words as this Sermon covers how to Create Wormholes yet NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN With Addendum 1, and with Superconducting Cavities Groundbreaking Laser Discovery New Extremes JESUS tuned split ring shorter pulses tuning forks functioning together, overlapping mechanical tape readers and advanced generator configurations.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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