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JESUS Hearing Levels Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Preceptingly in this Sermon Righteously In Grace for the Better Helpful Guidance For All Will Be Prophseyingly describing some types of Spirit Levels pertinent for these months.

JESUS Christ New King James Version "nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.", and "nor" rather in JESUS Christ Higher Purpose means [at, in Your Census Vessel, likewise and rather in JESUS Christ UN Grace Civilization Ascending Spirit] lower level as the Greek Translates "nor" rather into "de" as Google definition "de" defines: "(forming verbs and their derivatives) down; away. 'descend' ".

So in JESUS Christ Spirit Better Translated "though in lower level they will say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ rather For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.".

JESUS Christ is within, if to separate from JESUS Christ then to look away and stray, and if to partly look in the direction of JESUS Christ then to also miss Oneness with JESUS Christ; yet if to repent fully and look Straight for the sake of JESUS Christ then to Hear and See through any barrier.

If a Person opted to stray, as defined (see above Main Page) then as to go into Tube Parameters of the horizontal levels, such as like unto A. a white line at the outer edge of the road and then B. the guardrail and then C. the edge of the cliff. So Tube Parameters are like bells within bells (a bell type example is shown in the Drawing to the right in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Human Timeline Sermon at A 2 bell idea is symbolized from Top View perspective in the illustration shown below, 1. the Outer Diameter, OD, with 2. the Inner Diameter, ID, with JESUS Christ Family Inside.

JESUS Christ Spirit Centerline is Better than missing the point.

The "60° beam completely misses the ID"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how Purgatory level spirits wrongly behave in patterns under Sacred JESUS Spirit Over such patterns and how such Values had been kept secret since the world began until Now as JESUS Christ Anewly illustrates how such works had been hence for to Guide All to Better Conquer automatically, and how it is that so many Billions Of People completely missed the point with what to Do about it, ultrasonics, ultrasonic testing, NDT, UT, NDE, IIW block, Best Calibration


The more the straying [the more echo surfaces misdirecting] and so of cumulative risks the more falling away

from the JESUS Christ Best Path, the harder finding the Right Way again, the harder the Best Way Ascending.

JESUS Christ is "Perfect" and We are "Perfect" (as Proven if to Ascend as JESUS Christ Invited, see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Good Knowledge Sermon at including whether With Him and whether as He Sent Us To Be On Mission(s) [to Send Any Into Higher Levels is to add the lower levels things automatically (see "Maintenance" Definition on above Main Page link). So the Good Samaritan Ascended and also stopped and went off to the side of the road to lift a Person in need. NEEDFUL THESE MONTHS IS ASCENDING SPIRIT BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN to Gather hardly merely 1 Person.

JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit can "add" lower level Purgatory spirits [Souls within People, a Soul is able to interact with JESUS Christ, also as much as pertinent there are Miracles]. To have a black car for instance and to splash red paint on it by accident is a problem, to have an electric fuse box and spray water on it by accident is a problem, to lift the unworthy is similar so rather to properly fit and concerning Souls to Guide All Souls Higher Level into All Worthiness: Worthy For JESUS Christ To Lift (

Purgatory has perps, fighters, naysayers, goodly souls [often as silent majority going with the fads], and such as the meandering from lane to lane [perhaps passing even on 2 laned curved roads]: worldly secular yet Souls (see above "Perfect") as much as Perfect yet JESUS Christ The Inviter is in His Glory seeing merely the Good for Lifting [aware of other].

What has been the middle worldly secular tradition of the Souls typical of Purgatory?, God Bless Their Souls: They have been such as to hear such as "Have faith in Jesus" and then to try to Heal a Person or try to fly and jump off a rooftop: whose glory "They" were seeking is a key factor. JESUS Christ said such as "Test Me in this", though it is a rare situation [such as for Working JESUS Christ UN] as normally is as written in Luke 4:12 New American Standard Bible "And Jesus answered and said to him, “It has been stated, ‘YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’” " [sic].

If to leap off a house to see if Your selfish self can fly for fun even if to risk much, has not been the JESUS Spirit Best Way. To Heal is more toward JESUS Spirit Best Way (yet Anewly per se see above the JESUS Christ Spirit "to add the lower levels things automatically").

Psalm 23:1 New King James Version "A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.". Fear of the Lord Overcomes Fear, likewise Want in the Lord Overcomes Want, and the thing in the Lord that Overcomes Want is Ascending (hence ibid.) With His Saving Grace And Best (see above "Perfect") is the Best Way For All hence see above "SPIRIT BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN". Billions of People evidently have not yet any idea about JESUS Christ UN even though with Souls. Hence Billions of People are in a level, a realm within Tube Parameters and Not "BROADCASTING" hence not Best For All: JESUS Christ Spirit Is Best For All [Edifyingly stated (rather concerning "not", see above "nor" Better Translation)].

Purgatory level spirits are as stated above "worldly secular" hence of Souls interested in "worldly secular" Census works rather than interested in JESUS Christ. So People in Purgatory level spirits opt to stray to think about knowledge hence in default less if any significant amount (though "Perfect" applies conditionally: as linked above) about Philippians 4:8. Therefore how does a worldly secular level spirit act [as in the future] and react?: as a Census Person acts and reacts.

So in this JESUS Hearing Levels Sermon this means the Purgatory spirits mainly [moreso in the lower levels] merely hear when in close proximity to Others that strayed out there (as stated above the "strayed" that went out needlessly into the risky "Tube Parameters of the horizontal levels"). Hence the strayed distanced Themselves from JESUS Christ and are with the Strayed that They more clearly hear in close proximity whether right or wrong, good or bad. Hence according to the "more clearly hear" value [for instance, and there are other stuck-in-a-rut reasons] the strayed continued to stay strayed: at risk.

That is why JESUS Christ Proclaimed Reading The Scrolls Aloud For All as written in Exodus 4:8 New King James Version "Then it will be, if they do not believe you, nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign.", though JESUS Christ Edified as to the risk as written in Luke 8:12 "Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.", and what does this mean per se?, it is about why They strayed, and if to stray to blame Others then concerning the "close proximity" whether "good or bad". What does a sinner like to do?: blame Others, and so You Anewly See how such works, so Victory Over Such In JESUS Christ Spirit In You as much as stated above.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how Purgatory level spirits wrongly behave in patterns under Sacred JESUS Spirit Over such patterns and how such Values had been kept secret since the world began until Now as JESUS Christ Anewly illustrates how such works had been hence for to Guide All to Better Conquer automatically, and how it is that so many Billions Of People completely missed the point with what to Do about it, attenuation types of cables spirits ear hearing listening seeing

Distance [Godslings for spirits] types of cables


Another type of spirit is in the Bible in Exodus 34:26 "The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the LORD your God. You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.". So even in the lower levels under Dominion there is a respect for the spirits of the critters, though definitely People First (such as Matthew 10:31)!: so about a level very low in Purgatory all too often, prevalent these months; yet able to be as Elijah (2 Kings 2:11) if Righteous [like unto a Righteous Farmer]. Now Behold The Good Saving Grace Of JESUS Christ Exemplar With His Original Plan, if such as to blame the horse that You are guiding to continue on the road, then to self realize the foolheartedness as Your chariot goes off the road or into oncoming traffic. Edifyingly: hence as called in the worldly secular a "self correcting" value.

As the lower levels are asleep in the graves, so similarly the strayed have gone off the road and experience may tell You that if to quickly get back on the road there may be a gutter and then suddenly to lurch not merely into the right lane, also into the next lane and traffic.

Better than to stray is the Better Centerline Ascending Flow With The Good Saving Grace Of JESUS Christ Exemplar.

28 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains how Purgatory level spirits wrongly behave in patterns under Sacred JESUS Spirit Over such patterns and how such Values had been kept secret since the world began until Now as JESUS Christ Anewly illustrates how such works had been hence for to Guide All to Better Conquer automatically, and how it is that so many Billions Of People completely missed the point with what to Do about it.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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