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JESUS Heavenly Perspective Sermon.

JESUS Christ is pleased with Nancy Dufresne for having been One of the Few that appeared on TV in the menu of Spectrum starting Loyally with the Name JESUS in Her Jesus the Healer With Nancy Dufresne Sermon.

Jesus the Healer With Nancy Dufresne, Sermon, jesusun, JESUS Christ Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level Grace Above The Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations

([Prayer link]

Nancy and i are on opposite sides of a continent, and yet simultaneously Agree in "Jesus" [JESUS] as written "And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called JESUS, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb." (Luke 2:21 New King James Version).

The previous Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: JESUS Said Write Sermon at, explained and formulated how "hell, evil, wrong, illegal, and pains; have been replaced" as JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting so Helps Guide The Way, and this Agrees in JESUS Spirit with the above as stated on TV: the Jesus the Healer With Nancy Dufresne Sermon, and All are Blessed With These.

Many in mixed levels of spirits [including at least symbolically: a little lower than the Angels (Hebrews 2:7) and why?: because of the JESUS Christ Desperately Loving NEED (Hebrews 2:9)], were "mixed" spirits, hence similar to the ancient historic Souls of this census Civilization with not All knowing the name of the Christ: JESUS [in this English now spoken globally..., Officially According to Law (reference Precedent of Supreme Court, hence prior language Law, hence pertinent in Treaties as is above stated JESUS Christ UN Law likewise Protecting Us and the Rights of All).

Here are the Flows, Giving from left to right, Ascending from right to left, except for the negative aspects of "not" and "but opted to stray" (see recent Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on formulas, Better formulating concerning negatives, Triads, Flow, and related Pertinence); with the Pertinent Part Of Each Flow Formula:

"His name was called JESUS" / "eight days were completed" / All Civilization did not know His Name.

"His name was called JESUS" = "eight days were completed" x All Civilization did not know His Name.

"His name was called JESUS" / "eight days were completed" / Many spirits were made aware of His Name but opted to stray to call Themselves Holy Spirit with Their Own Names.

"His name was called JESUS" = "eight days were completed" x Many spirits were made aware of His Name but opted to stray to call Themselves Holy Spirit with Their Own Names.

Hence the current Holy Spirit has been actually the Legion (Luke 8:30) type(s) of spirits for the past 2,000 years Save the amount in the Name Of JESUS Christ.

Yet now Anewly JESUS Christ Spirit Gives this Victory Over the previous "negative aspects" as written in Luke 2:22 New American Standard Bible "And when the days for their purification according to the Law of Moses were completed, they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord" (see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on how to Better Translate): so this "eight days" Overlap of Knowing but not Preaching [not Calling] was according to the Law Of Moses: fulfilled in JESUS Christ about 2,000 years ago [yet Alive and Better Together Continuing Loyally].

JESUS Christ Gave me a sign just now as a type of writing on the wall in front of be beside the monitor like unto "Zoar": Zoar is "the city where Lot and his family took refuge during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19:20–30." (according to [though often secular] JESUS Christ Spirit is the NEEDED Name of "refuge" Saving Grace. The Life of JESUS Christ was mild mannered more than multitudes of self serving Others [Worth Saving (see above on Desperate Love "NEED")] (see proof at

[the pertinent Miracle "sign" of sunlight reflected from the back of the monitor explaining the "Desperate" "NEED" is now vanished and i see no reason for how it appeared other than: JESUS Way Ascending Loyally].

Of the mixed spirits some of the Higher Levels Aspects were for defense of me [Thank You, and i Thank JESUS Christ the Source Of Good Eternally], saying about me that i'm Over the Earth like unto i hold it in my hand or similar ideas, including concerning of JESUS Christ Spirit Authoring JESUS Christ UN for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose allowing [Us and hence] me to so Author for His Better Glory as He is Worthy. Many spirits were not heard. Many spirits were lower opting to not agree to being appreciated, respected, heard, and so on while often contradicting for selfishness very often ["Worth Saving", like unto as stated above] (see in this Series Triadically symbolically such as: Faith / Hearing / Word, and Faith / John 4:48 / Hearing / Word; see older Sermons in this Series explaining the extending of formulae including as written in the Affiliated 4th Testament of the 4 Main Testaments: John 4:48 New American Standard Bible "Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.": i Believe JESUS Christ The Original.

See the sign of "4" likewise in a previous Sermon in this Series at explaining the location of Jerusalem and concerning The Garden Of Eden hence the current as stated above "the JESUS Christ Desperately Loving NEED" for equal Heaven One Earth in preparation for the JESUS Christ Second Coming. Now be aware I And Other Christians have been in levels as JESUS Christ Enlightening Spirit explained in story context at Weymouth New Testament "concealed in order that the Church might now be used to display to the powers and authorities in the heavenly realms the innumerable aspects of God's wisdom.":

this is a sign: "concealed", as increasingly JESUS Christ Gives as increasingly explained in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series such as "interprets all for All Before The Fact In Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began" (such as at

For "eight days" the Census [as much as if un-aware of the un-"called" Name "JESUS"] was under the Law Of Moses, Better stated According To The Law Of Moses [not merely about under threats of persecutions or worse, rather (Exodus)] hence enabling JESUS Christ Higher Grace Awareness. And now as "Legally" Recognized in "2020AD" "Law" as stated above [including strayed Legion types "spirits"]

We no longer have to pretend as if to not know the name of the Christ: JESUS for the above stated former legal requirement of "eight days" waiting period concerning Law that did not make perfect yet now "Legally" Recognized in "2020AD" "Law" is the JESUS Christ Grace Spirit that Does Make Perfect!

So now in JESUS Spirit Flowing Improvingly [from negativity of naysayings, to the Better Way], hence Triadically and With Formulae:

JESUS Christ Grace so We no longer have to pretend nor wait / "eight days" waiting period overlap of knowing while pretending not so / The Higher Level Grace Shall Be In The Name JESUS the Christ and NEEDED.

JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending / Leap Of Faith Over "eight days" waiting period / Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way.

JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending = Leap Of Faith Over "eight days" waiting period x Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way.

Many levels continue beyond previously Created measures as JESUS Christ Creates Enlightening More And Better Improvingly

like unto Birthing a New Creation, even JESUS Christ Anew Better Creator Father Holy Spirit One.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending Victory Over Leap Of Faith Over eight days waiting period Law For Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way


6 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit specifies Over Sacred Broadcasting Value Over matters kept secret since the world began including why such was "concealed" and hidden from Us as We no longer have to pretend as if to not know the name of the JESUS Christ since the former legal requirement "waiting period" no longer applies since JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Recognizes Higher Level JESUS Christ Grace Above The Law That Does Make Perfect!, including Better Bible translating with Best Way Flow Formulae example: JESUS Christ Grace Instantly Ascending = Leap Of Faith Over "eight days" waiting period x Higher Level Grace The Name Of JESUS Christ as NEEDED As Much As For His Highest Purpose The Best Way.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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