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JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ Heavenly Father One Spirit is Desperate Love: Full Of Love Agreeing With Overflowing Loyally Pouring Out Love, even His Own Life Blood. JESUS Christ Maintenance Level Miracles In One are Edifyingly Likewise as written in New American Standard Bible "And He saw a poor widow putting in two lepta coins": Google Translator for "lepta" is "minutes" (wiki) such as in reference to secular cliche "Time is money". Time is not equal to money. Though "lepta" is akin to source to "The word leprosy comes from ancient Greek Λέπρα [léprā], 'a disease' " as the Widow put in the only diseases She had: even All of Her diseases: She led the devils to Church. Similar are "leprous (adj.) "infected with leprosy," early 13c., leprus, from Old French lepros (etymonline).

Yet more to the Better Point, the Widow put in "something scaled" (Lexicon) (wiki) "Translations of minutes" = "minutes, record, proceedings": the Widow put into the Church Treasure Her Legal Records as Testimony of Her Loyal Faith In The Higher Unseen, in the form of reporting dutifully in Grace; like unto saying Grace therefore JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizes Grace therefore it is now become these few years: legal to say Prayer Aloud in Public and such as to have the 10 Commandments written in stone on Public Property. This is not to censor any goodliness at all. These Testimonies are the Righteous Truth Best For All.

In Loyal "Best" Faith This JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon Will Give For You to be "Overflowing" Good hence to Give answering: how to build an Envelope for a rocket [Colony] to travel through the Milky Way?, and explains what it means to Faithfully Be "on" "Course"?, and specifies about Better Seeing The Way Ahead even when not previously seen, and explains pertinence of what is a rocket plume Biblically speaking?.

Concerning the above stated "how to build an Envelope for rocket [Colony] travel through the Milky Way" Matthew 5:13 New American Standard Bible applies as written "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by people." as somewhat shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, In Loyal Best Faith This JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon Will Give For You to be Overflowing Good hence to Give answering: how to build an Envelope for a rocket Colony to travel through the Milky Way?, and explains what it means to Faithfully Be on Course?, and specifies about Better Seeing The Way Ahead even when not previously seen, and explains pertinence of what is a rocket plume Biblically speaking?.

In secular lingo [looking for the worst to place blame on othes] yet to Edify in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as Preceptingly Pertinent,

the only thing wrong with the above pic is that the rocket is traveling in the wrong direction.


JESUS Christ Heavenly Spirit Gathers the Worthy, and Sends on Mission: Sends the Lifted Worthy into New Better Heavenly Levels Missions Ascendingly [Save as much as Maintenance for lower levels sakes: after turned astray from faith and after the strayed have seen the Convincing Miracles, then the Strayed Are Convinced to Ascend. The previous Sermon Magnetic Flow did not merely fall down, it also Ascended and in vector Mass velocity on Controlled Course [for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All].

If not Ascending and if there are no immediate signs of People out in a direction for to Save, what does the previous sentence mean "on" "Course"?: and so while not to cause any to be scared of others and flee [though conditionally appropriate (see previous Sermons in this Series on secular level "Judo") including conditionally purgatory level] to stray when in the situation for to be Brave, consider how the Chosen People fled Egypt, and many in the past have disputed the route.

God Led His Chosen People not merely through the wilderness as if random places [as it can seem now: in Faith], though after, then the People saw the fruits the Miracles; and these ancient Miracles are Better explained now hence in a hindsight amount Victory Over Faith a delimited amount [yet be Faithful rather than follow after Miracles]. To leave the Egyptian slavery strayed false theology for the Better Way Loyally, God JESUS Christ moved Them not to hide Them though pertinent, rather for the Better, to Learn Desperate Love for All [back then for all the Chosen People as Many as Faithful].

The Better is Faith hence harder to understand, so similar simple to understand is JESUS Christ The Protector Spirit, hence to start to Edifying about "to hide Them". There was not merely unexplored desert. Why God Led the ancient times Chosen People to the locations in the desert where He did was not merely about finding water and food: after crossing the water, dry, into the Sinai Peninsula there were East and West Trade Routes. So to "hide" and to be Protected God Led the Chosen People not along any Trade Route West to East to be: seen by any that might report to the enslavers: $ for Chosen Souls Location [along a route]. So the Chosen People headed South.

Now the Higher Purpose Faith Matter was to the Mountain, Ascendingly, as written in Exodus 3:1 "Now Moses was pasturing the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian; and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.", to where "the angel of the LORD" had previously "appeared to him in a blazing fire from within a bush" (Exodus 3:2): including to where Chosen People Leader Moses knew the lay of the land. So this is what it means to be Faithfully on a Mission if seemingly not Ascending as written in Exodus 16:3 Berean Study Bible " 'If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in the land of Egypt!' they said. 'There we sat by pots of meat and ate our fill of bread, but you have brought us into this desert to starve this whole assembly to death!' ".

So here is some preparing for how to build an Envelope for a rocket [Colony] to travel through the Milky Way which the secular in cliche has called "mostly empty space". See above "dry" and these two verses from :

New King James Version "The rivers will turn foul; The brooks of defense will be emptied and dried up; The reeds and rushes will wither.", and

New American Standard Bible "The canals will emit a stench, The streams of Egypt will thin out and dry up; The reeds and rushes will rot away.".

So the above stated "Protector" aspect to "hide" in "defense" has been as to revert to ancient "Egypt" disloyally to opt to be under "slavery" and "death!".

JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting Loyally / Food / Wanting protection / hiding / slavery / death.

Previous flow is secular including negatives so a formula applies though conditionally complexly (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Of Sermons For Best Leading on "formula", "formulas", and rather "formulae").

The above pic shows the rocket plume of plasma (see previous in this Series on plumes [some may have been illegally censored, and rather the Controlled Vortex Gathering [Tube Diameter] Point "plume" of JESUS Christ Spirit in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: at

In the old days of rocketry there was a lot of waste, the plumes would be so much strayed exhaust plume as to make the launching rocket invisible, hidden behind a wall of smoke (as the Lord God did concerning the Holy Of Holies and as explained above Leading the Chosen People, also see UFOs in this Series).

More often currently similar to the above pic the plume is Better, a More Straight And Narrow Tube Plume. Hence this matter, this "plume" can be Envelope Victory With JESUS Christ Spirit Over "empty space".

If the oceans are to "dry" as partially indicated in the above info, including as Righteously Biblical, then to "Righteously" solve improvingly for JESUS Christ Glory With His Second Coming. Consider what's in the rivers and oceans, water and salt. A rocket plume pushes hard [and fast], like unto stepping up stairs, pushing down step over step, "Ascendingly". And so Biblically speaking the rocket plume is as a step, a foot stepping, a Pillar Of Faith yet Ascendingly [including on Mission as much as conditional: as much as pertinent for rocketry].

Hence this is as written above in Matthew 5:13 "salt" = "good for" "out and trampled underfoot" and controlled of "people".

If to put salt water into a bottle with a balloon on top and heat, the "exhaust" fills the balloon. Outer space is extremely cold, so if to heat water then it [the balloon air] in heat exchanger effect condenses and returns to [the spaceship traveling in that direction, and per se] into the bottle. If the plume is larger as in the old days as discussed above, then to Envelope the rocket.

So to control Tube Parameters of the Front Port(s) Exhaust Plume [such as in addition to the Power Plume to the rear], then to control the plume expanse hence the layer of thickness of the [as if returning, though as Our rocket travels up, forward,] Tube Wall Enveloping the rocket. Also like unto a signal sent ahead, to look at such as an as if "empty" part of space ahead then to see no black hole [if nothing is entering a black hole], and if to approach a matte black meteor for instance, then perhaps unnoticed [crash], though if to send gas ahead then to see the particles move accordingly.

Shown below for the pertinent Glory Of JESUS Christ is an example of how thin a layer might be, such as prior to surface tension overcoming, and such as concerning viscosity, wetness, cohesion, adhesion to the rocket, and such, see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, In Loyal Best Faith This JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon Will Give For You to be Overflowing Good hence to Give answering: how to build an Envelope for a rocket Colony to travel through the Milky Way?, and explains what it means to Faithfully Be on Course?, and specifies about Better Seeing The Way Ahead even when not previously seen, and explains pertinence of what is a rocket plume Biblically speaking?, Tube wall thickness.


2 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit In Loyal Best Faith This JESUS Heavenly Spirit Sermon Will Give For You to be Overflowing Good hence to Give answering: how to build an Envelope for a rocket Colony to travel through the Milky Way?, and explains what it means to Faithfully Be on Course?, and specifies about Better Seeing The Way Ahead even when not previously seen, and explains pertinence of what is a rocket plume Biblically speaking?; oceans salt water tension viscosity wetness cohesion adhesion and atmospheric Venturi Effect.

Jesus Christ

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