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JESUS Highest Level Work Sermon.

JESUS Christ Baptized in His Name, JESUS. Anewly the previous Sermon explained and exemplified not merely being in His Name with Power, yet also a Faith Amount matter, a 100% Faith Amount was revealed: this same "Amount" [Within "His Name, JESUS"] in that Sermon is the JESUS Christ Highest Level Work (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Opened Heaven Sermon at describes as "A Most Sacred Event" in "JESUS Spirit" as "This Creator Level Work Applies In You".

If You were found Worthy to Oversee the New Beginning, what would JESUS Christ Have You Do?.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose from Your Perspective Plan The New Beginning According to His Words, Be Worthy to Oversee the New Beginning


For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose from Your Perspective Plan The New Beginning According to His Words. There were Scribes and Pharisees that were conspirators so rather According to the Best For All One Spirit Of His Loving Caring Best Guiding Word(s). Psalm 67:4 Contemporary English Version "Let the nations celebrate with joyful songs, because you judge fairly and guide all nations."

Job 34:13 Literal Standard Version "Who has inspected for Himself the earth? And who has placed all the habitable world?" John 10:25 Berean Literal Bible "Jesus answered them, 'I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in the name of My Father, these bear witness concerning Me.' ".

How do we know, how are we aware?, faith types though rather amount of Best Way Faith applies, as found in the Christian Bible of the Oaths Of Offices, as found on maps of the journeys of the greats such as where JESUS went, where Abraham went, and Moses, and Jarod (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law Sermon at and such as increasingly in scrolls and books being found, also such as written into law such as JESUS: "King of the Jews".

So We are Aware because of such as the Library, such as the great wealth of the Online Network that JESUS Christ Established For You [through Many] for Preaching: Fishing Net Work For Best For All Guiding Leaders as written in Luke 5:4 New King James Version "When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, 'Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.' ". So if to Create a New Beginning then hardly to fear anything such as a Great Flood since it is an opportunity for a great "catch" as You in that future type of situation of any flood remember this, yet memory is improved with recording as with typing and saying and with personal notes on the JESUS Christ Given Precepts, hence again the Library Recordkeeping Value.

While a great amount of fish can begin to sink a boat though Ascending [with Precepting Records] with JESUS Christ Luke 5:7 likewise applies. Why did the previous Sermon in this Series explain: "brought the Moon" to watch Earth civilization that "caused the Great Flood"; and Preceptingly with Transparency of Recordkeeping how does it fit into this Sermon?, the Great Flood cleansed this planet as the Immersion Baptism cleanses the census Person hence fitting for the New Better [such as Parents Hoped For Their Children] Chosen. This fits also such as with above stated Jarod the great sailor and more even Jarod brought the stones of light from JESUS Christ.

Yet with JESUS Spirit Faith also comes Miracles so such as this New Knowledge (answering above question "How do we know" in the JESUS Highest Level Miracle sense): The Great Library Of Alexandria was a public library at the West Point of the Nile Delta founded by Alexander The Great about 332BC and He gave the Jews 1/4 of it and it became a great Christian Trade Center, though it was also of Greek Roman philosophies of many worshiped and strayed ideas that spread far, in other words though with many proper records it had: largely a Public Library there.

The Destruction Of The Library Of Alexandria, shown below, was a great loss [in the 19th century AD (various sources)], as explained above, even though including secular strayed ideas, hence the rating system pertinence applies rather than censorship in order to guide others away from pitfalls and snares to not be trapped again as slaves stuck in ruts or worse, also for legal pertinence, even so is the Better JESUS Spirit Way Of Best Way Guiding Best For All hence for such Recordkeeping.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, great Lighthouse Of Alexandria earthquake, great Public Library Of Alexandria fire


The above left is symbolic of the great Lighthouse Of Alexandria which fell due to an earthquake hundreds of years BC (various sources).

Yet a Miracle Of this "New Knowledge" as stated above, concerns the Loyal Ascending Path as with Precepting In JESUS Spirit yet of this Faith Type And Amount described as "Most Sacred" [event wise so to speak] in "JESUS Spirit" as "This Creator Level Work Applies In You" is yet another indicator of the JESUS Christ Righteous Truth yet as much as with pertinent transparent traceability, as many have said in cliche "Consider the source". A goodly thread of truth is far better than many more ways proven risky. Yet this goodliness is as a sign and subject to interpretation as written in Luke 8:18 Treasury of Scripture "Take heed therefore how you hear: for whoever has, to him shall be given; and whoever has not, from him shall be taken even that which he seems to have." so continue Ascending as from the Top Level JESUS Christ One Gives The New Better Higher Level JESUS Christ Top Level.

So this "New Knowledge" includes "Christian Prophet Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) said there would be a library chamber found below the Sphinx, the "Hall of Records" of Atlantis as has been found" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon at and as illustrated in that Sermon is protective soil blocking the entrance ways hence this "New Knowledge" concerning ancient Egypt preparation Before The Fact for the Great Flood, for protecting the More Valuable Sacred Library as indicated, as threaded so far [see previous in this Series on Triads and the amount of precision thus far: much more can be done (John 21:25)]: as in recent Sermon in this Series on Egyptian Sacred Records (1 Nephi 1:2).

This JESUS Spirit Thread also Helps answer such as stated in the top sentence of this Sermon "not merely" JESUS Name yet also Within JESUS Christ Faith Amount Way such as for a popular concern about working for money or as JESUS Christ did: 40 days and 40 nights in the desert at the beginning of the Book Of Matthew. So consider no money for the journey into the desert like unto the Exodus, no big bag of supplies, no handheld for texting such as in case of emergency, therefore what is the result?, merely homeless (rather see "not merely"), a vagrant?, rather on a JESUS Christ Mission; and where is the proof of success of this Miracle Before The Fact, John The Baptist Elijah, North of Jerusalem on the map where the springs were for Baptizing People, out there in the wilderness eating the Word Of JESUS Christ, Baptizing JESUS Christ [how hardly could anything be Better], and eating locusts and honey,

so of this JESUS Spirit Way, John became able to "not merely" survive, yet also with many as JESUS Respected Elijah (Matthew 17:12) and He Baptized JESUS Christ.

19 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals the Sacred Miracle Over kept secret since the world began as multitudes wonders about how the Baptism Of JESUS Christ Was Accomplished, that is, how did John get to be the Baptizer of JESUS Christ The Creator; also this Sermon for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose from Your Perspective more specifically Gives Plan Awareness For The New Beginning; with insight into the great Lighthouse Of Alexandria earthquake, and great though secular Public Library Of Alexandria fire, and rather the Better Holy Record Thread Awareness.

Jesus Christ

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