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JESUS Highest Purpose Sermon.
JESUS Christ has seen what strayed ways lead to, and out of the midst of Eternal options Created the Best Way Plan For All including the Giving of Salvation, and this Saving Grace is with Giving Desperate Love Growing, as has been planted into All already.
As written in 1 Corinthians 3:7 and 8 Berean Standard "So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.": "God" meaning the "Lord" "Creator" (Θεός&op=translate).
With God JESUS Christ Being Important what is the importance of the previous two verses such as for the People known as secular?: be humble.
To "be humble" is important for All, even as JESUS Christ is humble lest in secular cliche to decide He's "not going to put up with" secular anymore, though JESUS Highest Purpose Plan Gives Grace. Lack of Laws prior to Moses had been as to fall from Grace (to fall from Loyalty including to from the Miracle the Garden Of Eden), and with Moses were Laws, and with JESUS Christ UN the Lawful Awareness yet if "Lawful" then Grace Victory Over under the Law hence JESUS Higher Purpose and with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Grace [rather than Law] is JESUS Christ Perfect Family Of JESUS Highest Purpose [while Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law And Grace retains the record of memory of under Law toward punishments hence not able to make perfect though can be Perfectingly (as in "a more perfect union")].
So above, the word "Perfect " is explained in this Sermon.
We are to Ascend, Best Way fitting Precept With Precept
(Precept On Precept yet also in this Sermon is explained such as "horizontal" and such as 3D)
yet rather from JESUS Christ Highest Level Perspective We are to Give from His Bank Of Precepts that are already Fitted Together The Best Way.
So to see how JESUS Christ arranged the Precepts, and then to Accept as He Gives Precepts to Likewise Fit His Precepts Together In Our Broadcasting.
Like unto words, JESUS Christ Bible Formulas can be fitted together though hardly to get momentary victory and rather Eternal Best For All
Better and Better, so in JESUS Spirit We plan and rather Give the "Better" and rather the next Higher Level "Better",
that is, such as to give money to Any without money then they go buy such as according to their addictions.
A. Current Gift to Them, B. next future situation They receive the Gift, C. then next future situation They perhaps buy merely self pleasing stuff [so maybe They don't really Ascend].
Rather A. Give with Credit For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [as in the name of JESUS Christ and rather as NEEDFUL NOW in the name of JESUS Christ UN and after Broadcast toward overflowing then the next Higher Level Faithfully unseen currently in the JESUS Christ Name And Spirit], then B. received Gift yet with Awareness of Best Purpose For All the Best Way For All Together Respectfully, then C. the recipient buys while considering Charity more [this is actually a strong catalyst, similar to how treaties and contracts and other agreements brought Groups Together: so Broadcast these things that They start Broadcasting Likewise: One Best JESUS Christ Spirit].
This Best Way is Better than the former lower levels strayed ways: fallen from the Garden Of Eden, groups have walked the Earth trampling many innocent grasses, and likewise many People that were innocent strayed and fell as from adding Good and being Positive to being negative, less than zero as written in Isaiah 40:17 "All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.".
Yet JESUS Christ Gives Grace, Beloved, as written in Matthew 10:31 "So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." So as stated above "He who plants and he who waters" are rewarded according to whether Entering Together Into JESUS Christ Name And Spirit In One Good Work, and counted in the secular as if: or other works, nothing for nothing in the secular or punishment as opted to stray from Best For All (reference clues in perps trails, and reference recordkeeping);
yet actually JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is rather than about "or", and rather than about separations, also be Aware JESUS Christ Lifts The Worthy, Lifting The Worthy is the JESUS Christ Judging Way. So with being humble is pertinent verse as written in 1 Corinthians 3:8 "He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.".
Praying JESUS Christ Highest Purpose In Desperate Love unselfishly (Maintenance minimized) hence Best For All Loyally, with as written in Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.". So this added unto You, with first in JESUS Christ Name Spirit As Baptized Ascendingly with humble Praying for to Give in JESUS Highest Purpose Desperate Love for the sake(s) of All, is 1. from the source JESUS Christ, 2. through You, 3. for All.
JESUS Christ / Through Your Broadcasting / Best For All.
JESUS Christ Good Best For All Info = Through Your Broadcasting x Best For All.
The secular reward is for the self, rewarded when done, then having in secular cliche to watch their back.
You "Through Your Broadcasting" feel some Joyous satisfaction after Broadcasting JESUS Christ Best For All, so You have Your reward [Give Thanks For JESUS Christ: reward for Good = Miracle, though if an Attacker dies from the census before harming You it is about a secular situation as the Attacker opted to stray hence hardly about any "Miracle" (JESUS Christ is as stated above: "Good")];
also You have Precept On Precept Ascendingly so in Continuing to Serve JESUS Christ with Pertinent Broadcasting then You Broadcast Better and Better info; plus the Hearers and Perceivers [perhaps slowly (remember how You have been in some situations, humbly be Merciful rather than secularly expecting results before the deadline)] and so the JESUS Christ Value is added for All including for You.
So the reward for the Good Ascending Precept On Precept is that You receive for Good Work, and rather that JESUS Christ receive the Better Value that comes from JESUS Christ With You that rather "All" receive for the ultimate "All" Ascending Rate Better and Better.
Hence so much "Better" comes as to Overflow yet Before The Fact Give lest We be "secular" hence as to swamp the Group vessel boat (Luke 8:14) about selfish concerns in this world such as confused fears about how others would react as to fear to fall from Grace hence to rather fear JESUS Christ hence humbly Prayerfully Boldly Bravely Broadcast His Highest Purpose hence Your Reward: hardly if to fear at all, having done the Good as JESUS Christ Prepared for You and Gave for You and for Us to Accomplish!
The 4th Testament went into details of how Bible Words Of JESUS Christ Precepts at least for the created, fit not merely 1 Dimension, 1D, as into merely a horizontal line formula, nor merely 2D such as Commandments in formulae sets being able to be read not merely horizontally yet also vertically (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Best Sermon at, yet the 4th Testament [and this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series with many specifics though many Sermons were illegally censored] went into 3D (see "The Word became flesh" Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: More Than 2 Places At Once Sermon at and more such as concerning Leaping and Transfiguration.
What is it to Ascend from "1D" to "3D"?, it is to Ascend In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to Give His Family Word into the Public as You Broadcast, Anewly, to issue 3D tangible Miracles Immediately From Your Mouth [from You typing fingers, from such as when You gesture Upward for to Best Guide All into and For JESUS Christ Best Way For All]. A start is such as in the Church as an Usher may ask a Visitor to be seated where there is an empty seat available. You Move A Person! Their Soul Goes With Them, from after Listening Their Soul Directs Them: and the Person Goes! The previous sentence in hardly about casting out, and rather in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Better Casting In, known as Inviting and Comforting and Grace [and Eucharist Hosting yet if so Doing the Hosting Seed of Eucharist that They Become a Christian Leader too and Host The Holy Eucharist Of JESUS Christ].
So of Your JESUS Christ Word, matter is moved; You Move Miracles; You Move Faith!
You may speak and as if none hear, You may type and as if no visitors (rather see next sentence), yet be Loyal For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, it is Given without price, so look into "without price" ways the JESUS Christ Given Situation Offers, toward Lifting All.
Multitudes of anxious People are very interested in what You Say and Do, such as High Technology producing cell phones to listen and track You even as You go from room to room.
22 October 2020.
tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began explains what Perfect is, and What it means to Ascend from 1D Preaching to 3D Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace With Immediate Miracles in JESUS Christ Family Spirit New Great Power For Good Invitingly, Comfortingly and With Giving Better Grace with formulating and growing Better People from words of You mouth.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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