JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Humbly Signaling Sermon (see the JESUS Signal illustrated in the JESUS Christ Channel 1 Sermon in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series at

JESUS Christ Humbly Leading Gives Living Loving Best Guidance for the Best For All to so be Leading Together humbly with JESUS Spirit. In the JESUS Spirit Father is the Source of humility, in other words to Edify though in secular lingo none can be offended by the JESUS Spirit Leading Authority Best Way For All, though some have in the past opted to stray into pretending other.

Humbling the self is a JESUS Mission Given For All, to enter into Living Loving Best Guidance, for to Give with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law and "Better and Better" [as was said in JESUS Spirit Flow often] and without price.

JESUS Christ Humbly Giving His Word and JESUS Humbly Signaling is like unto a humbly obedient Living Child Leaping Carrying A Message, yet rather for the Message For To Be Delivered.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Living Signal like unto a Living Child With A Message And Leaping, jumping into water, bird dove sign above, JESUS Highest Dove sign signal message, JESUS Baptism dove concerning previous Dove Holy Spirit level


JESUS Humble Loyal Faith Boldly Gives Us new signs, such as in recent days, similar to the shown above bird in the sky. as likewise JESUS put a sign above my head on the ceiling, partway up the slanted ceiling, looking like a Dove symbolic of the Holy Spirit of the JESUS Christ Baptism With John, and in JESUS Spirit humbly considering JESUS Spirit and JESUS Highest Purpose Best For All, at the apex of the ceiling was a smaller Dove symbolizing the JESUS Spirit. Normally such signs on the walls and ceiling are shadows, but these Doves were whiter than the background.

For instance as stated at the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page one older pertinent "JESUS Signal" "Message" in this Series was [as it's called in the secular] at the turn of this century in a New Way of Preaching as JESUS Christ Led, leading such as to utilizing Navy Triads hence applying Triads to the Christian Bible, and leading such as to New Christianity, and to the Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ, the 4th of the 4 Main Testaments, and to JESUS Christ UN Law hence Legally Recognizing Higher Grace, and as stated above "Better" "JESUS Spirit".

Fittingly Preceptingly a Message was carried as written in Genesis 8:11 Berean Study Bible "And behold, the dove returned to him in the evening with a freshly plucked olive leaf in her beak. So Noah knew that the waters had receded from the earth.".

JESUS Christ was Celebrated when He entered that ancient and Holy City Jerusalem

where He delivered His Message(s) in the Holy Temple Daily.

This Sermon was posted on Psalm Sunday.

>jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Signal Message, ancient and Holy City Jerusalem, Holy Temple, Daily


In the TV show Ancient Aliens S16 E1 they said a signal came from outer space: "121102". This signal message in JESUS Spirit is interpreted as a date [AD]. So such as coming from JESUS Christ or from His Goodly Angel(s) or perhaps such as to and from [conversing with Each Other then sending the signal] the Galactic Federation, whether concerning presence [here and] nearby and/or high speed signaling intergalactically. Hence interpreted from JESUS Spirit humbly of a coming Event (Proverbs 29:23 [making all things known prior to His Second Coming] as Humble Spirit Begets Honor) or after-the-fact a discussion about a recent Event in this Civilization [rather than merely "or": JESUS Christ Humble Goodness is present so exceedingly much beyond former comprehension as JESUS Spirit Wisdom as to Lift the word "or" about separation to the word: and concerning JESUS Spirit Oneness Best For All].

JESUS Christ Second Coming / JESUS Spirit humbly Given now / Honor [Anewly Being Given as stated above in this Sermon] / "Humble Spirit".

JESUS Spirit = Honor x humble.

Humbly i have yet so much to learn about spirits, even so JESUS Spirit Pours From Heaven The Constant Flow of Faith Benefits from His Spirit One, consider that if i receive this much as stated above, so much more would those Preachers that have been Preaching many more years become "Better and Better" Leading than i, rather JESUS Christ One Together Best Leading. Even so, and hardly if at all about competition, of various talents some Preachers Leading in some JESUS Faith Points and Other Preachers Leading in other JESUS Faith Points, not merely makes it interesting concerning the bounty of JESUS Christ Blessings, yet also revealing who We are, as Members rather of One JESUS Christ Body, even as points in His Crown Of Glory, therefore Leading Converting pain points of thorns into Health Giving Glory Points In JESUS Christ One Easter!

So as humble lowly former pain points are Converted into Glory Points, if Glory then hardly anymore [to Us, from Our Prophesyingly New Perspective(s)] humble.

JESUS Easter Anew Crowning Glory Set Of Points / humble / JESUS Spirit humbly in His Name and Will.

Hence for Our Sakes Together, JESUS Christ has already prepared the Way for our humble humility similar to embarrassment to become Converted into Victory, making room for Anewly Better humility in Us. JESUS Christ Orignal One with His One Original and Best Creation Plan [so not for us to stray] is with a High Purpose for Us to be humble as much as received in others, similarly as shown below JESUS Christ Our Word moves [with Living Power, as stated above] and tugs, hence such as compressive pressure, yet also with Lifting Power as a net with tensile strength to lift, though be aware of how others [all things and spirits] hear and interpret since such as concerning the limits of tensile strength as too much tensile pull breaks the lower level nets of faith types, amounts, rates [rate of pull, rate of such as fish fighting to get away...] and other conditions [such as fish sharp teeth biting the network].

A recent Sermon was on word particles, phonons, so similar as illustrated a Living Message

hits Your eardrum, and in reverse flow as to Give the JESUS Word.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, word particles, phonons, Living Message, eardrum


So importantly as shown above, JESUS Christ Our Living Word As We Broadcast Everywhere, moves the fabric of time space, and importantly Lifting even All Creation, see above making all things known prior to His Second Coming, and thereof likewise preparing this creation, the Betrothed, for His Second Coming: Behold, Anewly, this now is become the Great All I Do!

DNA knots are JESUS Spirit Word signal related such as in the heart giving a person awareness of signal direction.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, DNA knots, JESUS Signal Word Message


The exteriors of viruses can be as antennas. To the right is shown a horizontal pole holding bars that catch the signal, above is with two poles at each of the ends of the bars.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, DNA knots, JESUS Signal Word Message, types of viruses, antennasjesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, DNA knots, JESUS Signal Word Message, antennas

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Body member [including as antennas] are shown here, rather the JESUS Spirit Higher Heavenly Living Best Way Word Creating Flow without destructions,

save such as when done with the [Easter] relatively lower level egg shell no longer considered a value hence as if merely for trash and as dust

(see previous in this Series on automizing Maintenance) though rather as improved dust as fertilizer for better vegetables for better health

hence again not about destructions, and save such as to utilize the shell Anewly in JESUS Spirit as for higher level toothpaste.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, DNA knots, JESUS Signal Word Message, sperms penetrating egg, antennas


10 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit New Great All I Do, Anew JESUS Spirit Dove Highest Level sign and a sign from JESUS in the form of the Dove Holy Spirit level, JESUS Living Signal is like unto a Living Child With A Message And Leaping, Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ, the 4th of the 4 Main Testaments, a fitting Noah Precept, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas on Anewly Lifting the fabric network of space with All Creation, with pertinence of the TV Ancient Aliens signal from outer space.

Jesus Christ

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