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JESUS Improving Power Sermon.

JESUS Christ explained as Sent for to Do, hence including as the lower levels had Hoped for Better, and so to explain the whole truth properly Better for to Help Guide All including as JESUS Christ explained in JESUS Spirit Invitingly as the Few [relative to the many that opted to stray (from each of those lower levels perspectives)]

so in JESUS One ["Few"] Righteous Perspective after all had fallen from JESUS Grace, after JESUS Christ was born into the census these same "Few" [including Transfiguration(s) not merely as witnessed (Word to and for Victory Over intermediary Baptismal Services such as had been as JESUS Said in Luke 3:16, though not excuse for works to avoid Full Immersion Baptism in the current and future)]

then as it came to be JESUS Christ explained in JESUS Spirit He is the Father too, as written in Luke 10:21 New American Standard Bible "At that very time He rejoiced greatly in the Holy Spirit, and said, 'I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, for doing so was well pleasing in Your sight.' ".

This sentence is no excuse to [as stated above] "stray" though how hardly to "stray" at all [hence reason to Love All, as We are same planet or at least all in the same created, and Created Of JESUS Christ And With JESUS Written into All, and how to describe?; this is like unto properly driving a car but another car is encountered at an intersection, for instance the first two cars in Ohio crashed at an intersection, rather JESUS Christ One Grace Best For All.

So with the above and Given this current situation, this explains how it is no longer a needful idea to risk any Saved Christian by exposure to intermediary Baptismal Services though sufficient Grace Level may be applied after more important JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting in this current more needful Better cause for All rather than merely the few, though this does not forbid though Higher Level JESUS Christ Original Mission Plan Conditions Apply. It is like unto whether to opt something or to opt as JESUS Christ Opted.

In this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series Preceptingly the previous JESUS Powers Sermon at explained some of Your [Our] JESUS Mission Preparedness and Readiness factors [Best For You, Best For All], also known as the increasing risk factor(s) [if to itemize and count such as in census though first JESUS Christ Pray] if to stray.

These are Godsling Parameters [plural yet traceable for and with JESUS Christ] if to exist in the created like unto a light [hence things such as photons are often so associated with lights and likewise with lighting the way and conditionally since many spirits had set traps as formerly such as to temporarily point a flashlight the wrong directions and photons fit as so pointed in cause and effect].

And these Godslings are of the Original Creation Over every direction: no escape so to speak, save through JESUS Christ [not an "escape" rather simply the Best Way through myriads of complexities. So JESUS Christ is normally as an open door, while to opt to fall from Grace is as to break all laws and all reason to encounter at the bottom facing the wrong direction the multitude of barriers similar to court related cliche "I'll throw the book at you" (a secular example has been at

JESUS Ascending Spirit Victory Anewly Over yet with transparency in recordkeeping concerns such as Exorcisms, Intermediaries, Stoicism, Vulcanism [similarly reference Spock], compuational machines and robots.

God Sent JESUS into the world of sin, to fix, cure, perfect, improve, make suitable Best For All [even if "All" had been Best (see below text on "humble"],

JESUS did not send God into sin: this is Anewly Victory Over Philippians 4:7 yet Anewly With [as stated in this Sermon, and likewise in this Series].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, concentric circles, Stoic, Spock, Hierocles, robot


For instance a nation had been humble though if to be asked to be even more humble it could have been pleased or offended and retort such as to explain we have already been doing [humbly, and/or another topic] that and [feel] are insulted [hence to fall from stray toward wars and at least first death [sleep, passed from census, see older Sermons on lower levels]. If a high speed train approaches and to walk in front at the last moment and say "Train stop" it does not stop Save JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so rarely hardly and toward unique [though such as see above "Transfiguration(s)"] that John 9:3 applies.

While the falls have been associated with harms, the above is the JESUS Christ One Inviting and the Best Way For All. The "harms" have been according to as many as opted to not Ascend For JESUS Christ Best Way Oneness. It is like unto [and see above and now "asked to be even more humble" (as in this Sermon in this Series in this Mission Agreeing With JESUS Christ Best For All)] a Child in a safe place with a Babysitter but the Child steals the car keys and wrongly imagining to know how to drive a car escapes and the Child soon crashes the car and "harms" the self.

For a nation to have said [symbolically] "We know how to transfigure" is simply not good enough. We know how to drive cars is not good enough. We know how to breathe, eat, and drink, is not good enough. How much Good is too much?, Good is Eternal: no end, no "too much" Save as 100% vested in JESUS Christ [with as many and as much as JESUS Christ Lifts into Oneness, as as "Oneness" continues, not merely Baptized, yet Ascending Best For All: With JESUS Christ The Eternal Good hence Leader whether seen in the census or not, whether seen in the spirits as a census type image or not].

This previous "or not" is important, as written in 1 Corinthians 8:4 "Therefore, concerning the eating of food sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing at all in the world, and that there is no God but one.". In other words all things have been similar to idols not to be worshiped. It is like unto being with a respectable team leader with all on the team already excited to accomplish the project for to astoundingly help civilization better than previously, so not to sit back at home and to let the team leader do it, rather the mutual joy in all delighted to be accomplishing it together and a person [like unto Father: Sent: JESUS] thinks of a name for the project "Let's call this project "team leader", then the "leader" explains the project is not possible without all of the whole "team" so JESUS invites the Bride to be One Team, even therefore as JESUS Christ Original Invited, Be "JESUS" the word per se of this symbolic example for Whole Team [project name].

So if "JESUS" of the previous sentence, would You kneel down to thyself, begs the question how, to kneel in a mirror, but even then and/or even if to kneel to another in the "Team" then hardly is the "Whole Team" humble.

John 4:24 "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." so a team member is hardly rubbernecking to stare at any though between Missions and if to need Help hardly as You opt Save Ascendingly In JESUS Spirit Grace Best For All, rather as JESUS Christ is aware of what Your Heart would opt as written in Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding." and JESUS is hardly about looking at Himself as this same previous verse applies to and for Him and to and for Best For All (even so see below on minimizing Maintenance).

Even so let the innocent Children stare at the face of JESUS Christ, let the deaf and blind and such so stare in Their Hearts, let All so stare not for to own [House Of Bondage (reference to capture on video, this is not against video (ibid.) nor against words of the Lord nor as much as better than previously able] yet as written in Ephesians 3:17 "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love," for "JESUS Improving Power" as stated above, through verse 21 (

So the "Father" Sent JESUS but JESUS does not worship an idol made of clay of hands of the created. Also 1 Corinthians 2:9 "but just as it is written: “THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND WHICH HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HUMAN HEART, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM.”: this means as stated above "Ascending" and hardly stray ascending along a tangent that departs from the truth of the JESUS Christ Father Spirit Ascending Righteous Best Way for very long if at all, and there are Higher Threshold Firmament Levels through which the stray tangents cannot pass through though as to opt the mirror to much hence would reflect themselves as opted to ricochet to quickly go down with much velocity (see above on photons).

JESUS Christ including His Creating Plan [counted as His Creation Plan, as if already created and true, though if created already then hardly to create the self save the Living Creating JESUS Christ (example John 9:6 with John 20:18 [He's Alive!)] is innocent. And this is the situation of the Preparation For JESUS One Name as written in John 4:23 "But a time is coming, and even now has arrived, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.".

All things are becoming made known now in this JESUS Given Mission as JESUS Christ heard and longsuffered the JESUS Christ Prayers of the innocent sufficiently and Agreeing with this Mission is for Ascending Together: Behold His Words In One are Quoted as never before of this Civilization Save as He Did 2,000 years ago; because now as He Sent Us, is written in this Series and In Law "Best For All" and Likewise "Best for We The People" [including Galactic Federation and all creation as much as so Ascending sufficiently] and Likewise "Best For" "His Highest Purpose"].

The Chosen left the ancient House Of Bondage [including such Bondage makers], yet the "Bondage makers" can fully repent [...even if to open graves] and be better [Do Best In JESUS Christ Immediately] and Ascend. The Apostles Led Righteously, though We miss suicidal Judas [Let Invited Judas note JESUS Christ suffered once for All].

Translational awareness in JESUS Spirit is making Translations Better Given than ever such had been save JESUS Christ Originally Stated Perfectly including Romans 8:26 Anewly through JESUS Christ As He Said in John 14:16 "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, so that He may be with you forever;" hardly think of me, this is Righteously Prophesying In JESUS Spirit You, and hardly think of "You" as this Best For All, Ascending situation ["project"] is for JESUS Christ even also JESUS Christ Anewly Better as stated above "JESUS Ascending".

So while JESUS Christ had been counted as having shut the door to Heaven [as rightly as much as for to help the lower levels understand the more important JESUS Faith Spirit Ascending Together records of old were recorded], JESUS One Ascending Invites All in order to be Best For All, hence JESUS One Spirit rather open door(s) (see previous in this Series on minimizing Maintenance therefore with automating Maintenance).

Shown below are [as though doorways, rather arches as] gaps yet for JESUS Christ Best: for Ascending through Higher Thresholds.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, doorways, arches, gaps


See recent Sermons including pic of lane change cones and gap conditions at

To look along a line of cones is as to look along a wall, barrier, though to face 90 degrees is to see the way straight through the gaps:

no excuse for strayed ways symbolic for Grace example: one entrance but merely one side exit.

JESUS Christ has Aligned All the pertinent Gaps for You to fill, to invite, then to Ascend Better for All: Best.

2 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over system matters kept secret since the world began with how to live longer, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas System Correlation Best For All as never before explains God Sent JESUS into sin but JESUS did not send any into sin Save In JESUS for Best as this is the Best Glorifying of the Best Perfectly as JESUS rather invites as JESUS Best Way humble Ascending value Giving improves JESUS One Best Work Above and Beyond mere kneeling, this also explains how it is no longer a needful idea to risk any Saved Christian by exposure to intermediary Baptismal Services such as LDS was,, current cause and effect Anewly revealed to and for infants, JESUS Original Christ explains how after the fall we set traps against each other Save Best Ascending In JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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