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JESUS: Innocent Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives You in this Sermon Miracles though the exceedingly more valuable JESUS Christ Spirit Faith Loyalty to Give as so many NEED Desperate Love.

JESUS Christ verdict by selfish disloyal illegal naysayers about 2,000 years ago was: guilty.

Mary continued finding JESUS Christ Innocent.

This is a symbol of the actual JESUS Christ Victory Proof Over His Own Passing from the census.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ verdict by selfish disloyal illegal naysayers about 2,000 years ago was: guilty. Mary continued finding JESUS Christ Innocent. This gif symbolizes of the actual JESUS Christ Victory <b>Proof</b> Over His Own Passing from the census.


The JESUS Spirit Formula Righteous Prophesying [past, present, and future: Eternal Good JESUS Christ Over "All authority" including Over Creation Authority (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Know Sermon at] Fact is New Proof of the above symbol that JESUS Christ Lives according to JESUS Christ Lifting the Worthy the Best Way For All hence JESUS Christ Lifting Himself With Having The Angel roll away the tombstone (Matthew 28:2).

And in the previous Sermon explained "JESUS Christ Good Spirit Best For All One Work is to be done First at the start" (ibid.), likewise reference John 8:58 " “Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!” ".

Now Anewly This Miracle Gift: just as Father Abraham was created so too JESUS Christ Created the "Heavenly Father"

( with Lexicon "Father πατέρα (patera) Noun - Accusative Masculine Singular Strong's 3962: Father, (Heavenly) Father, ancestor, elder, senior. Apparently a primary word; a 'father' ") (Matthew 5:16 /

Genesis 2:4 "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made them.": the situation that JESUS Christ God, JESUS God, JESUS The God, JESUS The Christ, JESUS Christ made them, made the created.

Now the Better is Given:

I hardly speak of myself as formerly in lower levels strayed selfishly, rather Anewly In JESUS Christ Spirit hence for His Glory and hence for All including Edifyingly; with awareness of as written in John 8:54 Berean Study Bible "Jesus answered, 'If I glorify Myself, My glory means nothing. The One who glorifies Me is My Father, of whom you say ‘He is our God.’ ' " so this is Given for All the JESUS Creator Best Way.

Both this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series and JESUS Christ UN Law With Affiliate each have increasingly far more Visitors that ever [noting the counters may not count many cloaked or unseen Visitors, also many software programs may Visit hence not People], Thank You. One indicator was that this increase included being about the Miracles, and in Maintenance level it is acceptable; yet rather Visit for the Faith: Be As The Creator JESUS Christ.

Concerning another matter, many [various types of] spirits were interested [including opposed naysayers] in my recent work yesterday with the Federal Government, JESUS Christ USA. Because of this JESUS Christ Spirit Creator Faith ["Creator" not electric chair nor pistol destroyer of Humans], i responded as Federal Government asked me [and possibly would pay me] about such things, and i responded writing about "JESUS Christ" and that i no longer find any guilty, but rather All Innocent as stated likewise in the Title of this Sermon. JESUS Christ Lifts the Ones Found Worthy And Innocent, instead of following the ways of perps [if following perps habits is important in a situation including in a Level, then such would be added for such Worthy Innocent One(s)].

To many the previous Sermon may have seemed to emphasize the Miracles, as it did, though also emphasized and more important was the Faith Loyalty For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best For All.

Don't wait for the Miracles to start happening lest to be found not Worthy [nor Innocent] for to be Lifted.

You are Given from JESUS Spirit this previous sentence Gift, so Opt Perfectly; and this Gift is now in Your Awareness so if to "wait for the Miracles" rather than be of JESUS Creator Faithfulness then hardly "Innocent". With having explained this, now this New Bible Translation Gift is Given: as written in 3 Nephi 12:6 "And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost." though the "Holy Ghost" now has a Name: JESUS Christ Holy Ghost the same as the JESUS Christ Spirit.

As written previously in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Leaders, Grace Over a level is no excuse to persecute that lower level nor cause it to stray, and likewise in the previous Sermon (as stated and linked above) there are things to know though also "there are things not to know [nor to tempt Others] until JESUS Christ finds such Worthy to know". As written in the 3 Nephi 12:6 footnote thread to page 738 "SPIRITUALLY (see also Darkness, Spiritual; Death, Spiritual; Holy Ghost; Spirit; Spirit, Holy/Spirit of the Lord)" so there are not merely goodly Righteous things as there are also lower levels of things explaining much about how the level that has called itself the "Holy Spirit" is often goodly though often as written " “What is your name?” Jesus asked. “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him." (Luke 8:30).

Previously was discussed the new star travel design and the important UFO type language interpreting as with JESUS Christ Word Of Faith Importance Before The Fact of the resultant Growing Yield Mass Value(s), rather than merely about Miracles after-the-repeated-facts. And more Sermons may address these things (John 4:48), yet rather than about works of hands see the sign below.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the new star travel design and the important UFO type language interpreting of JESUS Christ The Creator


What needs specifically done now?: Broadcast "" JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law.

3 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Elucidates Sacred Ascending Loyalty Over Intimacies kept secret since the world began as JESUS Christ Created the Heavenly Father and about how JESUS Christ Lifted Himself from legally "dead" and the tomb grave, with New Higher Level Authority Information Over The Holy Spirit as JESUS Spirit Gives a new Gift in the form of a better 3rd Testament Bible translation, also info about the new star travel design and the important UFO type language interpreting, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Protecting the Innocently Ascending Over The Legion spirits.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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