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JESUS Is Good Sermon.

JESUS Christ asked "Why callest thou me good?".

The above question concerns the [Good] Faith, the Higher Purpose Faith hence in JESUS Christ the Source: the newer normally legally better translations are more accurate concerning words [and this concern is from the Greek language, not directly from the original Hebrew], though consider though consider a surveyor, and one puts a pole in the ground and holds it vertically while the laser horizontal plane [and/or Another looks through a scope] so a measure of elevation is recorded: the above question concerns a Higher Faith Level: the older translation while not legally precise shows the Good Faith of the former translation Translator (from Matthew 19:17 King James Bible here, also see below a "Literal" translation).

These translations in this Sermon serve as a Good example of value in the old and in the new, in the legal Righteousness Translations, and with also rather in the Faith Righteous Better Way Loyally and not to deviate: the vertical poles shown below are Straight Up and Straight Down as to measure vertical levels like unto unseen levels of Loyally Ascending Faith Best For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives New Details concerning when JESUS Christ was actually born involving Sacred Faith considerations Over time matters kept secret since the world began and surveying, with also explaining how New Translations such as Pertinent Over a Person's interpretation about writing the Living Bible and affecting translations at legal level and Higher Faith Level with yet another Biblical reason for BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN


To extrapolate with the extending of a vertical pole line "Up" Ascendingly applies through levels normally until a Firmament Level is reached for JESUS Christ Guiding the Better Way: His "NEEDFUL" (see below) correcting Us [if any opted to stray disloyally], for instance if the Surveyor's pole is on sliding mud then a need to reset the pole, also this applies for a graph, a curve, and other Godslings of points.

So the above Distinguishes the Faithful Loyalty Concerning The Good Perfect Above and Over the Law, yet under the Law is with excellently improving Translating letter of the Law recordkeeping.

From the Good Faith, from JESUS Christ, comes this Best Way Distinguishing With Righteousness Of The Law, and in this Sermon [rather in All Souls and rather in All] these 2 are One: obeying the Law yet Perfect. The Law did not make perfect, Save Anewly Better Now With Legally Recognized Best Way Faith (see previous in this Series). JESUS Christ Higher Level Faith Edifyingly did not merely to answer at the Asker's level of amount of Faith (reference in the Bible Naysayers [including such as Legion spirits and similarly Scribes, Pharisees, and Roman Crucifiers] under the letter of the Law about selfishly caring for their themselves and their ways rather than caring for other People and key JESUS Christ).

According to the Lexicon ( to better translate this verse is the word "Translator" rather is the word "teacher": Matthew 13:52 New Living Translation "Then he added, “Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old."

If JESUS Christ is Your Baptism Source Name And Spirit Faith Loyalty then hardly about evidence of Good Works that Agree with JESUS Christ, as the "evidence" under Law arrives after-the-fact(s), the Faith is first then the Miracles arrive, so the Faith in JESUS Christ The Source Of Good is first, so if to consider why and what makes JESUS Christ Good then to Believe what JESUS Christ said about JESUS Christ as written in Matthew 13:37 "He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;": the "Son Υἱὸς (Huios)" with a Capital Letter hence JESUS Christ ( Lexicon).

The Good Faith is Likewise as with Psalm 145:9 Berean Study "The LORD is good to all; His compassion rests on all He has made.", hence again Pertinent: "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" for All (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at

Here is a more legal whole translation of the above verse Matthew 19:17 Berean Literal Bible "And He said to him, 'Why do you ask Me about what is good? Only One is good. But if you desire to enter into life, keep the commandments.' ". So this under the Law is also Righteous and more accurately translated though not the better faith, for instance a pilot might land the jet beautifully gently on a runway, but may be at the wrong airport: such was the Law prior to JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace (as in previous Sermons on a hole in the bottom of the boat so ripping up another similar section of boat bottom to patch it; the Law is hardly about stretching the truth).

JESUS Christ Grows His Mass Faith Leadership One. Matthew 13:38 Berean Study "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;" so because of the record of the Law, We are aware about this verse hence about the legal meaning of "wicked": in works about not making Perfect, though such "works" fail: JESUS Christ One Makes Perfect Gracefully The Best Way For All.

New Translations are with Tremendously Good Values, and normally Better than the former translations, yet the normal Faith to Best Translate in the former was normally Good Faith. JESUS Christ explained: as written in Luke 5:39 Young's Literal Translation "and no one having drunk old wine, doth immediately wish new, for he saith, The old is better.". The Original Words Of JESUS Christ Are Best, though many new improved translations yield the better translations from the raw data source records: recordkeeping: Write Your Living Bible: Broadcast. Here is a secular help that indicated much value through the years, [simple with a free plan, also other plans are offered] though having utilized many such helps it has been hard to say which of the "many" actually brought the most Visitors to the Sermons.

Because of the "Good" of this Sermon Loyal Work, hence because of JESUS Christ Spirit In This Sermon Work, a Miracle arrived while typing this Sermon. There have been discussions about when JESUS Christ was actually born according to the stars and planets, such as Some talked of weeks different than Christmas and Others spoke of years other than year zero, so for instance if to look through the Great Pyramid Of Egypt hole at the star known at least in the secular as the "God" star (see below mid page Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Covenant / New Logic, Sermon at then also consider the illustration below.

When was JESUS Christ Born?: the accuracy of the stars is considered Anewly.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives New Details concerning when JESUS Christ was actually born involving Sacred Faith considerations Over time matters kept secret since the world began and surveying, with also explaining how New Translations such as Pertinent Over a Person's interpretation about writing the Living Bible and affecting translations at legal level and Higher Faith Level with yet another Biblical reason for BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN


27 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains legally and rather Faithfully how it is that JESUS Christ is Good, and this Sermon Gives New Details concerning when JESUS Christ was actually born and surveying pertinence, with Good Faith Leading Over Translations including Over a Person's interpretation's about writing the Living Bible and new translations at legal level and Higher Faith Level with also another Biblical reason for BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN.

Jesus Christ

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