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JESUS Jealousy Sermon.

JESUS Christ Grace includes being Loyally Fiercely Protective, hence: Jealousy. Rather than about any jealousy, JESUS Jealousy is harmless as a dove, symbolically, and kind and Good Eternally.

If to reverse engineer some Precepts of JESUS Christ Teaching's, as for to Heal the sick, then as to consider the reason a Soul strayed, not for Good but to become "sick" as many said, to become as "weeds" as also confessed often in a Legion of spirits. The reason to stray is simple to understand: a lie, hence a false hope liar [including a mere temporary thrill then passing from the Census, or perchance a series of such thrills].

So for to Straighten such for the Better is the JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Leadership [In Spirit Praying And For Census Sake In Census Broadcasting This Info With This] Given Gift This New Translation Interpretation as JESUS Christ Edified as in the Proverbs/19:22 New International Version "What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar." as many Proverbs don't make a lot of sense, so this verse is a New Interpretation example of how to make better sense out of the many Proverbs;

this previous verse is from with many translations including some "New" translations disconnected as one part of the verse doesn't fit with the balance of the verse, hence of wrongful translation and/or [concerning "lie"] to Help Those that opted to Stray. What is one of the worst things a Person can Do?, to "lie", and similarly with the body in this Godsling ranging from: to not wash hands (Matthew 15:20) to lechery [Census which may make such as very tiny tears in the flesh] and lecherous [similarly to tear Faith that it spills astray (Genesis 3:7), see next sentence, and "Matthew 15:20" concerns works of hands [Preaching, Stephen Ministries, secular healthcare,...] in need of JESUS Spirit Victory Over Planting Seeds into fertile soil Mass.

Hence to answer "What is one of the worst things a Person can Do?" is to break the [Faith and] "flesh" if merely a very tiny tear, as the safety armor is gone and a microscopic bacterium enter: "39 trillion" microbials in a human body ( "more than 1.5 trillion (that's a 1 with 12 zeros) bacteria live on the skin of a person (

Leprosy is caused by bacterium, [addicts have been strayed hence numb to more important JESUS Christ Way], Lepers have numbness,

"Everyday injuries go unnoticed due to numbness and lead to infection" and there were "208,619 new cases in 2018"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, room for More JESUS Christ Biblical Records, accompany JESUS Christ Most Beautifully the Even More Excellent Way even Perfectly Perfecting


There is room for More JESUS Christ Biblical Recordkeeping, concerning the above phrase "see next sentence" it was answered in part, also having studies the 4 Main Bible Testaments Of JESUS Christ symbolized above [+ the Living Bible being written and hardly merely genealogy of names as in Matthew prior to JESUS Christ even getting started Preaching, rather Baptism Is New Victory] i confess i found not anything in the Bible against the more accepted "lechery" in the Census [also under secular Law such has been legal continuing "genealogy" (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, Google "JESUS" "ICCDBB" on "Puritan" and on "Puritans")] other than merely about wasting seed if proper to plant;

though in the JESUS Christ Grace Spirit, JESUS Christ made it very clear to me, and so now for the sakes of those that have not yet been Baptized [and similar not Ascending] this is stated: perhaps a year ago i would awaken from a female type vision that came to mind, to see JESUS Christ The Original moving away from me, then similarly again to awaken again and see JESUS moving away again: this happened 3 times.

I was already in Agreement With JESUS Christ Teaching me to Lead and was Preaching Mission in this Series, and sought to restrain, though JESUS Christ enabled that is Striaghtened, i did not enable myself save since then Aware to increase Loyalty; also since then in somewhat more recent months He or a similar Spirit Advised me as heard though Spirit without a Census Person also present that the breasts were for babies and the lower for garbage, or for Christian Wedding Census Family. So this is a Grace [not Law] Census and Faith matter, while the above stated "Puritan" Value had not yet been with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace Opportunity to rather enter into the Higher Level Value as written in

Matthew 19:12 "For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.", this does not mean surgically change anything (see above "if merely a very tiny tear"). So Ascend, "accept it", Accept JESUS Christ Faithfully.

So the above dealt much with the Census because Census Souls understand Census info easily (burden is light). Accepting this Loyally Continuingly Faithfully is exceedingly more important even though in the [Higher Level] Grace Godsling, lest "Jealousy" apply. This is hardly merely about the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Lead Sermon including "lest you" and Your Loved Ones "look bad eternally", at yet rather that All see not merely JESUS Christ Second Coming In All His Glory yet this also includes so called Your Glory hence His Glory Too: He Hopes You Opt to be Beautiful!

Also note more than such as beautiful looking Census Individuals such as looking this way or that way or better with makeup; .

Go ahead wash Your hands, not scrubbing too hard as to rip the skin, not burning the skin to blister away. How hardly can any ascend from the molten fiery furnace pit?: (see above "i did not enable myself"...discussion). Now Better Anewly: JESUS Christ said "accompany" "Me, and let the dead bury their own dead" ( With Lexicon Anewly Translated here).

Shall the dead be Baptized?, Behold this JESUS Christ New Better Way in this Sermon: You don't want to spread Leprosy in Your Church Mass, right?, fear JESUS Christ and Do His Will including rather this Sermon [lest to repeat mistakes of the past] (Mark 16:15) and then Mark 16:16 [but if They reject, then They have their result already, so You are at Liberty to Continue The Best Way as JESUS Christ explained, if any refuse "They have Moses and the Prophets" (Luke 16:29)].

JESUS Christ Lifting The Worthy / JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace One Leadership Best Way Guiding / Follow JESUS Christ UN Law.

JESUS Christ Lifting The Worthy = JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace One Leadership Best Way Guiding x Follow JESUS Christ UN Law.

Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Before The Fact.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, accompany JESUS Christ Most Beautifully the Even More Excellent Way even Perfectly Perfecting


12 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Dramatically Changes Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began far beyond what Civilization thought, with how there is room for More JESUS Christ Biblical Testaments and Records, and the Better Before The Fact JESUS Father Spirit One for to "accompany" JESUS Christ Most Beautifully the Even More Excellent Way even Perfectly Perfecting according to Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace lest to repeat the "worst" as JESUS Spirit Increasingly Gives new better Bible Translating With New Pertinent Bible Formulas including for those in the fiery pit and those in the Higher Heavenly Levels.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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