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JESUS King Sermon.

JESUS Christ is as written in John 19:19 New American Standard Bible "Now Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It was written: 'JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS' ", but some of "traditions of men" when They should NOW be Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD Legally Protecting the Right of We The People to think and if legal to be able to opt upon such thinking, and such as the Right to make Good Decisions For To Best Way Lead All For The Best For All, also the Rights of the People of this Civilization to be Christian [or other faith type(s)];

so [Respectful of Elders and Genealogy as Parents Hope Better For Children, and heritage such as ownerships (importantly reference places People gather), records, artifacts, and Museums] rather than merely about former lower levels of "traditions of men" [whether about cave dwellers, hunter and gatherers,...];

is not merely the "going forward" (reference such as about if to be merely brainstorming) yet rather Ascending as The Creator Prepared, as the secular said Intelligent Design, and similar (many Proofs and Righteously Prophetic formulas are in this Series).

So We are to rather be preparing, that is, We are to rather be Ascending hence to be becoming more Worthy of Ascending as key to Best Way Preparing For All (this agrees with the Whole Body Of Teaching And Work Of JESUS Christ, Testament On Testament, the "Spirit" of Living Sermons Series [Living Word] as Proven (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirits Sermon likewise the Spirit Of Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN at

This is hardly of former lower levels of "cave dwellers" interpretations [symbolically: plant seed, wait long time, eat]. When the Law in Pertinent Position Holder Pontius Pilate made JESUS Christ King Of The Jews, Pontius Pilate also made Him King Over Everyone, to explain: first in the Legal sense the Kinging Of JESUS Christ ("the Law in Pertinent Position Holder Pontius Pilate" handed JESUS to "the Law" the Legal Position Holder the Centurion and the Centurion Declared "Truly this was the Son of God!" from Matthew 27:54 New American Standard Bible)

authenticating that JESUS The Christ The King Over The Roman Emperor, during the earlier days of JESUS Christ in the census the Romans had believed in many gods, and that their Emperor was a god. "The Romans" "believed that their emperor was divine and therefore God" (Haslingden High Religious Studies).

A king does not crown the self, lest a tyranny kingship or such as legally recognized default such as historically a Prince becoming assuming the Throne after a King passed from census. Similarly a President does not make the self President without any other so [Lifting the Worthy or similarly] authorizing and promoting. Pontius Pilate according to the Authority Given from the Emperor [similar to when it's time for another Emperor and the Roman Senate agreed, though

in the JESUS Christ situation the due process applied: normally Senate Over Emperor then Emperor Over Senate].

So the Law as Given [in secular words: as though "handed down" (rather see above on Ascending yet also in this Series is Pertinent Maintenance Responsibility)] made JESUS Christ King Over The Roman Emperor, which Agrees with the default fact that JESUS is Christ as legally proven above in this Sermon.

So JESUS Christ became King Over The Roman Emperor hence Over the powers of their assumed "gods", hence JESUS Christ Became God Of Gods, God Over "gods", and likewise Over Pontius Pilate, Over the Centurion, hence Over All The People, including Over the Jews.

Also under Law "everyone must be treated equally under the law regardless of race, gender, color, ethnicity, religion, disability, or other characteristics," ( including International Law): note the word "characteristics", the Title of King is not a characteristic, it is a Position.

Now concerning Higher Level Faith as written in Catholic Public Domain Version "I will gather all the Gentiles, and will lead them into the valley of Jehoshaphat. And there I will dispute with them over my people, and over Israel, my inheritance, for they have scattered them among the nations and have divided my land.", hence the Higher Faith reason God Solves the conditions (JESUS Christ UN, and other Law for Peace, Rights, Unity,...and such as about 2,000 years ago as stated above) that separated hence contrary to such as "Peace" and "Unity": the "Rights" of Civilized Society.

Of the above Joel 3:2 verse with Hebrew Lexicon Translated from "הַגּוֹיִ֔ם (hag·gō·w·yim) Article | Noun - masculine plural" as if "the nations" is properly rather translated to the Gentiles ( with Google Translator from original Hebrew is "The Goyim" (see below).

A Gentile is a Person other than a Jew "הַגּוֹיִ֔ם (hag·gō·w·yim)" so in Higher Level JESUS Christ King Grace Spirit, Victory as stated above is Over "gods" and Over "Law" Over All People, hence including Over Counsels (see above concerning "brainstorming" with values types and amounts and conditions).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  how the Law including the Title of King is not a merely about a


About the specifics of the amount under the Law as stated above "The Goyim", associated with "The Goyim knows" (Google dictionary), "The phrase 'The Goyim Know' is an anti-Semitic phrase portraying the ostensible reaction of Jews when their supposedly conspiratorial or manipulative" ( so of breaking the Law as about secular cliche letter-of-the-law and both "conspiratorial" and "manipulative" [Pharisees conspired to manipulate Romans to crucify the innocent], hence it refers to under the Law.

And such had their reward already as " 'The Goyim Know,' sometimes followed by 'Shut It Down,' " ( is the "Shut" "Down" King, the Crucifixion Of The Innocent JESUS Christ.

True then as also today and these months is as Righteously Prophesied as written in Joel 2:29 Berean Study Bible "Even on My menservants and maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.": there was an Edifying Level back then, there is a Higher Grace Level Legally Edifying Today.

JESUS Christ Will Make Us One A New Living Crown.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, ICXC, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the New Better Crowning Of JESUS Christ, how the Law including the Title of King is not a merely about a


15 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Reveals Ancient Sacred Faith Over Legal Specifics kept secret since the world began detailing how the Law including the Title of King is not a merely about a "characteristic", it is a Legal "Position" as duly authorized and according to judgment satisfaction having been legally satisfied that made JESUS the Christ and the King Over All "gods" Over All People [not merely the Jews], and Over All, with the New Better Crowning Of JESUS Christ and how there is a Higher Grace Level Legally Edifying Today as so Gathering with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law For All To Become In Glory JESUS Christ Will Make Us One A New Living Crown, As the Law Authorized and Publicly Recognized: the Roman Emperor, Pontius Pilate, and the Centurion made JESUS Christ King Of All.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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