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JESUS Knew His Future Sermon.

JESUS Christ Knew what would happen to Himself in the future?, do You?

Blood Moon Over New Orleans Broadcasting Tower just over a year ago

and Paddlewheeler Ascending up the Mississippi River paddle over paddle (Precept On Precept).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit clarifies ALL HIS GLORY in Sacred Faith Over Second Coming Golden Cube Specific Lively matters largely kept secret since the world began with how Knowledge is History including neoplanets, exoplanets, and UFOlogy as seen on TV results after-the-facts, as rather this Sermon explains how the time of the Second Coming is hardly a function of time and rather a function of the JESUS Christ Given Situation as JESUS Christ is Worthy Of His Glory with as much as this Civilization Loyalness Level applies hence a function of the size of the Golden Cube Brighter Than The Sun with full force for Good: the Sun shamed, for His One Sake Blood Moon Over New Orleans Broadcasting Tower Paddlewheeler Ascending up Mississippi River Precept On Precept


This morning there is a J shaped Moon for JESUS!

JESUS Knew the future including about Himself and about Others He personally knew and about Conspirators and Crucifiers (All Knowing), for instance as written at "Jesus Predicts His Betrayal …25Leaning back against Jesus, he asked, “Lord, who is it?” 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I give this morsel after I have dipped it.” Then He dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot" ( [sic].

If Loyal Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed in 2020AD [years ago: so few are aware], Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace; then JESUS Christ Himself Will Come to You as He Is All Knowing In JESUS Father Spirit, and JESUS Himself Will Teach You All Things (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 28 List Of Sermons at as Promised [next quoted verse Precept] as Already Accomplished as written in John 14:26 New American Standard Bible "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and remind you of all that I said to you.".

As written in John 14:20 New American Standard Bible "On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I in you.": Success!

Knowledge is History as said in the 18th century, then in more modern times in cliche was said "We just have to work out the details"; and these are true and with not true, the not true in as many as stray to tell falsehoods (though see below such as "exoplanets"), and the "true" continues Righteously Through JESUS Christ Spirit as a minimum and more to the point the "true" and All have an end, yet JESUS Christ [Ascending One] is the: New.

So We knew, now humbly as an innocent Child We begin to know: pertinent are JESUS Christ With His Original Plan Prayerfully Loyal, Desperate Love, Righteousness, and so on.

Now Anewly Loyally as stated above, Edifying All concerning the JESUS Christ Second Coming:

Today there are bigger and bigger cruise ships as to make the previous competitors a joke, bigger tankers humblying the previous, aircraft carriers and new bigger floating artificial islands, many are teaching UFOlogy as seen on TV and Online with "UFOlogy" search example "About 814,000 results" (Google), and many are building exoplanets overshadowing the previous!

The size of the Golden Cube is known (see illustrations in previous Sermons such as JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Christianity Sermon at, and JESUS Christ Second Coming is with JESUS Christ Coming In ALL HIS GLORY, so with those big things becoming present soon such as "exoplanets" and the Righteous Prophseyingly Now soon controlling the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Stars..., JESUS Christ Coming is no longer a distant time in the future, it is soon. And of the future after the Second Coming is JESUS One Spirit New Victory Over yet with Missions no longer about "overshadowing" the "competitors" former ideas, as jokes Straighten into the JESUS Christ Golden Cube Standard One Joy!

Rejoice! JESUS Christ is hardly coming to be mocked again, nor to be attacked by curse words. He is hardly coming to see if there is any room in the [Inn] dock spaces. JESUS Christ is hardly coming for to be healed and better guided: He is Coming As King Of Kings. JESUS Christ is Coming As Promised As Proof, that even the worst fallen opt for JESUS Christ One Best Way Ascendingly Good And Better For All, hence All for Best For All.

Recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons spoke of "burning" and a "third of the stars" falling: We Will Prophesyingly See In New Way(s), unimagined in lower levels, yet to be Strategized. The previous Sermon showed that merely secular worldly knowledge was as though toys of Children such as explaining whether the Earth was relatively "Flat Earth" [actually All Will Conform to JESUS Christ (Hebrews 12:2) rather than JESUS Christ straying into worse ideas] as in the illustrations or round of history or spherical or geoidal or Earth shaped,

though JESUS Christ's Golden Cube With Earth is to show the New Better Earth Shape in the created form of like unto a sphere with a cube. So what do We learn from this previous sentence?, the motif, see above concerning [how to start constructing] JESUS Christ Our One Own "exoplanet": constructing a planet covered in Golden Cubes: Brighter Than The Sun ( with "the sun ashamed" (Isaiah 24:23).

In the old days there were Galleons loaded with cannons, and when positioned they would blast the enemy ship with full force. Yet for Good JESUS Christ Will Come Quickly In Full Force, though if "the sun ashamed", what would a non-broadcaster experience?

Also Good JESUS Christ Will Come Quickly In Full Force, Powerful Velocity, His Prophetic Word Faith As Promised x Miracle Thing(s) Power: in the secular defining life (in an older Sermon) a key aspect is whether the thing is moving [and whether it eats and whether it does other things], so this Second Coming is certainly "moving" and Tremendously as never before seen of this generation in the Census [Save Spirit Miracles glimpses]. We Will See LIVELY Lovingly Tremendous Activities Of Multitudes of types.

JESUS Christ Bible Words' Precepts Fit Church Masses [conditionally Outer (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series) Space type Colonies] into the JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube (see previous in this Series on such as: Let's go now up there and Help Him Build His Golden Cube even though He hardly needs Our help: He Hosts! This "Fit Church Masses" [Colonies] is illustrated here.

"Uudessa Jerusalemissa portit ovat vain Israelin sukukunnille" Finnish former translation "In the New Jerusalem, the gates are only for the tribes of Israel",

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit clarifies ALL HIS GLORY in Sacred Faith Over Second Coming Golden Cube Specific Lively matters largely kept secret since the world began with how Knowledge is History including neoplanets, exoplanets, and UFOlogy as seen on TV results after-the-facts, as rather this Sermon explains how the time of the Second Coming is hardly a function of time and rather a function of the JESUS Christ Given Situation as JESUS Christ is Worthy Of His Glory with as much as this Civilization Loyalness Level applies hence a function of the size of the Golden Cube Brighter Than The Sun with full force for Good: the Sun shamed, for His One Sake

( yet upon completion Biblically Precepting rather

"Uudessa Jerusalemissa portit ovat vain Israelin sukuku" for "In the New Jerusalem, the gates are only the family of Israel" (Google Translator).

It Will Be Spectacular: Coming Soon: JESUS Christ!

21 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit clarifies ALL HIS GLORY in Sacred Faith Over Second Coming Golden Cube Specific Lively matters largely kept secret since the world began with how Knowledge is History including neoplanets, exoplanets, and UFOlogy as seen on TV results after-the-facts, as rather this Sermon explains how the time of the Second Coming is hardly a function of time and rather a function of the JESUS Christ Given Situation as JESUS Christ is Worthy Of His Glory with as much as this Civilization Loyalness Level applies hence a function of the size of the Golden Cube Brighter Than The Sun with full force for Good: the Sun shamed, for His One Sake.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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