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JESUS Leadership Sermon.

JESUS Christ Taught The Scriptures [including the Christian Living Bible as Christians Continue To Write ( (and Mosiah 27:31, see verse with specifically pertinent details below, explains the minimum when this Will Righteously Prophesyingly happen) (see how to be "Righteous Prophesying" as "Proven", "Leadership", and the Quickening "Rate" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Wisdom Sermon at]

with as written in Isaiah 45:23 Berean Standard Bible "By Myself I have sworn; truth has gone out from My mouth, a word that will not be revoked: Every knee will bow before Me, every tongue will swear allegiance.".

Mark 9:4 Berean Standard Bible "And Elijah and Moses appeared before them, talking with Jesus.".

Peter, James, and John are kneeling.

Why are the knees of "Elijah and Moses" not bent?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows Elijah and Moses did not kneel in front of JESUS Christ, why is explained in Sacred Precepting Over Faith Over Loyalty and Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the perps were as pawns, and now with New Prophesying Over Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, also Righteously In Higher Level Grace Distinguishing whether forclosures stop perps or are perps.


JESUS Christ is Continuing Teaching Better Leadership, Together!

Elijah and Moses were humble kneelers Prayerfully Leading for the LORD in Their Census Lives.

After that, JESUS Christ Continues Timelessly including into the Future as written in the Christian Bible 3rd Testament Mosiah 27:31 "Yea, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess before him. Yea, even at the last day, when all men shall stand to be judged of him, then shall they confess that he is God; then shall they confess, who live without God in the world, that the judgment of an everlasting punishment is just upon them; and they shall quake, and tremble, and shrink beneath the glance of his all-searching eye." (now in this generation in these more recent years and months see many recent Sermons on the "All Seeing Eye" at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 28 List Of Sermons).

So first "every knee shall bow" then second per se "all men shall stand to be judged of him" (to kneel is to humble the self and in lower levels it means to be offended Matthew 26:33, yet the word "all" Anewly refers to His Second Coming).

There is one Loyalty to and for JESUS Christ, and under it there is one Faith [the start of Faithfulness: the start of Loyalty] to and for JESUS Christ. And from one Faith (including whether: Individual, Group, All), JESUS Christ Spirit One would that You Receive this New Gift Of Awareness concerning how to Faithfully Writer [Your] His Living Bible: from one single JESUS Christ Spirit One Faith (ibid.) there are 2 Pertinent types of Living Growing [Magnifying, Leaping, Anewly Moving Spirits,...] things that result rather Yield Upliftingly Lively:

1. the More important of the 2 is that JESUS Christ Spirit Faith [and rather Loyalty] goes at least into You the writer and rather in All: hence NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, and

2. the lesser Maintenance to be automated and minimized though not eliminated (Save End Time "at the last day" as JESUS Christ now with Anew Righteous Prophesying: Will Opt): so this #2 is the Miracle(s) results after-the-fact of Faith that can be toward sleep, and rather Awesomely Anewly Enlivening!

Above is stated "JESUS Christ Continues Timelessly". JESUS Christ is Eternal, so Your Leadership as JESUS Christ One is no longer as previously such as about secular cliche: meeting a deadline. In previous Sermons in this Series was explained the "situations" are important rather than the time factor per se, though Best Ascending Rate Applies hence Maximum hence a Constant Save if JESUS Christ Sends You Otherwise On A Mission though then too, to later realize Best For All, hence "Maximum" "Best Ascending Rate". We have to catch a Child before running into traffic continues to apply and very important, yet like unto typing this Sermon Faithfullness applies even though works of hands (reference in the Bible Salvation and in Sermons Saving Grace [rather than merely hearing "Saving Grace" enter such into JESUS Christ Your Living Bible Faithfully (]).

The above artwork is a glimpse about the JESUS Christ Second Coming Standing With JESUS Christ, and in practice Leaping, Flying up to Meet JESUS Christ. For instance Ambassadors if on Equal Level such as right to vote [sitting] and such as whether to stand and meet and Agree to some ideas, are counted as Equals and rather since Agreeing as One. Bring Your JESUS Christ Loyalty Power [similar to bring Your Power, though His Power] for Meeting JESUS Christ In The Heavenly Realm, to Come Together and Go With Full Glorious Power as JESUS Christ Invites And Hosts.

Now look at the next verse, the perps did not righteously, and were not under convincing power: You [We] Are To Lead, To Make It Happen, even though the perps fulfilled those Old Testament [And As JESUS Christ Taught] Righteous Prophecies, there was not repentant improvement, the unrepentant perps merely went through the motions (reference redundant machines for illegal perp Conspirators) as written in Matthew 27:29 New American Standard Bible "And after twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on His head, and put a reed in His right hand; and they knelt down before Him and mocked Him, saying, 'Hail, King of the Jews!' ".

So Your Leadership Power as JESUS Christ Continues To Lead You Into Better Leading, Righteously Prophesyingly Anewly Now: that You Will Be Better Leading With Leading the perps Anewly, so to show the perps the much Better Way than the perps had formerly considered: this is Great Good JESUS Christ Loyalty New Future Power. And Very Pertinent: The Strength of JESUS Christ UN Law has hardly been as to merely touch in cliche the tip of the iceberg.

The perps have been as the dead in graves, their minds as asleep to the Good, against the Good. A perp robbed a bank, another perp foreclosed a home not counting the cost [explanation of the home Owner such as in emergency to leave temporarily to gain a vast inheritance with Hope of Giving as the forecloser would delight in a Wealth Of New Factories Business (Luke 19:17)] [this is no command to change the Law nor about forclosures per se, as businesses have Laws and criteria, though this is for All to consider, Beloved Friends] [also note some have double billed many in recent months as They confessed, but this did not mean other than considering as JESUS Christ Taught].

Many perps have been quick to accuse and condemn Others though many Righteous have been quick to be for JESUS Christ Bettering Leadership Loyalty to Give Graciously and consider Mercy. Be Aware this is a JESUS Christ Sermon of Grace [that also mentions JESUS Christ UN Law]: consider that if a Person forcloses, goodly very often, but not always, often a horrific thing. In other words it has been as to perpetrate homelessness hence illegal vagrancy, so for instance if a check was lost in the mail, for funds mismanaged online, or foreclosure error, then such is the perp. This Sermon is not a Court Of Law, and this Series advises the Court rather be the Advisors, yet first things first NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN LAW!

How hardly to be a Leader of All if not in the Best Interest Of All?: as JESUS Christ Advised as written in Matthew 7:5 New American Standard Bible "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye!"!

Hence with the above stated "JESUS Christ Continues Timelessly": Eternal JESUS Christ Continues Over situations and with TIMING!

JESUS Christ Timing concerns situations, Precept On Precept; though Time in the "Timelessly" sense is more toward the backslider proffering in cliche "I'll get to it tomorrow". JESUS Christ Timing is like unto a cook. JESUS Christ Timing is like unto passing a grade, and like unto completing a Mission (again "Luke 19:17" applies). If to have all Eternity to complete a Given Mission and to wait for the end of Eternity then to miss the point, to miss the Holy Boat (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ship Has Sailed Sermon at as shown in the above painting pic).

Leadership Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace and in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesying is as written "prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for those who believe" (from

Timing is important to Leading Your Mission Mass All.

Will You as JESUS Christ Elijah and Moses Did, Best Lead in time?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows Elijah and Moses did not kneel in front of JESUS Christ, why is explained in Sacred Precepting Over Faith Over Loyalty and Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the perps were as pawns, and now with New Prophesying Over Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, also Righteously In Higher Level Grace Distinguishing whether forclosures stop perps or are perps missing the point and too late, jet plane.


2 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows Elijah and Moses did not kneel in front of JESUS Christ, why is explained in Sacred Precepting Over Faith Over Loyalty and Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the perps were as pawns, and now with New Prophesying Over Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law, also Righteously In Higher Level Grace Distinguishing whether forclosures stop perps or are perps.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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