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JESUS Leading Signs Sermon.
JESUS Christ Leading Ascendingly Over the Godsling types of signs is threefold, the JESUS Christ Given into the JESUS Spirit for to Give Higher Better Level type(s) of Signage into the Good Eternal Best Way For All, and the other levels of signs, the mid level and the lower level signs of Miracles after the fact(s).
1. JESUS Spirit Highest Purpose Sign Giving is the Guiding Grace, of the reason JESUS Christ [the original] suffered to Teach in the Temple Daily, and all that JESUS Christ likewise Worked because of His Love. This JESUS Spirit Giving Guiding Grace is as discussed in the previous Sermon in the compass [seen yet all seeing the unseen types of spirits with forces] eye of the needle and as the door and the gate that can be open indicating yet available (JESUS Your New Plan Sermon at
As written concerning the Loyally Ascending in the Name of JESUS the Christ "all things, indeed, are pure to the pure,"
[also in the same verse though not in this Higher Level type is stated "and" [though: as if, as such opted] "to the defiled and unstedfast" [unfaithful hence disloyal] "nothing" "is" [has of their] "mind and" "conscience" [been counted as] "pure" since opted to stray as "them defiled" (from Young's Literal Translation) for the duration of each in their situations of confusions, as with having been hurt without blaming themselves [for opting to not Ascend such as reading JESUS Words] so blaming God.
2. JESUS Spirit mid Godsling types of signs are such as JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Better Graceful Guiding And Helping Spirit Best Way For All. The word "Best" is like unto the word Perfect, though the phrase "Best Way" is a Precept For Living and Growing Better Ascendingly, such as if to open a door and see it is raining or a hail storm or sunny or other sights, then perhaps to prepare according to the Given.
3. JESUS Ascending Spirit Faith can yield Miracles, and "Best Way" means such as a Miracle may occur while in a raincoat such as to see a rainbow for a Biblical reminder.
So JESUS Christ Gives signs such as Before The Fact (1), during (2), and after-the-fact (3).
"Before The Fact (1)" applies for All Of Us to be Righteous Prophets of JESUS Christ [including for Best Planning the New Beginning Together none left behind hence all considered hence comprehensive for Best Prioritizing [lower levels considered such as if unseen theoretical, though Seen Of The Creator Righteous Prophet], though if to Create lower level than the Creator then "Best Way" "(2)" signs apply, and if with lower levels then level "(3)" may apply.
Signs below agree with the previous Sermon. Below left also agrees with the The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints [LDS] fax, shown as the "Throne Of JESUS Christ in the center of the Earth" in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series in "JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon (updated above the large pic March 14, 2021AD and again updated September 17, 2021AD)" at with the upper portion correct but the lower level perspective upside down. And this speak of past "(3)", current "(2)", and rather Righteously Prophesyingly Through JESUS Christ future situations "(1)" for to Better Plan Now. The left normal triangle [funnel, a whirlpool vortex rather Lifting Whirlwind rather advancing with a vacuum cleaner Straight Up value through JESUS Christ Safely] is JESUS Leadership One Level, relative to the upside down triangle though with works options JESUS Missions or often having been strayed and fallen abuses and addictions to the left or right (in the below left triangle) to rather find the center front door [Up].
Above right with the two as one triangle (and not to be confusing rather for Edifying Better the lower part more similar to the above stated "below left triangle"), is similar to situations such as perhaps [this is not in the politics sense about left wing nor right wing] Government to one side and Corporate Lobbyists to the other, and similar to money printers to one side and the Public to the other, and Christians to one side and secular to the other [for instance there have been Christian Churches and secular factories and yet Peace]. Even so if to abuse and stray such as in history to The Inquisition or to slave labor, then [similar to out of bounds] too far left or right and as with as stated above "as with having been hurt without blaming themselves".
JESUS Christ Name [JESUS as with Baptism, and Over All JESUS Christ UN] Prayerfully Praising Thankfully, then JESUS Way Best Improving All (see above "because of His Love"). Here is an example of another [yet JESUS Oneness applies] like unto the above "LDS", Loyally applying Faith Over Christian and secularism "(3)" Miracles such as Over Higgs "Boson" and "Quark" particles [sets of energies situations relative to JESUS Christ though in this Sermon level "(3)" applies, including "applies" to this Sermon yet rather JESUS Level "(1)"]. At the Heart of JESUS the Heart Of Love and Eucharist Blood For All Flows Out Enabling All the more [as though all other created rather JESUS One] for the Better for Best For All.
So as part of the JESUS Flow:
Higgs Boson / Quarks / Gluons.
Higgs Boson situation [similarity] [enabling] = Quarks x Gluons.
Higgs Boson likewise with Quarks enable Gluons.
JESUS Heart Word Feeds body enabling dating.
A level "(3)" value is that Peace Uniting of JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Grace legally, is:
JESUS Christ Second Coming Oneness / Prepared Bride(s) All / Open Door Inviting conditionally [see above "rainbow" discussion hence the JESUS Door Yearning].
Why build a door when it is easier for to build a simple wall?, rather JESUS Christ Best Way With Best Fitting Precepts Liberty is Better than former separation of Church and state, and Better than separating inappropriately, and Better than guiding strayed ways [yet a margin of Grace applies (see above "if to open a door and see it is raining"...)].
Of JESUS Spirit just after We Prayed JESUS, my Wife and i saw a very clear sign on the wall yesterday, the likes of which We had never seen, a sharp image of a volcano with a fuzzy image of pluming smoke coming out of the top to the side, then the scene changed to a mountain chain appearance in the background, then as the volcano with lava, then a darker sky, then lighter then darker. I checked how it was so, and there were sunlight reflections from metal outside, and as happened there was a blanket in a heap in the path of the light beams with some blanket fuzzy areas. This is real life. Would You rather We classify it as level 1, 2, and/or 3?, the JESUS Righteous Prophetic Future, the Best Way for to Best Plan, and/or light and shadows that might have been merely due to a blanket and stuff?
13 May 2020AD.
tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over system matters kept secret since the world began with Anewly the Better Way increasingly Best For All through JESUS Christ UN Law with Bible Formula Higgs Boson = Quarks x Gluons, JESUS sign volcano with smoke lava mountain range dark sky, JESUS Loving Heart Higgs Boson and Quark particles sets of energies Enabling Better.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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