JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Leap Sermon.

JESUS Christ is aware civilization strayed so Gives unseen tests to see if civilization is heading back on track and if staying on track. Also concerning the forbidden, to go against JESUS Christ: in some situations toward rarely JESUS Christ allows civilization to test JESUS Christ such as written in Malachi 3:10 American Standard Version "Bring ye the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.".

In the previous verse is written "the whole tithe", and this concerns a Holy Value, a Sabbath Value. Into the Christian Temple on the Sabbath day of no work [hardly to work the same as on other day toward routine stuck-in-a-rut], is the Higher Level JESUS Tithe Value than the typical workday works responsibilities. So of JESUS Spirit Recognize the Higher Faith Level sense of this Firmament Level.

There is Higher Faith in JESUS Christ starting each Day. There is lower level Faith in JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility each Day including starting Prayerfully in JESUS Christ though also concerning works of the hands [flesh, vessels] such as going to work and such as doing chores. And this lower level Maintenance is with levels, the higher with Giving "the whole tithe" on the Sabbath, and the lowest Righteous level on other than Sabbath as much as doing works and chores concerning things. Here are these three JESUS Precepts:

1. JESUS Christ Prayerful Faith, especially on the Sabbath in Christian Church.

2A. JESUS Christ Faith to Give "the whole tithe" on the Sabbath in Christian Church [conditionally if applying such as for Televising license, and/or Internet fees].

2B. JESUS Christ Faith not on the Sabbath, routine works responsibilities such as if to do chores and if to earn profits and to go shopping and pay taxes.

1. JESUS Prayerful Faith in Christian Church / 2A. JESUS Faith to Give "the whole tithe" in Christian Church / 2B. JESUS daily responsibilities.

If to be JESUS Christ Perfect One Ascending Loyal, then to include the sum of 2A and 2B as much a legal and as much as not about straying nor falling from JESUS Grace.

JESUS Christ Perfect One Ascending Loyal = Tithing x the goodly non-tithing.

What if to Tithe too much for to get out of "the goodly non-tithing" work responsibilities? = backslider, Save The Righteous JESUS Heart One Hopefully applies such as to Give a double tithe or to Give away everything to the poor or for money and Give all that money to the poor as JESUS Christ explained in Luke 18:22 "And when Jesus heard it, he said unto him, One thing thou lackest yet: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." though again conditions apply [save such as Levites], since "the poor" are not the same as the secular levels of the poor, "the poor" in this sense are any lacking the JESUS Christ Word [above stated "Loyal" applies].

So any lacking Best Ascending in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose lacks the JESUS Christ Word, hence "poor" in spirit, poor in spirit faith type, faith amount, faith rate, and conditions such as stated above [also such as Miracles from above, explained more below in this Sermon]. So key to this above Sermon aspect thus far is this "faith rate". In financial accounting and projections analyses for instances, experts analyze stock caps and market caps and corporate projections with precision and some such as a year ahead with 1% tolerance [while other types vary widely].

So pertinent per se, in JESUS Christ Best Ascending [including Daily] is the above stated with "Sabbath" weekly rate, if to start at zero, not Ascending, to the maximum rate 100% Ascending that JESUS Christ is able to Do, if to go down to Serve others as Host, then able to also [as if Ascend] already be at the top instantly [reference such as Transfiguration and omnipresent save not sinning, Proverbs 15:3, except such as interpretations [for Our sakes] such as "God shut His eyes" (various sources) an amount applies with a rate considered (1 Kings 8:35 [like unto a car accelerating to negotiate from a turn to Straight Up again]).

If with JESUS Christ Spirit Ascending Straight Up, then at the rate of full speed [not as a drunk bouncing off the walls nor as to fall into the pit at a negative rate]. Shown below the rider typically in control and the horse although shown moving largely horizontally, symbolizes this Best Ascending yet also with a Leap Ascending at a Higher Rate Of Velocity toward less velocity and more speed [burden is light, lightweight, Maintenance automized].

[Beside the ramp] even though the level height bar was removed

the horse [under the guiding rider] leaps over the unseen faith level.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Maintenance levels with Firmament Tithe Level, Higher JESUS Faith is explained


The above section of this Sermon has been about the lower levels of Faith in JESUS Christ, while the balance of this Sermon concerns the exceedingly more important Higher Levels Of Faith in JESUS Christ, likewise including the leaping [like unto a handshake, also as bones of specifications with connective tissues at the hip joint (Genesis 32:25)].

Above stated Malachi 3:10 Agrees with Genesis 32:25 at least in the sense of a maximum rate so as to such as burst or overflow or go out of control and fall, hence to not overly tempt any Save symbolism in recordkeeping Your Living Bible, and such as if to Test God when allowed; though special criteria may be applied over such things such as to test how much explosive is appropriate for safely and best in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Way Best For All to be Best Aware with testing [things, ways, energies, rates, but many conditions apply as complexities mount so first Best Clarify Through Pure JESUS Christ hence Ascend much Over such].

For instance there are some people that don't know a language, and for instance there are some people in charge of some machinery, and so if an authority atypically places a barrier, some people might ignore the barrier and so to speak fall into the pit. So a "negative rate" as stated above might not apply.

A pedestrian or a car might innocently fall into the hole,

workers worked to protect people but some such works fell into the hole too.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, hole in pavement and warning cones and barrier fell into the hole too


So in the above as though to not blame innocent pedestrians nor cars nor workers, but it is not an act of God to cause God, for instance did they first Pray JESUS Christ and so Preach, and more importantly did that city first so JESUS Pray And Say And Do prior to building that city that was for to be in the future with that hole?, perhaps (Ecclesiastes 9:11), see first line in this Sermon JESUS Christ Original Plan"Gives unseen tests" for the Best Way through JESUS Christ, not for to stray worse [passing from census is not the worst (Revelation 2:11)].

Going from a pertinent faith type, amount, rate, and conditions to Higher Level JESUS Christ Loyalty, here are some Leaps [or steps] in Ascending Faith, though listed vertically these are not at assigned vertical levels as some interchangeability vertically can apply (see above such as "many conditions apply as complexities mount", and for instance a high speed car can fly over a hole while a pedestrian falls, and a fast pedestrian can leap but a slow car often does not).

Loyalty / JESUS You One Maximum Ascending Rate / Faith.

Loyalty / Give Better than former Righteous Prophesyings / Faith.

Loyalty / Former Righteous Prophesyings / Faith.

Loyalty / Righteous Prophecy On Righteous Prophecy / Faith.

Loyalty / Precepting / Faith.

Loyalty / to Baptism from weaned / Faith.

Loyalty / to Mary from Martha / Faith.

Loyalty / to JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose from Tithe amount / Faith.

Loyalty / Automizing Maintenance / Faith.

Loyalty / to Best For All from dust in the wind / Faith.

To cling to secular things increases Maintenance Responsibilities [as if to eat a person alive so to speak in the secular to rather Edify in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So if not to improve the lower levels, the "poor", the people in need of Hearing JESUS Christ UN, then for Yourself to become as "dust in the wind". Matthew 16:26 New American Standard Bible "For what good will it do a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in exchange for his soul?" it has been as to opt to be unaware as to be "swept" away or "trampled" ( and as to fall into the pit and as to have opted as to become as "dust in the wind".

Isaiah Chapter 28 is Revelation repeating Precepting ["precept upon precept"] and Agreeingly yet Before The Fact explaining many of the things of this Sermon, yet with this JESUS Christ Known God Lifting, Anewly We The People can be with such as the new and improved organizing of Precepts and such as with Triadic Awareness of the Better Value with as written: "Loyalty / Righteous Prophecy On Righteous Prophecy / Faith".

April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, specifies the Maximum Ascending Rate, explains the Firmament Levels above and below Tithing, Your Righteous Prophesyings On Your Righteous Prophesyings, Maintenance is explained more specifically, rates are better explained, conditions such as hole in pavement and warning cones and barrier fell into the hole too.

Jesus Christ

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