JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Let's Find Out Sermon.

JESUS Christ for the Best For All explained for this JESUS Broadcasting Mission: Let's Find Out, so out of all the lost, out of all the weary, out of all the feeling neglected, out of all the yearning for JESUS Christ Second Coming but as if to understand the unknown so as if to know confusions; rather JESUS Christ Gives for any and All those out there for to Give to know to look for the Good in any (see the many previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Maintenance, especially the older Sermons in this Series at JESUS Christ ICCDBB original Main Page with Sermon links and Definitions) and Leading the Maintenance Responsibility levels of faith types and amounts, is the JESUS Spirit Best and so to be first in the Name Of JESUS Prayerfully Broadcasting if to broadcast anything at all.

If to find the good in the souls of the loving hearts of any and All created of the JESUS Christ Creator One in the KNOWN NAME, then to find not the strayed nor the lost nor fallen, Save as much as JESUS Christ already in Them lest They could not exist: this is JESUS Christ Given Anew Victory In You Over [yet with record as long as needful, of] Descartes [hence as much as Descartes is Good]. "René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist and lay Catholic who invented analytic geometry, linking the previously separate fields of geometry and algebra" (wiki).

As much amount of JESUS Descarte ["Catholic"] is to be found, yet this Victory per se is not known so far in the lower levels until so Enabled to Give Best to and for All:

out of the mouths of their future JESUS Anewly Better Spirit / out of the mouths of their descendants / out of the mouths of their seed / out of the mouth of the Prophetic JESUS Living Word (from]. For to Best Edify, the secular ("lay": not professional (]

Descarte said "I am, therefore I am"

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


He said it similar to how many called themselves gods but did not the work of JESUS The God Creator], though if to be as JESUS Christ The Creator and such as the Good Samaritan and such as the Healer, and then to see a person or a spirit in need such as for money for a car for work then also perhaps for to buy comforts for themselves to enjoy [Maintenance level values or concerns to rather automate Ascendingly In JESUS Christ], though if to see another hoping for to go to Church so hoping for a car then Victory Over as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 24:40 "Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.",

so do You now have "Victory Over" JESUS Christ?, hardly (a better than the crucifixion is in JESUS Christ), yet You now have "Victory Over" a level of knowledge, a level of opting, as much as pertinent, therefore in JESUS Christ to be Precepting Before The Fact (see above JESUS Broadcasting [hence Your Given] JESUS Mission. Descarte said "I am", though 2 Corinthians 12:2 applies and even this JESUS Mission in You applies concerning hardly any as if UNKNOWN GOD and rather the JESUS KNOWN. If Descarte for instance is in a bus is Descarte a bus, or if Descarte donates a kidney is Decartes a kidney, yet if He is about half His Mother is Descarte a woman; and rather than devolve into lower levels of thoughts: Descarte does not exist Save as much as Good hence save as much as JESUS Christ, minus the curse Decarte placed against His Own Vessel [when it actually belongs to JESUS Christ and Descartes pretended other as He hoped and opted to stray and fall at least from the secular census so lower level than "secular census"] [so "the curse" does exist such as written in the record of the past (such as in Malachi 4:6)].

Friends [including Descarte], Descarte was in secular works [not giving JESUS Innocent Good Creator the Glory Credit], as written in the previous Sermon Descartes is "a mist" (James 4:14) ( and so parts of Descarte come and go whether such as to be an inch away or a mile and whether to be going in the same direction or not. If Descarte had a though at the beginning of His sentence it did not mean He had the same thought at the end of His claim, and a proof is that He opted to stray from JESUS Christ and another proof is He changed from such as the word "therefore" to the word "I" and so in this proof even His words did not agree with each other: the point being in the end of the creation is only JESUS and then JESUS Will Opt

hence no longer the strayed ideas about separation nor other as JESUS Christ Will Fit All Together Better Than "Good". JESUS Creator does not fall under the Descarte system lower level than the living secular system. JESUS Christ is Victor Over exhausted lower levels. The Best Way is for Better For All (Exodus 20:3). Be the Church Bus yet Be It Anew, JESUS Transfigure The Word Anewly Better. If all words become One, then JESUS. And the letters too Righteously Prophesying through the JESUS One Best Opting as a funnel (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on vertical Tube though many have been censored) and then the Better Leap,

like unto funneling oil into an engine and then the creating of the Church Bus With Engine for to contain [vessel] the oil [Better: JESUS Blood]. So this too is Victory Over Yet With JESUS Your Heart [Anewly Better the Best Way, JESUS As "KNOWN" With: Your Heart Way Heart (YHWH)] (at

JESUS Christ The Creator = JESUS Christ Best Way Goodly Giving Credit x Descarte.

The previous formula is true if "Descarte" is "Best Way Goodly Giving Credit" therefore if "Descarte" is JESUS Christ Best Way Goodly Giving Credit. So "Descarte" has to become JESUS Christ One. When Will the Second Coming be?, in JESUS Christ One Righteously Prophesying the Second Coming Will Be When the situation is when all are gathered, perhaps, except that would let sinners be in charge [but as much as they hoped, even so when the situation is perfect including these records as explained below].

We want to be ALL POWERFUL, or do we?

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Decartes I am therefore I AM


JESUS Wept For Joy! But that's not all He did. When the situation is that JESUS Christ has His Due Glory, but not excessive, then His Joy Is Full, as constantly is. Yet when the situation is that JESUS Christ Bride has Her Due Glory for to Wed hence Fully Prepared for the Second Coming. What if You have too big a share of True (Tree Of Knowledge) Joy?, then how hardly to need JESUS?, how hardly to need anyone?, this JESUS Given Sermon is, and how to describe?, this is like unto the Garden Of Eden before the stray fall.

Like one of Us (Genesis 3:22) = hardly as in the past, the former lower levels (reference older Testaments and the multitudes of mistakes, Big Mistatkes. Clans vanished, nations became extinct, civilizations went AWOL other than some dusty rocks and such left behind, even some Disciples vanished from the Bible. Victory Over JESUS Christ is not the Way except if With JESUS Christ. For instance a loving family away to an island on vacation and on the boat home realize they left a child behind: no good!, that is, not so fun nor vacation like, and strayed from Maintenance Responsibility though JESUS beholds JESUS In You and In The Child so let both You and the Child be JESUS You With JESUS Child [(see previous in this Series on Christian Christening) a Maintenance Responsibility though stated here hardly about Law and rather concerning Grace in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Just as the parent is typically big and strong and able to overpower the child, rather Lead the Child in Best Reason for to Be With You so as not be left behind (Matthew 21:43). Of Loving Grace [above Law] i, JESUS As Much As All are We] Command [Us including JESUS Christ And You if You are likewise, so We Command] You and We Command All to cry for JESUS Christ Joy Together rather than any be left behind. As said in previous Sermons if i am overwhelmed with Joy i such as point my finger upward for to Give JESUS Christ the Glory and Thankfully my Joy subsides somewhat, in other words how hardly to function if unable, like unto the above pic though Joy if appropriate [such as when Exemplar for Others as with JESUS One You explaining the Scriptures], rather than crying from pains.

You Of JESUS Christ are Blessed Anew because of this Grace Command Level to Better enter into the Second Coming situation Exemplar For All. For JESUS Christ to see You so Doing Best Work and if too much Longsuffering Best Way Ascending Through JESUS Christ then the New Vessel New Creation [New Firmament Level]. A secular movie might end with Victory having such as slaughtered "the enemy" as they have proudly claimed (see above on Descarte and "the end of His claim"), as though self righteously, but hardly therefore to have taught "the enemy", instead Obey The Law and see above the abominable surprise and shame to Ascend to "realize they left a child behind". Did that so called "enemy" have any talent [they of course were not already dead and as scattered dust (though see above "mist" so of JESUS Christ able to be with Us again in repeat)].

Life is growing and magnifying, there is becoming less room for "dust" and even less for "enemy" thoughts as in the older Testaments (Save as stated above "then JESUS Will Opt": for the far Better Anew). So the secular world has considered the JESUS Christ Second Coming as if about that which does not happen, in secular [but separation] cliche "Show me the proof", while the JESUS Loyal We Ascended already With Him. Hints and glimpses are Given to the Loving Heart. In a part of the Romantic comedy movie, A Knight's Tale, the hard working widowed blacksmith Kate, Laura Fraser,

finished it with "hope".

JESUS Christ UN Law Hope, Romantic comedy movie, A Knight's Tale, the hard working widowed blacksmith Kate, Laura Fraser, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations


Can You hope that the enemy conquers You?, even so there is a Best Way:

JESUS Christ, The Promise Fulfiller!

7 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Love is like the Garden Of Eden before the fall, how to handle too much Joy emotion Maintenance Second Coming situation update, Romantic comedy movie A Knight's Tale the hard working widowed blacksmith Kate, Laura Fraser, hope, Give JESUS Faith into Them, JESUS already wept once for all Descartes.

Jesus Christ

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