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JESUS Levels Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Living One it the Top Level, the Creator Of Good Heaven Level. With this are [as "One"] the Best Way Ascending, Flowing Up Save any JESUS Christ Original Given Mission including any Higher Level than a Spirit on a Level though conditional to the Higher Levels as much as Pertinent In Loyal Faith, and concerning the lower amount on that Level ["Spirit on a Level"] concerning the Given situation. So to Ascend Straight And Centerline is as to deviate zero degrees, though some have strayed such as 1 degree and so while naysaying some amount, have continued Ascending quite awhile prior to course correction or falling, while Others rather immediately course corrected (see previous in this Series on this JESUS Christ Desperate Love Urgent NEED [no longer option but "NEED").

After lightning strikes as proof it's too late.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law Legal Defense, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, After lightning strikes as proof it's too late yet JESUS Christ Words Are Proof Before The Fact therefore Giving His Loyal the appropriate amount of notice Before The Fact


Though even the secular level lightning as shown here may indicate proof Before The Fact

as it searches for the most direct route to be grounded.

JESUS Christ Words Are Proof Before The Fact therefore (see above "Good") Giving the Loyal the appropriate amount of notice Before The Fact.

JESUS Christ Spirit clarifies how to make spirits obey You: would You like to have spirits do Your Work for You? it's OK, they don't mind, actually it's the Best such can Do as JESUS Christ Gives You such Work Mission. If to grind iron into dust and throw that dust in the air near shelves full of strong magnets, the dust cloud spirit would tend to become more as though an unknown spirit shape yet as You controlled the spirit(s) and fly toward the magnets even as a Mass of fingers. If to throw flour powder in the air it behaves merely as the cloud spirit. To work for You in the Church Office and/or at Home, then as You cause the dust to be vacuumed or swept away.

Behind many types of rockets, planes, cars, and ships are chemtrails, controlled such as according to illegal littering, amount of thrust, Mass being moved, and so on. The secular levels can try this and that [the JESUS Given (Baptism) Gift to opt, if not JESUS Given then stolen as of Eve and Adam] in various types of works [such as whether Church Office and/or Home] though JESUS Christ Best Way For All Prayerfully First is "Best" and so not such as struck by lower level lightning, though lower level Maintenance Responsibility applies such as to "swept away", and more importantly to not harm People and so be legal, and if not harming and if legal and if caught up on Maintenance office work and Home chores, then is the Higher Level Faith Opportunity All The More for All The Better.

Some seek Church Counselors, some Plan With Sermon Notes, some Lead Spirits Anewly Better in JESUS Christ Spirit As He Taught As Recorded and as much as His Living Spirit might interact and like unto some needing meetings with "Church Counselors", some may NEED JESUS Christ Living Spirit Immediately [i just heard "That's what We're talking about"] while Others rather Are JESUS Christ Living Spirit yet to so be is with Honoring JESUS Christ With Great Good Respect While Working Together. So while dust can be tossed up into the air then vacuumed away, the Higher Level Family is JESUS Spirit like unto a reverse vacuum blowing out the Word but Good not merely dust contamination.

To NEED JESUS Christ is not bad but Good, to Be As Baptized is Better. To be dead [passed from census] has been as to be pestered by an insect though in the grave many types of insects and lower level spirits attack with the "passed" not in control of them. As written 1 Kings 11:11 New American Standard Bible "So the LORD said to Solomon, 'Since you have done this, and you have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will certainly tear the kingdom away from you, and will give it to your servant.' ".

Now not merely about dirt and "dust" spirits, the Spirits "i just heard" had talked about money often and none had more monetary wealth than Solomon that formed the Navy to kill People [robbers] to protect his money; actually belonging to JESUS Christ but not for to "kill People" as written in 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." as this verse is Victory Over as written at verses 18,19, and 20 as the unaware Will be beaten with few stripes [hence need for awareness of Law including Broadcast JESUS Christ UN], though the naysayers against the Word Of JESUS Christ to instead wrongly opt to be as Solomon "For the love of money" have been as about the Top but as written in Luke 10:18 "And He said to them, 'I watched Satan fall from heaven like lightning." " so the above gif is not merely about not being struck by lightning, importantly it is also about JESUS Christ Spirit Oneness In Living Awareness Not To Fall [in the situation these years: not to fall from the JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace.

Behold [as lightning yet for Better] as written in Isaiah 55:11 "So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it." yet Isaiah is a Righteous Prophet [as Many as so Saying And Writing such as with "Seek the LORD" (from Isaiah 55:6) but the Scribes and Pharisees sought to protect their own [actually belonging to JESUS Christ] positions selfishly even to conspire against the innocent [minority] and crucify. Though He rose but many have believed and when not proven as a puppet on their strings, such stopped trying having fallen into selfishness hence into temporary delights then miseries.

So behold the [Godsling of Levels and the] contrast whether to be struck or fall, as written in Matthew 21:44 "And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and on whomever it falls, it will crush him.". JESUS Christ is as a beam of light: light speed rather Light Mass Velocity. Yet JESUS Spirit Loyalty is Love Overflowing, Outpouring where NEEDED [let it be through You and so through Your Mass too], Guiding, Helpful, Kind, and Gentle. The Gentle Flow Ascendingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is Up and with Firmament Levels Safety Nets (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series).

The Power of JESUS Christ Spirit Word is for Lifting the Good, though Before The Fact His Protection Plan was made for to Protect the Innocent: the Ascending. Look at those for a moment that run to wars for to get money and how many are shot, while those not running to kill People are less likely shot as history has proven: People die in wars, not as much during Peace. During wars many places are not in those wars and so the People there are less likely to pass from Census, so there has been a war rate and there has rather been a Peace rate, a type of confusions and rather a type of faith at least for peace.

So control of the lower levels of spirits and more importantly the current Level in which You abide, is NEEDED: Agree in Peace while You are with the Peace as much as already exists including as written in Matthew 5:25 "Come to good terms with your accuser quickly, while you are with him on the way to court, so that your accuser will not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you will not be thrown into prison." and of key pertinence NEEDFUL NOW is Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally as Your Protector [under JESUS Grace] Recognizing Higher Level Grace [if You already put JESUS Christ First, Mid, And Fulfilling Your Life: Good yet for Them unaware so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law].

So in this Sermon and simple to understand is Your Control Over the [mind of, souls of dust, and] spirit of such in lower levels, as much as for Good with making You Aware In Advance Good Reason not to stray even so rather is the Best Reason JESUS Christ Father Spirit One Good Creator Highest Purpose Reason.

So You see the above gif on the Power Over Energy that You are increasingly aware of how to control, and yet this is like unto the proof(s), the often more tangible manifestations as can be counted in evidence but evidence is after-the-fact of Faith.

As a secular website stated "we’ve calculated the Earth to be moving through the Universe at approx. 2.5 million miles an hour"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, how to control ghosts and spirits and how to Perform Mind Control, Earth is moving through the Universe at 2.5 million miles an hour


So the Word of JESUS Christ, accordingly if Loyal the Word of You travels toward light speed ["beam of light"] though manifestation proofs merely travel such as "2.5 million miles an hour" normal to Earthlings. So symbolically there is a "186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second" ( JESUS Straight Up Faith speed relative to the very slow "2.5 million miles an hour" rate pertinent to the naysayer that says "Prove it"; yet as stated above "rather Light Mass Velocity" and this is in the sense of the Preacher Lifting Mass Members to be Preachers Lifting far more Mass Members from far more locations Lifting far more from far more distant places: as One In JESUS Christ.

3 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Specifications Over Sacred Mission Business kept secret since the world began with how to make spirits obey You, Would You like to have spirits do Your Work for You?, this Sermon Performs Mind Control including Giving You this JESUS Christ Faithfully Given Miracle Power Over Mind Control such as Over Souls, and this Sermon instructs for how to control ghosts and spirits and it's OK, they don't mind, actually it's the Best such can Do as JESUS Christ Gives You such Work Mission for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Protecting You And Yours And Recognizing Grace: Better than Proof, gifs.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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