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JESUS Life Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gave that in the Beginning Adam And Eve were Given the Gift to opt from JESUS Christ Chosen as Hoped and as Sent in such Hope for to be The Creator Of The Original Plan as JESUS Christ Gave into the Garden Of Eden the Tree Of Life and the Tree Of Knowledge, for to opt Good is to opt as of Agreeing With The "Gift" so to eat from the Prepared Tree Of Life [it is possible in the census, i have been personally invited and i ate from it (see in this Series)].

As explained about the words as at "And the LORD God commanded him, 'You may eat freely from every tree of the garden' ", "though if to opt to eat of "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you" opt to think not of Lord [JESUS Christ] Way Living Best For All, but to consider as written in the original "Hebrew" Lexicon "to kill", hence "To die"; prior to the Best Way Living In JESUS Christ Name Spirit Father One Eternal Good. To opt to think of Life is Best Good And Pure, rather than about "to kill" [rather than such as Legion into pigs then drown as bottom of sea, rather than such as Roman Legion crucifiers, and rather than such as learning more of worse; first is JESUS Christ Way Living Victory Over such, then Innocently with the "Gift to opt" though not tempted to stray, so beyond disappointment, so beyond reproach, so beyond reasons about accusations and punishments ideas.

Tree Of Life

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit bluntly states for the more clear Awareness Anewly Sacred Matters Over Money kept secret since the world began with how exopoliticians have been creating extraterrestrial policy for all to worship UNKNOWN GODS, with specifics of how Adam and Eve abused the Gift to opt Grace privilege to wrongly prefer death knowledge instead of the Tree Of Life, now rather the Loyal with the face of JESUS Christ and Transfiguration Traceability

("Walking with Yeshua ( Jesus )").

[With leaves, not shown] this is how the Tree Of Life appeared, a fruit type on a given branch hence a branch color.

Yesterday signs on a wall were explained, today on another wall and on the ceiling in shadows and light effects was the sign of a scissors manlift sign appeared interpreted as JESUS Christ Better than steps (see in this Series on automating Maintenance), and i confess humbly interpreted as JESUS Christ as one zigzag set of the scissors and JESUS Christ Agreeing With One [me] the other zigzag set. My Wife called me into another room and there was the face of JESUS Christ, with hazy grayish Mother Mary. If more Broadcast JESUS Christ UN, Righteously Prophesying Now Anewly far greater than merely a "manlift" would the Miracles be.

Yesterday's Sermon explained the JESUS Christ Spirit Traceability Over All including watching Over Souls and Over Miracles involving census vessels and matter including "if to "adjust the equipment controls" to create cavitation then the length of water increases: material increases" hence the JESUS Christ Spirit Transfiguration Traceability. Many NDT Experts had explained to Customers that NonDestructive Testing was not destructive, about not changing the Customer's products; though now Properly Traceably while there is "changing" it is not necessarily destructive known in the secular as not flawed by such NDT normally though:

be aware NDT "normally" vibrates (reference such as a strange engine vibration) (though in Visual Testing, VT, often pertinent is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle such as removing paint and debris to Inspect), though:

as explained in the previous Sermon, the JESUS Christ Best Way [in tune, harmonic plasma, Good Waves], is wither JESUS Christ Spirit hence Growingly Better Of The Original Plan such as original "products" safety through the entire process [and Better may apply even if merely Better With Inspected and Successfully Passed Inspection Certification]. For instance an Assessor might of multiplying the purity and net weight say this bar is 99% pure gold hence more valuable than gold dust products often, hence "normally", traceability to standards normal to the continuously improving industry.

Likewise Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN ROI is Good, not Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN ROI Already Being Rewarded = excessive added sufferings ("all" had opted against Moses "to death"

Church, Government, and Industry, are already aware Proper Traceability is an important consideration: "through process start through finish", rather through process start through finish in JESUS Christ Better Purpose, though in secular such as often about warranty insurance sales and subscribers loyalty stability [similarly constituency]. Likewise and rather the best most reliable "through process" applies Before The Fact, "valid" "having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent" (Oxford) hence see above "Broadcast JESUS Christ UN," and rather with the "valid" "Best Way": "Righteously Prophesying".

This includes exopolitics, creating extraterrestrial policy, within current "Best Way" NEED. In JESUS Christ Righteous Flowing With Formulae:

JESUS Christ Righteous Better Flow Creating / Global Peace Politics / Creator Gathering Tribes Together As One (Exodus) / Clans [starting to become Civilized (Abraham of Genesis)].

JESUS Christ Righteous Better Flow Creating = Global Peace Politics (see next verse) x Creator Gathering Tribes Together As One (Exodus).

Global Peace Politics = Creator Gathering Tribes Together As One (Exodus) x Clans [starting to become Civilized (Abraham of Genesis)].

Concerning "Global Peace Politics", for Best Valid Way consider as written in Micah 4:3 Treasury of Scripture "And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.".

JESUS Christ Protects His Innocent Ones, hence if to continue to opt to stray and in works to teach me such, then [to count as if, for Your sakes for Edifying for Best For You to consider] might JESUS Christ remove this Preacher typing, from Your Presence?

JESUS Christ already showed me the answer per se, it was typed into this Sermon Series and put online, without price, without special login security required [security is JESUS Christ though rates apply (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series) so an amount of time applies (see previous on "Desperate Love" and "NEED") as secular security should Ascend to JESUS Christ Best Way Advisory One].

Who is Your God?

As shown below Your "God" clearly is census dead Abraham Lincoln [if You are atheist, agnostic, not "Broadcasting"...].

Many learn such "God" [learn money per se] at the start of learning English.

Eureka! The secular former UNKNOWN GOD is now KNOWN! And BEHOLD!: if You consider coins and script, You NOW ANEWLY KNOW YOUR [possessive form] formerly UNKNOWN GODS.

YOUR Money, Yours is a possessive form: such as You Possess, similar to Family, such as You are Theirs and They are Yours: secular You're Possessed.

Even so, to think about God is Better than not.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit bluntly states for the more clear Awareness Anewly Sacred Matters Over Money kept secret since the world began with how exopoliticians have been creating extraterrestrial policy for all to worship UNKNOWN GODS, with specifics of how Adam and Eve abused the Gift to opt Grace privilege to wrongly prefer death knowledge instead of the Tree Of Life, now rather the Loyal with the face of JESUS Christ and Transfiguration Traceability


14 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit bluntly states for the more clear Awareness Anewly Sacred Matters Over Money kept secret since the world began with how exopoliticians have been creating extraterrestrial policy for all to worship UNKNOWN GODS, with specifics of how Adam and Eve abused the Gift to opt Grace privilege to wrongly prefer death knowledge instead of the Tree Of Life, now rather the Loyal with the face of JESUS Christ and Transfiguration Traceability.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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