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JESUS Life And Materials Sermon.

JESUS Christ Loves the Living rather than the sleeping, and the sleeping rather than the ways of the disloyal fallen.

JESUS Christ Loves the Living / the sleeping / the ways of the disloyal fallen.

JESUS Christ Loves the Living hence a positive Good Spirit For To Live and more Perfectingly Perfecting, and toward exhaustion and confusions are the sleeping. As JESUS Christ said as written in 3 Nephi 27:31 "Behold, I would that ye should understand; for I mean them who are now alive of this generation; and none of them are lost; and in them I have fulness of joy." [sic]. This previous verse is near the end of the Gold Pages of the 3rd Testament, and 3 Nephi 9:19 explains this previous verse is according to the "more righteous than they", "more righteous than" Others [as much as good value applies as written in "this previous verse"]: so Behold this new Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit explaining Victoriously so much about the Old Testament: this is a New Gift Discovered and Revealed for You Over the Old Testament strayed battles ways, and Anewly Of Sacred JESUS Christ Original Exemplar Sacred Spirit Loyalty Over the ancient former lower levels hopes about things made of hands

as this New Exceedingly Good Gift for You is Your New [if You Agree and have so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Value Grace] Ark Of The Covenant. JESUS Spirit Gave signs on the higher half of a wall where residing, up high where no direct sunlight shines, and now from the above the interpretation is already completed. The signs were first a curve similar to half a rainbow though gold and far larger the reflection than from the placemat size, and then the "Staff Of God" (for JESUS Christ Way Edifying is this popular much known reference as in an Indian Jones movie) with some colors, beside the golden bow, and i thought of ibid., and suddenly appeared an open treasure chest at the proverbial foot of the "bow". Having checked the light paths there was no apparent reason for the "Staff Of God" nor the "open treasure chest" as the sunlight as traced was just rising over the next building, hence perhaps morning dew, as the light reflected from window blinds and the table with papers.

Moses raised the Staff Of God, like unto above stated yet rather Ascending Over the former as explained above Anewly "Victoriously",

and symbolic yet the Real More Glorious All His Staff Members As One Than Ever For Better JESUS Christ Spirit Way Anewly for His Sake As He Is Worthy Already.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gifts Of Sacred Miracles are put in place under Proven matters kept secret since the world began with <b>how traceably JESUS Christ Enlightening Way of distance Transfiguring is Proven though again Proven is YOUR NEEDFUL LOYAL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN LAW OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZING BETTER FOR ALL GRACE</b> with proven how to be with full Joy in His Spirit and in the Census, and a New Translation description is provided explaining JESUS Christ Is Good, with signs and wonders including: Ultrasonic and Sonic Transfiguration equipment vessels plastic steel, Staff Of God, Victory Over Ark Of The Covenant, Golden Rainbow Treasure Opened


And a spirit talking about "fallen" ways in unpleasant language claimed somewhat about as written "that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand. And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are bone;" (, though as written above applies and as JESUS Christ said as written "therefore from their fruits you will know them.": JESUS Christ taught of Oneness rather than separations against each other as to battle (see above prized Ark Of The Covenant often not for Good but was prized for wars) so the Literal Standard Version of was Chosen rather than many other translations that opted the word "by", as Rather The Word "from" Righteously Applies.

The Word "from" also reveals Holy Living Bible Being Broadcast Including Souls, see somewhat recent in this Series on the Spirit of Sermons Series, and on Distinguishing the Higher Levels for Uplifting the Worthy, though also about the lower spirits as in purgatory about as if merely chemical reactions toward dust and square one Genesis 1:1 Earth, rather of JESUS Christ Desperate Love Lifting in His New Beginning For Better not merely about as if worthy dust rather according to JESUS Christ Eternal Good Worthiness Best Way For All With Genesis 2:7: Better than the geologic rate, Better than the evolving rate, Better than adaptation (see older Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on "rates").

Precepting with the above, and with the previous JESUS Spirit To Be With You Sermon including "JESUS Christ Unifying [Better on Better] Unification Continuum" Totality Whole Spirit Starting Loyally From The Best With The Best Way, hence Guidingly Righteously Likewise In JESUS Christ Spirit Starting From The Top unto the Leaders of this Civilization [Ambassadors, Captains Of Industry, and rather TV Churches for to Offer the "JESUS Christ" Wording first in the Menu Title even at the risk of being lost in the multitude of Others in the Name And Will And Spirit And Work Of "JESUS Christ" [there are far worse things to risk and rather Ascend to remember JESUS Christ Victory Over so much competition [(Matthew 22:14) Continue The Best For All Way].

So the previous Sermon For You Unifying to "Continue The Best For All Way" is Over the materials as was explained as in this Series: first the JESUS Christ Prayerful Spirit One Best Way For All, Better and then Better Continuing, and the Miracles follow that Loyalty: so if that Loyalty is "Best" then "Best" Miracles, then to be able to make Precepting according to the Miracles, this Precept of JESUS Christ Spirit explains a Capability, yet rather in JESUS Christ Spirit Precpeting According to JESUS Christ Original Exemplar, and so Loyally of His Spirit, such as so to not be tempted of Miracles to stray boldly and fall: see the above about Old 1st Testament wars and how many advanced tech at those times perished from the census, entire high tech civilizations.

As stated above JESUS Christ Spirit One [You With Us: One] has fullness of Joy with the Living!

Those that suffer as opted to be on the front line of wars have been for to decease joy, to kill the Living People hence less "Joy with the Living!".

To hate x in works = less joy.

Some have opted to be in battle and were buried alive "= less joy". Google search: "battle" "buried alive": "About 2,520,000 results". See above "matthew": many are called. What would You do if You were buried alive?, thank JESUS Christ (for being counted worthy to suffer for His Name Sake: Your Reward Is Joyous Heaven: Praise JESUS Christ), if You "opted to be in battle" would You be in works to survive, goodly though if to return to be sent underground into the grave again then as written in Proverbs 26:11. How about rather Before The Fact Rather Guiding the Peace Ambassadors?.

To merely love, if to pretend as if without JESUS Christ, then similar to those that beheaded such as John The Baptist, and as the JESUS Crucifiers to protect their own positions and conspirator friends [that are known for conspiracies against others: You become conspired against as much as so opted]. Best For All includes JESUS Christ and the Best Way For All and turning over tables of the selfish that merely were about self serving and lovers of money, is Prayerfully at the start of JESUS Christ Ministries toward Good:

as Now Better Translated from as written at New Living Translation " 'Why do you call me good?' Jesus asked. 'Only God is truly good.' ": and this is the New Translated description of the meaning of that verse: in the first place JESUS Christ does NOT say He is not good as some have proffered, and [like unto why many Books such as the Book Of Thomas were not entered into the Bible / historic landmark King James collection] JESUS Christ means in this verse that no as if single census Person is Good, rather to be Good is to be Saving Souls.

Likewise is Ascending, and explaining JESUS Christ The Original Is Good, and in these current years with 2022 AD to be URGENTLY BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN: not merely about Earthlings yet also outer space and inner space and to and for critters and spirits and works of hands and for dust: for the Best For All in the Godsling of Righteous Joyous Prophetic High And Mighty and even the lowly dust and "In the beginning": All For JESUS Christ Good Best Highest Purpose Original Plan: Better as All Hoped.

In the previous Sermon was discussed pertinent (see above "Precepting" yet according to Loyalty in JESUS Christ) Immersion Ultrasonics of Ultrasonics Testing was discussed and the "cavitation" in Good Proof Traceability (including Righteously Before The Fact yesterday: to previous sentence in this Sermon today) Flowing Living Joy explaining the Solution and Answering the concern that if of the "equation v=λf, velocity = wavelength x frequency" to be able to adjust the equipment controls then such as to make steel longer or shorter or aloft or other Transfiguring. In other words

the water had a length, and if in a bowl with beveled side(s), if to "adjust the equipment controls" to create cavitation then the length of water increases: material increases. So the spirit to increase material length can be increased according to energy, like unto heat expansion. Yet this is specific to Ultrasonics associated also with Ultrasonic Levitation such as of plastic, steel, and so many other materials (see older Sermons in this Series).

So rather than about a forklift and materials, is rather JESUS Christ Enlightening Way of distance Transfiguring is Proven!

Shown here is an example of remote Transfiguring, and importantly the Higher Level (see above concerning "You") "P" Preacher Broadcasting, and the Hearer [Sleeping, "S"]: Beloved Friends Invited to Visit these Hosted JESUS Christ Spirit Lifting Sermons first JESUS Christ Faith Prayerfully then Loyalty Best For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gifts Of Sacred Miracles are put in place under Proven matters kept secret since the world began with <b>how traceably JESUS Christ Enlightening Way of distance Transfiguring is Proven though again Proven is YOUR NEEDFUL LOYAL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN LAW OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZING BETTER FOR ALL GRACE</b> with proven how to be with full Joy in His Spirit and in the Census, and a New Translation description is provided explaining JESUS Christ Is Good, with signs and wonders including: Ultrasonic and Sonic Transfiguration equipment vessels plastic steel.


13 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit Gifts Of Sacred Miracles are put in place under Proven matters kept secret since the world began with how traceably JESUS Christ Enlightening Way of distance Transfiguring is Proven though again Proven is YOUR NEEDFUL LOYAL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN LAW OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZING BETTER FOR ALL GRACE with proven how to be with full Joy in His Spirit and in the Census, and a New Translation description is provided explaining JESUS Christ Is Good, with signs and wonders including: Ultrasonic and Sonic Transfiguration equipment vessels plastic steel.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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