JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

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JESUS Life Volunteer Sermon.

JESUS Christ Precepting Spirit in the previous Sermon JESUS Names Sermon at explained Better Begets Better and what happens if to receive too many Miracles, so You need to Volunteer to Say and Do as JESUS Christ including Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN with "Loyalty, the New Better Foundation" as explained in the Sermon prior to that (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons List Page 25 at including how to be "DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE" "the Best Way For All").

JESUS Life Volunteering is Leading All Better, therefore consider as explained and specified in the previous sentence the JESUS Book Of Life You Write to Lead Those Given to You [from JESUS Christ] for You to Lead, hence Better Lead all the Leaders, as many as You are aware that currently lead whether such leaders have been in the secular levels and rather whether in the Higher JESUS Christ Grace Levels. For instance if a Church Usher doesn't know what the High Priest does, then to find out; and since the High Priest already accomplished much, then the [former Usher so to speak if Ordained to run the High Priest Position] "already accomplished" does not need to be "accomplished" again, so to rather on that Work Do Better in JESUS Christ Best Way Highest Purpose For All. This is similar to going on vacation and one person drives an amount, and then the next person drives, and then the next.

The More Leaders You Gather, The More The Civilization Burden Is Shared: Lighter Burden For You.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Ascending is like going on vacation and one person drives then the next person drives, then the next


Consider how it would be, whether online, on TV, on Radio, in a Church at the Pulpit Preaching, or otherwise as a Christian Preacher, and so because of what JESUS Christ said and did You say and do likewise, so while typing for online Preaching for instance You type first and then if it is alright, You click the "Save" button and "Publish" button and alert Search Engines. So You Prepare first, normally, then Broadcast.

JESUS Broadcasting is the opposite of not Broadcasting similar to secrecy: as JESUS Christ Explained as written in Matthew 5:14 through 16 Berean Study "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." so you can hardly be about "heaven" if to not [prepare and] as written above "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN" Loyally with "the New Better Foundation" "DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE": hence Traceability.

If JESUS Christ Broadcasting is not Traceable to You, then the JESUS Christ One Kingdom Of Heaven is kept secret from You as You opted. And if secret from You then secret as much as the leaders that you might have helped guide failed because you opted to fail to do your part (secular cliche "weakest link in the chain, hence only ascending as high as you opted to so JESUS Broadcast JESUS Christ UN and Better as Specified and higher in Grace). There is no need to risk a leap when able to build stairs for All ( if You have Toddlers can they leap as high as You?.

If You build 5 stairs but the next higher floor is 10 more stairs away, how hardly could You leap in Faith?: so the "Broadcast" JESUS Word is not for You [Save to review it, and such as reference it]. So mainly the "Broadcast" is not for You but for Them, for Your Mass ["Mass": You Leading all the Leaders]. The part for You is Your Preparing for to Give the Broadcast [and the followup]. Also Together You With Your Leadership Mass as much as Giving JESUS Christ Prayerful Thanks Praise And Due Glory, is with JESUS Christ Giving Your New Better Spirit as much as Worthy.

To plan a trip route is important yet rather than sit and perhaps be bored due to the long drive, the Passengers can continue planning, preparing such as typing info for a Sermon on a laptop computer, watching road signs, and so on, entering into JESUS One Spirit Leading The Mission Better. This JESUS Spirit Leading Together is key, like unto Family, civilization and all the created Best Way On Track Together.

On the road with JESUS Christ Leading.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, on the road with JESUS Christ Leading as Disciples learn to be Apostles, learning to be JESUS Christ Leading


Today You have highways and jets, look what they had back then, You don't have to suffer as they did back then as stated in some JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons in this Series such as "Sabbath (with memory of the Longsuffering Of The Chosen People Of Israel) the ways the former generations prepared (they fed their animals in preparing, Your Group might go shopping in preparing for the Sabbath) and rather in JESUS Christ You Prepare Including For The Future Sabbaths Within Your Prophesying. So a Worthiness Rate Applies, and so a Best Ascending Rate Applies" ( ), formerly: ( (

As many as You Lead in JESUS Christ, You may have a list of Their Names and so enter it into JESUS You With Your Book Of Life. This is: JESUS Your Life = JESUS Your Broadcasting x JESUS Your Preparing. So this is part of JESUS With Your Giving Mission Broadcasting. And so Volunteering [as much as JESUS In You: Charity] consider whether JESUS Christ Agrees in His Highest Purpose, therefore (see above "stairs" and about Leaping and Toddlers [see older Sermons in this Series on elevators...]) JESUS Christ might not help you because JESUS Christ is not toward overly tempting You

therefore in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Volunteer for the harder Mission [this is not about pistols nor such] for the Best For All leaning not into the former lower levels of understandings as if your strayed options ways, such was already accomplished so rather JESUS You Ascending Over such] for the Better Leadership Than Ever (Matthew 5:17), not to undo the Work of JESUS Christ already fulfilled and Accomplished, rather to Best For All Build on such. Matthew 24:46 King James Bible "Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find" [You already] "so doing." hence shall Agree and Better Guide And Help Through JESUS Spirit [as is my experience of His Working His Best Way: so we be in training for to Lead as He].

JESUS found Mary Innocent, Immaculate, for to be His Census Mother, and Joseph likewise Dad. And so JESUS prebirth Guided Them not into the Heavenly Mansion, rather into "the harder Mission", into the cave [as reported, like unto a barn] ( As written in Acts 1:11 Berean Study " 'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven'. ", from cave birth as if merely to cave Tomb but that was not the end [nor the "cave birth" the beginning] of the JESUS Eternal God Spirit Christ.

JESUS Spirit Guiding Joseph Guiding Mother Mary nurturing JESUS Christ

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new JESUS Spirit Bible translations Leading, Guiding Joseph Guiding Mother Mary nurturing JESUS Christ Birth



27 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit Volunteer for the harder Mission to be found so Doing from cave birth to Easter to Eternal Better, JESUS Christ UN Law Broadcasting is not for You but for JESUS One Your Mass Of Leaders New Better Leadership, JESUS You Preparing is for You, Prepare for JESUS Christ Your Mission Best Way will come back in the same way, on the road with JESUS is like going on vacation giving driving controls to and for the Best For All, the Better Lighter Burden, accomplished impossible through JESUS Preaching Traceability, Bible Formulas, don't make Toddlers leap in Faith.

Jesus Christ

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