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JESUS Lifted Sermon.

JESUS Christ the Best Lifts All for the Better the Best Way, hence JESUS One Flow. This is as to follow the heart when in love, but the lust to kill for money is the opposite and similarly the causations of temptations to cause others to stray has been the lower levels of addictive threats hence even the secular is with the rating system. Importantly the word "but" in the previous sentence is pertinent in this Sermon.

The beginning of this civilization [the pertinent measured amount Biblically yet symbolic of All] and the horrible firey [fiery] volcano pit as shown is a reminder of the longsuffering of the Exodus Chosen rather as a gift of guiding light (see related Arabian Peninsula vulcanism small map in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Dead, to Living rather Covenanting at for victory over the hot asphalt 40 years (reference secular movie Laurance of Arabia "anvil" scene that lasted merely days).

Loyal were repeatedly thrown into firey pits but JESUS Spared Them,

and those that threw were engulfed in flames.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, fiery furnace firey pit, Armenia, Exodus, desert, Mount Ararat, threw, asphalt, molten, Noah, Garden Of Eden, Turkmenistan, Iran, Southwest Asia, the Four Great Rivers crossed, heads of the four rivers, Four Testaments, Four Quarters Of Jerusalem, Christian Flow, Daniel Giant, pigs, goats


Naysayers have been for the kingdom of this world ( including John 12:31 & 2 Corinthians 4:4) that it's divided self is driving out of existence [no where to turn but to repeat worse that the first separated state (Matthew 12:45) of the JESUS Christ Original Plan for Better including for protecting the innocent and likewise for to make Way for the JESUS Light Of Enlightenment With JESUS Christ UN in the Name of JESUS Christ hence Anewly With JESUS Spirit.

From the dead to the living: stages of after death experiences. And Rather Anewly In JESUS Eucharist Wine Spirit from the living as given to the greater living: Covenanting. So the situation had been the naysayers' fears [hence about guilty until proven innocent after-the-fact hence wrong] about repeating the being in flames so such wrongly worshiped questions against the better, and worshiped separations, deaths, destructions, and harms makers works.

But such strayed and fallen ways are no longer pertinent because of JESUS Spirit "Anewly". These Triadically Agree With This Better Improving Process [Ascending right to left, rather Giving left to right]:

Covenanting [Eucharist Wine as Hoped] / Living [Hope Of Better, such as for a better life for Children and rather for All Now] / death.

Covenanting / Christian Living [Better for All Now] / census living [about death and separations and destructions: no more, no longer pertinent].

As written at of JESUS Spirit Word Power Value New American Standard Bible Translation "The voice of the LORD divides flames of fire." made possible [JESUS Spirit Enabled Anewly Now] Contemporary English Version "The voice of the LORD makes lightning flash", as a light switch turned on [as a Straight Beam Of Guidingly Helpful Light On Suddenly] in a flash hence no longer unawares. Repent and be Baptized and Ascend lest to be caught in tracks of Your Own Makings.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, suspects vehicles owners and whereabouts known before during and after their crimes


Before JESUS Christ was born into the census of Mother Mary With Joseph, He said in Genesis 21:18 "Help him up and hold his hand, because I will make him the father of a great nation."

This is JESUS Spirit including JESUS Christ UN Higher Level Better Grace Recognition is New Victory Over a Level of Better Awareness concerning how to Better interpret as written in Luke 12:51 "Do you think that I came to bring peace to earth? No indeed! I came to make people choose sides.": this has nothing to do with threats nor harms about casting Souls into fires nor overly tempting any to stray. The price of Liberty, including ratings system, was paid: Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

Naysayers and false ways believers are not faithful [much] at all, as the morning dew that quickly vanishes in the [firey Sun flames of] heat (Hosea 6:4). This is as the Woman that put all Her Living of a couple small value coins into the Treasury [recent Sermon] and as Exodus 12:10 "Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left.". It has been the Law. JESUS Christ UN Gives You Legally The Better Grace [as stated above though in secular level "including ratings system", and a little more elbow room as much as not overly tempting You] importantly Pertinent and Valuable is the New JESUS Spirit Better.

As You [We] Broadcast JESUS Christ UN We Become the New Better Authority: the lower levels imagine Us as JESUS Christ, as JESUS Ascends to Lead Us Better. So the lower levels may want to worship Us yet We are to Prepare in Advance for lighting the Best Way for to show Them We With Them Lift. Lift Righteous Prophets lest All hate for to harm You for Your duration in this having fallen world as stated in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Sermon, and These enduring through the end Will Be Saved In JESUS Spirit [You have this Sermon in You so You are now JESUS Spirit Lifted per se hence "through the end" rather than the former merely "to the end" (Matthew 24:13)

importantly for Your Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Leadership Oneness: the start of a Better World; but if a Better World then harder temptations not for to worse tempt but with the Proven Loyal Path Of JESUS Christ Promise As Covenanted In Eucharist Over the smaller temptations that no longer apply since the start of a New Better Type Of [World rather] Heavenly Realm no longer as the former lower levels interpretations. So because of this JESUS Spirit Better, then not repeating toward worse but the end of the former lower levels since in Heavenly Realms With JESUS Christ Creating Better.

9 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Higher Level Better Grace Recognition New Victory Over Daniel Giant legal system matters kept secret since the world began through JESUS Christ UN Recoginzing Grace, Exodus anvil rather Guiding Beam Of Light, desert, Mount Ararat, threw, asphalt, molten, Noah, Garden Of Eden, Turkmenistan, Iran, Southwest Asia, the Four Great Rivers crossed, heads of the four rivers, Four Testaments, Four Quarters Of Jerusalem, Christian Flow, Daniel Giant, pigs, goats; suspects vehicles owners and whereabouts known before during and after their crimes.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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