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JESUS Lightning Sermon.

JESUS Christ Created lightning, and the ancients feared the lightning [and many fear the lightning today, and under Law (of physics, the Law of nature, for the thus far ascended) and such is conditionally OK, such have their reward already: they have not reason to sue God]. Yet the Loyal in JESUS Spirit fear JESUS Christ therefore have no fear of lightning Save the Maintenance levels amounts if pertinent (related example 3 Nephi 17:24). Lift Them All that fear Becomes Better Loving JESUS Christ One The Light [and quick lightning as the Good flee to JESUS and rather opt JESUS but the confused flee from JESUS as lightning] Source. Note as shown the electric can be as plugged in or unplugged to be with or without light in an instant.

Lightning pulses [like unto the JESUS Heart, like unto the Lightening contractions and Birth] (see normal wave attenuation).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, fear JESUS Christ, lightning pulses like unto the JESUS Heart like unto the Lightening contractions and Birth normal wave attenuation, We light the Menorah so We are the Stars We are the Living Candle Spirit of the Big Pulse New Life Giver Better JESUS Christ One


Lightning pulses up and down, but hardly for to cast down other than for good such as to put hands to the keyboard for Broadcasting JESUS Spirit From His Heart. The Ascending Opt JESUS but the confused flee from JESUS as lightning to strike into the ground as written in JESUS Name Righteously Prophesying Luke 10:18 and 19 Berean Study "So He told them, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you.' ".

At a slower rate for more clear better analysis is as written in "There on the hillside a large herd of pigs was feeding. So the demons begged Jesus to let them enter the pigs, and He gave them permission. 33Then the demons came out of the man and went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned" as such found it better than "the Abyss" (from Luke 8:31). So though low level, some good amount came from that Legion story, the Person was no longer harmed by the Legion and the Legion did not have to go to a worse penalty "the Abyss" that the Legion feared.

Concerning the JESUS Christ With One Ascending As One is with including "Nothing will harm you" as stated above as the Ascending In JESUS Spirit Gives the Better Way For All, and this sentence concerns the JESUS Christ "Satan fall like lightning" Precept: to fall is a relative term (reference 4th Testament [JESUS Christ GodMath Testament Of The Living Bible] on Relativity in the lower part of Absolutivity), so if there are two rockets ascending parallelly and the one ascends at a much faster rate, the other relatively appears as if to be falling even though continuing to ascend.

So there can be a vessel and/or a spirit that apparently falls, like unto how the Earth travels as one through space even though one half rotates the opposite direction as if to fall away to be lost forever, though with the Saving Grace of JESUS Christ, also not excuse to fall worse; as written in John 12:36 "Then Jesus told them, 'For a little while longer, the Light will be among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.' ".

As the previous Sermon explained "A spirit of a can of beans is with great value but hardly as to pretend it is concrete so not to put it into the concrete mix for the road, and whether a can of beans costs more or less than the cost of the same amount of concrete is not the point: merely the Purchasing Agent required to opt for the lowest bidder is not the point" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Victory Done Hence New Better Now Sermon at

Likewise the Bible wars and Lucifer falling from Grace to be known as Satan with Devils is not the point, as rather as this Series formulates the Ascending Path Loyally in JESUS Spirit, hence the Miracles of Proofs follow. This Point is merely about Ascending.

This Point is not merely partial understandings of the ancients such as Adam and Eve on their own hardly knowing how to start farming, rather above and beyond fallow for a season, beyond advanced crop rotations, even Lifted from starvation JESUS Spirit brings the better ingredients for Hosting to JESUS One Righteously Prophesying of New Better Hosting Giving The Word: as Will Be Proven.

The CEO, the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation have often found as in the movie Sister Act that some other is getting to the right answer a little sooner; yet rather Best For All is to be Ascending Together hence to Rejoice In JESUS Spirit Together and You Will Be The One With "the right answer a little sooner" [so Give Thanks and Credit to JESUS Christ Original Exemplar], as written as JESUS Christ said in John 14:18 Amplified Bible "I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, bereaved, and helpless]; I will come [back] to you." and this can include prior to the Second Coming when Appropriate [not about Your former lower levels ideas about when it is appropriate, rather Be Faithful (that was how "the right answer a little sooner" than You)].

All [or similar] knew the Prophecies that the Savior would come, so the Christ was popularized Before The Fact "a little sooner" than John The Baptist [of great Good Value though away in the wilderness as if not about civilizing], and after JESUS Christ met with and was Baptized of John The Baptist, it was then that John The Baptist rose to fame the more [though rather than be beheaded Broadcast Best For All (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, and Sermons of Others if such put the Name of JESUS Christ First).

JESUS Christ said "I am the Door"...(from John 10:9). Do You Pastors seek for the Public to climb into Your Churches through the windows?, lowered through the roof?, or rather through the front "Door"? If a census Pastor has need of one of the Church boats to be repaired [for Baptizing] and sends One on a Mission to find a Church Boat then to talk at that level such as to talk about the name of that boat. Likewise if to Preach then at the JESUS Christ Level Prayerfully First. First JESUS (reference cliche the reason for the season) then John: Matthew 11:13 as JESUS Christ Announced Uplifting John "For all the prophets and the Law prophesied up until John." [note many have said they all Prophesied until JESUS Christ, yet these Agree in One in JESUS Christ First With Loyally Ascending (1 Kings 18:29)].

After the Second Coming is the end when merely JESUS exists, like unto the start of the New Beginning Big Pulse as shown below, and the end of this video shows like unto lightning shapes the arms of galaxies.

Some Churches have the evening practice to Each light a candle with passing from the Preacher the flame Person to Person for All.

We light the Menorah so We are the Stars We are the Living Candle Spirit of the Big Pulse New Life Giver Better JESUS Christ One

as shown as symbolized at the end of this brief 20 seconds vid clip, as the light like unto lightning of the arm of the Milky Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, We light the Menorah so We are the Stars We are the Living Candle Spirit of the Big Pulse New Life Giver Better JESUS Christ One, fear JESUS Christ, lightning pulses like unto the JESUS Heart like unto the Lightening contractions and Birth normal wave attenuation


They say the start of the Known Universe was in milliseconds. In the movie Backdraft the rapidly expanding flames were sucked back as a light switch whether to Create or to have Finished Creating [and to leave that project to start something else] in an "instant" as stated above. Strategy is better than after-the-fact tactics that historically have so often been too late. This is even as the "instant" is according to the Original Plan as written in 1 Corinthians 15:54 "And when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says, “DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP in victory (vanquished forever).": as quick as a bite of food is the Enlightening Light Of Christ JESUS.

12 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how We light the Menorah so We are the Stars We are the Living Candle Spirit of the Big Pulse New Life Giver Better JESUS Christ One, fear JESUS Christ, lightning pulses like unto the JESUS Heart like unto the Lightening contractions and Birth normal wave attenuation, with the JESUS Spirit Best For All New Victory Story Over Satan and demons, from no one left behind to better farming to better hosting to much Better JESUS Spirit Best Way Prayerfully Giving With I will not leave you comfortless flame from candle to candle, rapidly engulfing flames instantly sucked back as the Good flee to JESUS and rather opt JESUS but the confused flee from JESUS Lightning electrical pulses normal wave attenuation, Church Fleet of boats Strategy rather than after-the-fact tactics too late; vid clip movies Sister Act Backdraft.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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