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JESUS Likes Sermon.

JESUS Christ has "Likes".

Worldly People have had likes and dislikes, such as about legal and illegal, and such as about Church and state.

JESUS Christ is Good, the Best Leader, He Inspired The Whole World.

("He Inspired The Whole World" source: a Good Spirit said it minutes ago).

The Ascension Of Jesus

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Ascension, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over likes and dislikes matters kept secret since the world began with how to do the impossible such as about the Lifting Of The Unworthy though as conditions apply, included are the Ort Cloud, Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt, as pertinent to coma, victims and Souls.

(The Bowyer Bible Gospels).

"The Bowyer Bible Gospels" shows some art pics in 2 parts, a gray pic then in color (shadow of things to come).

Colossians 2:17 New Living Translation "For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality.": the "Likes" of JESUS Christ are this same future "reality", the facts, the substance that belongs to Christ including Spirits and anything knowable for JESUS Christ Creator made everything for His Good Purpose [and not for other ways: All For His Best Plan Will Properly Ascend And Be Saved; not for to dislike, nor for to disclude; Edifyingly yet Aware of Their inner Hopes unseen such as for to Protect You and for to Edifyingly Invite Them All (Giving Love Grace and Mercy: see previous Sermon)].

JESUS Christ is Busy Before The Fact [not too busy for You All Beloved, even if unseen yet JESUS Christ is All Knowing from an innocent perspective], as written in John 1:51 New International Version "He then added, 'Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on’ the Son of Man.' " so importantly here was Exemplar JESUS Christ Being The Christ (Continuing As Christ from Birth with Magi and prior as Many Righteously Prophecied and as written in the Heavens) Before The Fact

of as written in John 2:4 " 'Woman, why do you involve me?' Jesus replied. 'My hour has not yet come.' ': so JESUS Christ Was Righteously Prophesying Before The Fact of the time of His Coming into His Teaching Glory [and then after such Faith the Miracles of Healings through the region and sky and sea obeying (see below shells of New Protective Levels Awareness Gifts types)] and Ascension as shown above.

As stated above JESUS Christ has "Likes", though concerning the "dislikes" it is as zero Maintenance as in previous in this Series on "asymptote" as if to reach a change [such as a like or dislike: rather the "like" applies] though of JESUS Christ One [You, Us] Loyally Ascending in His Original Plan as to find the previously unseen more precise Better Way [to solve, rather Grow rather Leap Loyally]. His burden is light, Our burden may be with thoughts about [former] stuck-in-a-rut Maintenance [works, chores, rather Best For All] though Ascending Best is Victory Over such hence to continue His Good Best Way Work Loyally.

So here are many of the "Likes" and Edifyingly for Our sakes the pertinent dislikes in the sense that if something harms You then You feel harmed and All Life [including the inorganic misnomer also with values types and amounts], all things, all spirits feel such so fear such (rather Fear JESUS Christ, even so be Wisely Aware: Acts 28:5).

JESUS Likes:

Prayerful Faith [then the Miracles for Us All], Your Desperate Love, Righteous Prophesying Before The Fact In Order To Do Something Before The Fact From Better To More Excellently Better Anewly Beginning, His Highest Purpose Plan As All Hoped As Sent, Working His Highest Purpose Fulfilled yet with Fulfilling Anewly Better, Loyalty, full repentance then Christian Immersion Baptism (see previous in this Series such as if already Baptized), Good, Best, Better Way, Best Way, One, Oneness, His Family, Broadcasting JESUS Christ, Perfect Perfecting, One Best Leadership Planning For His Sake Faith And Works Guiding All, Pertinent Now NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace, Praying Aloud and also always in the Heart Soul, Protecting His Family, Priesthood Preaching, Baptizing Others, Edifying, Evangelizing All, Eucharist For The Worthily Ascending, Choir, His Mass, Heavenly Music, Apostles Church Officers, Ushers, New Members, Leaping Loyally, Growing Properly, Peace, solving, and Likewise Spirited Invitingly.

JESUS Dislikes [conditions apply (see above already "Victory Over such")]:

Now this first one is a hard saying as Him on the cross is a good reminder in the sense of like unto the Bible record of great value and not to be worshiped yet to Worship even if such is present so the Conspirators Crucifiers and Crucifix are about deceptions lies pains and other relatively lower levels works of hands obviously [(Deuteronomy 29:17) i have a crucifix for instance as this is hardly about getting rid of such since see above "Ascension Of Jesus" yet rather concerning His Pertinent Better Way Already Accomplished Yet Accomplishing], falling from Grace, tortures, tempting others to stray, selfish carelessness against any other Person, punishments, coercions, excess toward straying, wars and such types of works against People, abominations such as cannibalism and not Bible foods toward poisons even though allowed to eat what is set before You (see above Acts 28:5), illegal thoughts and ways, hate, anger and uncaring angry mobs, causing mental stress in the all too typical sense, disrespect, and stray thoughts.

JESUS Christ Likes and Loves to Guide His Created unto All Good Joy!

Here is Anew type of discussion of a JESUS Christ type of Protection that He Likes, like unto a New Idea Gift for You yet becoming increasingly pertinent such as concerning His Second Coming. JESUS Christ Likes to Love Us All, and He Protects Us, and here is an example (see "specifies the Biblical reasons why the Asteroid Belt exists between Mars and Jupiter and why the Kuiper Belt exists beyond Pluto" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page28 List Of Sermons).

The big Ort Cloud relative in size with the Kuiper Belt including the Solar System with the Asteroid Belt.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over likes and dislikes matters kept secret since the world began with how to do the impossible such as to Lift The Unworthy For JESUS Christ Best Purpose though as conditions apply, included are the Ort Cloud, Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt, as pertinent to coma, victims and Souls.


So the above cloudy type and belt type ideas from the Creator teach Us about His Love. Just as not to build on the sandy foundation, likewise not to build on an active earthquake fault line nor on an active volcano top, nor in a flood zone [some laws forbid such]; there are places up there where not to dwell Save His Guiding In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. These cloudy type and belt type things function to protect Us from careless invaders, according to the Love Of JESUS Christ For You.

Yet JESUS Christ also Gives this Pertinent Now For Leadership Planning with Higher Purpose, if to travel "up there" then to be Aware: to be Caring. This too applies to above discussed feelings. If a Soul feels as if fractures into tiny pieces beyond Salvation, and Protective so as to not be hurt anymore [perhaps a Person in a coma for to be Healed Of You], and likewise if a Person [Likewise if a Spirit] is invited and has been used to oppression for instance, feeling selfishly victimized; then these same [similar in secular lingo] measures apply in One JESUS Christ Best Way For All.

What are the Ort Cloud, Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt, and even planets and stars, but bits and pieces and space dust and debris for to be of JESUS Spirit You Healing Such: Heal the Heavens (this is Righteously Prophesying Now in the Christ: Your Future Path Work Isaiah 42:5). Now (see above "conditions apply") feelings and a secular Person's Census Soul is likewise, so Invite, Heal, and likewise, yet also Now Given is this New Gift that as a body has areas that if struck or pressed cause pains [pressure points such as the side of the hip, the eye, in front of under the tongue...] then likewise to be caring about if to change the world so to speak.

In other words We are to [like to] Lift Others, and not to divest Them of all Their things [Belonging to JESUS Christ things possessed, though Theirs in the sense Their JESUS Christ Given Them Responsibilities Over such, such as for to care for Their Children and such as Food and girding up, so on]. Though We are not to cast pearls for swine (Matthew 7:6) that would divest and deprive Us of Good. The swine are under the Human Firmament, and even under the above stated "abominations" Firmament, so with this JESUS Christ Awareness In You, consider as written in Genesis 2:7 "Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.":

so this Gift exceeds (see above "conditions apply") the Lifting merely of the Worthy. Lift dust is to Lift the unworthy to be lifted: to "cast pearls for swine": "the above stated 'abominations' " Firmament: How can this Be? Also be Aware though not to repeat as written in Genesis 7:22 "Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.".

And JESUS Christ Spirit Gives This New Gift Answer Now. Above is stated Before The Fact of His "hour" JESUS Christ Was Faithfully Righteously Prophesying ("and as written in the Heavens"), even so [while expounding more about what a Righteous Prophet is], You don't have to be a Righteous Prophet to understand this Gift, though rather Be A JESUS Christ Righteous Prophet Spirit so Giving this New Gift. What is dust to You?, for to sweep, though not to breath the dust to rather prefer clean air. Clean up the Heavens. Clean up the Souls. Though above about Protection, rather as much as pertinent Maintenance level: (reference Martha and rather Mary) rather not remove when Higher Level concerns in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose apply.

To make the dust into People is to be with more sweeping up the place. If to Convert the dust causes harm, in the sense if the You Righteously Prophetically see that some dust change in the moment would make matters worse (such as to change a dusty rock into above stated " sandy foundation") then not appropriate. Rejoice In These Gifts For To Guide Givingly As The Way Of JESUS Christ The Original Is Always Appropriate!

25 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over likes and dislikes matters kept secret since the world began with how to do the impossible such as to Lift The Unworthy For JESUS Christ Best Purpose though as conditions apply, included are the Ort Cloud, Kuiper Belt, Asteroid Belt, as pertinent to coma, victims and Souls.

Jesus Christ

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