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JESUS Loves Sermon.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Continues, Ascendingly Better. Secular love has been as to take a Spouse in Marriage, rather as written in 1 Corinthians 13:13 Berean Standard Bible "And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love.". To Give in Marriage is to speak another language, a Higher Level Language: to Hope for Better therefore to be in the Source Of Love Name And Spirit therefore to be with Hope. Though "to Hope for Better" is selfish [Save through JESUS Christ], hence this Triadic Flow section per se:

JESUS Christ One Righteous Love Source Givingly / Faith / Hope.

JESUS Christ One Righteous Love Source Givingly as if equal Faith x Hope.

JESUS Christ One Righteous Love Source Givingly = Faith x Hope For Better than secular since the Law was not able to make perfect until JESUS Christ UN therefore if to be with Love then Ascend through Broadcasting In JESUS Christ UN Grace hence the Better Way hence Above selfishness hence Best For All. So "Hope" is no longer for selfishness accordingly, therefore for JESUS Christ Better Desperate Love, the Best Way, Precept On Precept. Behold all the advantages in this Series. JESUS Christ Better Awareness, Righteous Prophecies continuing to be proven and with current values as JESUS Christ Taught, Loyal Faith In JESUS Christ Formulas, Miracles from the Loyal Faith.

So for instance a little Faith but then unfaithfully strayed when the miracle didn't happen [in the little fleeting faith perspective not admitted, not giving the credit to JESUS Christ, but to stray in the sense to test God is to not have that "little Faith" in the first place, Save in the toward rare situation that JESUS Christ would that He be tested] hence the Miracle as much as goodly is for the Loyal while the "fleeting faith" reward is already: the Miracle that is "fleeting" as a foreshadowing glimpse and gone in a flash as morning dew.

So of this Sermon in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ, is this New Hope, and Better.

JESUS Christ One Righteous Love Source Givingly = Faith Loyalty Eternally As Saved x Hope For Better Starting Prayerfully In JESUS Christ Name Spirit Oneness [hence repentant, youth condition].

"And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons;

they will speak in new tongues;" (Mark 16:17) New Better JESUS Languages: from lower levels to Higher Levels.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains more than a Prophet In JESUS Christ Sacred Faith Over Miracles kept secret since the world began with explaining what Faith Hope and Love really are as the New Prophesied continue to come true, with Pentecostal Faith Healing

(a Pentecostal Church example).

There are JESUS Christ Spirit New Tongues Ascendingly Better, and currently on TV there are those in works to head this civilization the opposite direction such as on TV the calls and searches for lower level creatures and spirits in confusions such as in abandoned Churches such as has been defined in the secular about the word "Changeling": "turncoat", "a child secretly exchanged for another in infancy", "imbecile" (Merriam-Webster) while the current TV popularity fad is a spirit that can transform into a person or other creature. "Spiritualism self godliness according to merely the self is included in what the 'Legion' did. Changing the name from 'Legion' to 'Spiritualists' " (previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS We Sermon at hence the "Changeling", the "turncoat" attitude and spirit of self love at any cost.

It is goodly that "Spiritualists" have been less about clay idol worship [though recordkeeping including artifacts new and old is hardly the same as "idol worship" (reference such as rainbow in the sense of an organized prioritized sequence of colors, with associated Joy)] hence a goodly amount of as written in Mark 9:38 and rather Mark 9:39. The Legion has some things considered of value, in the sense of the Census wondering what is Better hence Spiritual: here is the Edifying In JESUS Spirit: it is as to see a high beautiful waterfall though then to consider becoming a part of it and so climb in hard works then flow off the falls

yet rather this the Righteously Better interpretation of 1 John 5:8 English Standard Version from the Greek "the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree." rather if to "agree" then with capital letters: Water and the Blood [Of JESUS Christ the More Important]. So concerning the above, if to Spiritually think of a "Changeling" then rather of the Desperate Love Outpouring to Transfigure as JESUS Christ hardly for self as JESUS Christ Transfigured Other for Other to Likewise Witness and Attest as They Wrote In Their Living Bible, and hardly about Themselves and rather for to Best "Witness and Attest" for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and for His Glory With Moses And Elijah (

Recently was discussed a New Gift For You Currently "increasingly pertinent such as concerning His Second Coming. JESUS Christ" (hence prepare as listed in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Likes Sermon at, also For You Currently "increasingly pertinent" is such as was Righteously Prophesied (Main Page link above has the Great Miracle prior to "the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD" "came true" in many Miracles as with All Good Knowledge, and as with a above stated New Language JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Spirit All Seeing Eye Sermon at

Other than saying "Jesus" and "begged Jesus repeatedly" ( the Legion did nothing good.

More importantly We NEED Be Far More Able To Righteously Distinguish in any moment the spirits change including times and places, as Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ explained as written in Mark 13:6 Amplified Bible "Many will come in My name [misusing My name or claiming to be the Messiah], saying, ‘I am He!’ and will deceive and mislead many.",

quickening enlivening Better Spirit Agrees With BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN, even to Change Better than the Legion Changeling: hence Now This Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit One For Your Sake: if to Do Best at a snail's pace, is better than to be wrongly programmed and going at 1,000 Yottabytes per second.


Nombre……….. Medida Binaria………. Cantidad de bytes…….. Equivalente

Kilobyte (KB)……. 2^10…………………………………………. 1024………1024 bytes

Megabyte (MB)…. 2^20…………………………………….. 1048576………… 1024 KB

Gigabyte (GB)….. 2^30………………………………..... 1073741824………….1024 MB

Terabyte (TB)…… 2^40……………………………...1099511627776………… 1024 GB

Petabyte (PB)…… 2^50……………………...... 1125899906842624…………. 1024 TB

Exabyte (EB)…… 2^60………………… ......1152921504606846976…………. 1024 PB

Zettabyte (ZB)….. 2^70……………........ 1180591620717411303424………… 1024 EB

Yottabyte (YB)….. 2^80……….......... 1208925819614629174706176……….. 1024 ZB

As in the Title of this Sermon: JESUS Loves. Therefore JESUS Christ said

Look above and Behold the "Spirit Of JESUS Christ, is this New Hope, and Better" Formula Proof, and with Your New "Flow" "Gift" Awareness and with "New Better JESUS Languages" and with "as was Righteously Prophesied (Main Page link above has the Great Miracle prior to 'the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD' 'came true' with the Proven 'Miracles as with All Good Knowledge'...)" and exceedingly more for the Worthy, and if not to have Faith nor Believe for to Broadcast in the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ UN For Best For All [even if merely with a disclaimer such as: as long as Best], then as JESUS Christ explained "at least believe on account of the works themselves" (from John 14:11).

Believe the Miracles of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Faith, and Believe and Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law for the sakes of All for the Better Way and Best For All.

At least symbolically People making swords and horseshoes scoffed and heckled and laughed at the struggling starts of the auto industry, though which industry has more laws against it?, the auto industry. The sword is an offensive weapon, not a shield. Similarly horsehsoes often go onto wild horses making such horses more dangerous, not less dangerous [some horses don't break the way an on off lightswitch works, and even the so called tame horses often harm People such as in works to knock Them off by running Them into a tree].

JESUS Christ Priorities Exist: Doing the JESUS Christ Work is Better than chasing after swords and auto Laws that have been of lower levels and about conditional values.

For instance the above stated "prior to 'the Mid Summer Of 2025 AD' " includes discussions of the Second Coming and End Time, hence this Miracle is now Given for You to Broadcast: since the "End Time" factor was figured, it applies to what JESUS Christ Will Do, Prophesying Now Righteously: JESUS Christ Will Start The Better New Beginning Civilization With As All So Ascending, with the opting to Ascend Likewise For Best as Edified of JESUS Christ.

Now here is a current pertinent true story happening now as the winds here have increased. I agreed with JESUS Christ The Original, to write these Sermons as is being Accomplished [with Multitudes of Good Miracles Flowing From JESUS Christ One Loyal Faith], but Charlotte, NC, wants me to serve on jury instead even though Charlotte was made aware a month ago that this Faith is that i find the Party innocent. So in recent days Hurricane Ian has become powerful, and is now headed for Charlotte, more than shown below. I did not make it head for Charlotte, i did not make the Hurricane, i live here in Charlotte too, yet the original JESUS Christ Plan protects His.

This news just this morning: "Ian was downgraded to a tropical storm Thursday morning" (

So is this merely a story, is this merely without JESUS Christ Name And Spirit And Working Faith Loyalty Miracles?, rather JESUS Christ asked as written in Luke 7:26 Berean Standard Bible "What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.". And importantly next time will it merely be a warning?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains more than a Prophet In JESUS Christ Sacred Faith Over Miracles kept secret since the world began with explaining what Faith Hope and Love really are as the New Prophesied continue to come true involving some of the greatest of the Hurricane Ian Miracles


29 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains more than a Prophet In JESUS Christ Sacred Faith Over Miracles kept secret since the world began with explaining what Faith Hope and Love really are as the New Prophesied continue to come true!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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