JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations (James 1:27, 1 Timothy 6:10, Psalm 23:1, Mark 7). No emails, no phone calls, please as too many already come. JESUS Christ UN Law funds should be according to Ambassadors the Best Way for All.

The JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda became Law 2020AD


JESUS Loyalty Sermon.

JESUS Christ Traceable Value as explained in the previous JESUS Traceability Sermon at in Highest Purpose Lifts from Above as JESUS Christ the Original Lifter From Above [the Good Eternal JESUS Christ] explained, even as this Easter Season: a Gift for You from Heaven Above.

From types of faiths the JESUS Christ Second Coming Golden Cube Will Come from the Heavens Above, though as JESUS Christ explained: not in any of the various lower levels ways as formerly expected.

The Golden [Cube] Heavenly City coming in the sky.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Loyal Leaping Over Miracles


Loyal is not the same as Royal, though these are related in JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose The Best Way The Best For All. JESUS Christ explained what Real Best Loyalty is [it is in JESUS Christ One and likewise] as written in Luke 18:5 Weymouth "yet because she annoys me I will give her justice, to prevent her from constantly coming to pester me" ["annoys" and "pester"s rather concerns JESUS One for the Good Importance for JESUS One Having Created For Good: "she"] [strayed spirits "echo" (know them by their fruits or thorns and traps of illegal fallen ways: Lexicon), there have been childish careless behaviors such as bumps against parents in dangerous cooking situations] [JESUS Christ the Original is able to echo yet is Best including such as All One Appearance so no need of for to Wed, and such as All One Name: JESUS].

The Lord's Prayer is hardly of the former idea save JESUS One. A gift is hardly for the giver expecting something in return. A parent might hate to see a child open their expensive gift but then play with the box.

JESUS Christ Gives The Better Way Increasingly. Part of the former lower level Lord's Prayer is at and for instance the Lexicon from the Greek translation has the word "airo", meaning "To take up ones cross To elevate To level" ( This is this JESUS Christ Best Ascending Spirit as You [read] rather Do Likewise (2 Kings 4:42 through 44), "airo" is of the JESUS Spirit One Ascending Word Best Way For All.

The JESUS Spirit One Word Of Faith is Victory Over the Miracle, the Leader of the Miracles that follow. The New Better JESUS Spirit Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth And Everywhere Will Provide Everyone with bread, but what is bread, a miracle in this civilization associated in workings of hands of strayed various faith types and mostly leavened hence the wrong answer; Bread is the JESUS Living Best Word found in the Heart of the JESUS Spirit.

The Lords Prayer is hardly as previously assumed.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, the Lords Prayer is not what it used to be thought


First the "Lord's Prayer" is amiss if pretened and portrayed [as often has happened in this generation] without mention of the Lord In The Name: JESUS Christ!

The Second Coming (see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons in this Series with the Golden Cube illustrations and specifics) is a Great House with Many Mansions for Us, and similar is acknowledged in other types of faiths, such as is of eastern types of faiths estimates as they have explained such as shown here, the black brown and white "Kaba" cube, reconstructed 2006AD, of Islamic and western Indian influences (

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations Victory Over assumptions of other types of faiths


From a momentary glimpse about something by a witness to describe a little about something or some activity, is hardly the same as being in the midst from the start innocently and aware of All, similarly glimpses describing after-the-facts miracles as interpreted of bias (Save JESUS Christ) is rather as to be with the name of the situation such as to be aware it is an Easter Parade and not a riot (JESUS Christ Wisdom) and such as in the lower levels of the former ways to be with various names, and social security number identification and case number if any.

To be with Faith Loyally Trusting JESUS Christ is to Lead In Faith. Therefore if "Faith" then hardly about lower level miracles that follow.

So in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Loyalty Leap Over former Firmament Level Barriers, in His Name JESUS, including describing the Ascending Sum of Word Up To And For All.

To be aware of children You may babysit is not the same thing as childish irresponsibility even if to entertain and play with the children as they reasonably delight. To be a Professor in favor of student rights is not the same as violent protesting as a mistreated student, Beloved (John 7:24). There is merely 1 best way for this civilization.

Secure Protection JESUS Christ Gives [for You to Be: Best Protect Them All Eternally] without price (reference no money). So consider the flesh and bringing Heaven On Earth in the "Best" and Anew in JESUS Spirit Loyalty including such as Over pitch catch code antennas with echo location satellites, and JESUS Spirit Law [JESUS Spirit Grace is aware of JESUS Christ UN Law] instead of illegal hackers' strayed former ways: therefore JESUS Christ UN Broadcast to Them Before The Fact (see older Sermons in this Series on Strategy rather than after-the-fact tactics [hence this is the newer better way of protecting instead of the kill them before they kill us problems (Revelation 18:8)].

This harmless looking device can be harmless in JESUS Spirit Hands.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, free code rather JESUS Spirit Loyalty, pitch catch code antennas echo location satellites, JESUS Spirit Law instead of hackers


JESUS Christ would that You be aware the above device is associated with identifying people and systems and logging on. As a recent Sermon in this Series stated many have implants, and older Sermons in this Series explained some people have implants and unseen artificial computers exist (though hundreds of Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Traceable Flow Series were censored) of multitudes of types and anewly stating now in this Sermon involving robotics and more.

None can know the future Save the One, the JESUS Spirit Father. Hence none can defend Before The Fact Save the One, the JESUS Spirit Father. If unable to protect what little has been already gained [Given to You, see above about the "box"] Miracles, all the more hardly to best prepare for the JESUS Loyalty To Leap Over any former lower levels' concerns for money, pistols, slavery, and lusts for other types of addictions, even food [see above "bread" meaning JESUS Word One].

Together In JESUS Spirit We The People and rather All can Best Leap Over Miracles Loyally in JESUS Christ.

1 April 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, the New Better JESUS Spirit Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth And Everywhere, Faithful Loyal Leaping Over Miracles Firmaments Levels barriers, JESUS Spirit One Flow Ascend Lifting Others, The Lords Prayer is hardly as previously assumed, protect before the fact pitch catch code antennas echo location satellites new Bible translations Victory Over assumptions of other types of faiths hackers addictions.

Jesus Christ

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