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JESUS Magnifying Flow Sermon.

JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Pupil is a "black hole" (various dictionaries) with the magnifying lens vortex (see "DNA" in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Remote Seeing With Doing Sermon at]. JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Pupil reads this Living Bible Anewly, New Love Thinking, while also Over Memory (Book Of Remembrance Malachi 3:16). "The front part of the eye is filled with a clear fluid (called aqueous humor) made by the ciliary body. The fluid flows out through the pupil. It then reaches the eye's drainage system," ( A "black hole" is like unto the narrow horizontal Tube section "A2" shown below.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Anewly Answers concerns about how Thinking is possible and Memory, Over Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began answering who is God and who is the Eternal Father as JESUS Christ Spirit is explained as His All Seeing Eye Magnifies His Black Hole hence low pressure Inviting and none can resist except a little, as the Faster Ascending Flow Pulls the Good in All, with how planes fly how wings lift so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law explains the Worthy Lift Correlation Best For All with the Better Spirit Of Sermons Increasingly, quicksand safety how to recognize rip tides and undertows, Pupil, The All Giving Larynx


The Pupil is also like the very narrow fast air flowing larynx hence inviting the Good Hearing Spirit.

JESUS Christ is the Pure Source Of Love and JESUS Spirit is Love, be Love, be Lifted: full repentance, Baptism, Eucharist, currently is "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Seeing Eye UFO Tech Sermon at The Good Eye of JESUS Christ invites and the JESUS Christ Larynx does likewise, yet the JESUS Christ All Seeing Eye Pupil looks for and finds Good, and the Eye eats the Good for Creating the Mind Of JESUS Christ, though the JESUS Christ Larynx Hosts All, Giving the Good Word.

The JESUS Christ Blood Serves both the JESUS Christ Eye and the JESUS Christ Larynx. Though note the above narrow horizontal Tube section "A2" flowing as a fast part of a river, a rate of speed applies hence a rate of New Better Thinking applies with a rate of Remembering likewise applying. The vertical tubes show the flow Pressure. The large diameter shows more fluid height in the vertical Tube, while the fluid in the vertical Tube on the narrow Tube section has less vertical height.

So for safety consider that a fast river section might pull a Person into the current more than a slow calm water (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on quicksand [how to recognize rip tides and undertows was illegally censored: so again stated: where a beach has an indentation Preceptingly is a warning sign about such likelihood]). A canister from a store can attach to a hose and the canister hangs below the hose and the fast water current pulls the fluid out of the canister [such as to treat the lawn or such as to wash the car]. Similarly if a utility waterline or gasline is punctured then contaminants can be sucked into the line. Therefore in JESUS Spirit, consider what communication lines and wireless might suck into the transmissions [if not "Pure" (see above, and previous Sermons in this Series on JESUS Christ The "Protector")].

If to broadcast garbage such as online, what types of spirits would be interested?: the "garbage" seeker spirits. Some "garbage" seeker spirits have sought to hack computers, some "garbage" seeker spirits have sought to shut down such online sites hence censor and to merely mention this for the Best For All risks being shut down without trial illegally: yet be Brave in JESUS Christ Spirit And Broadcast.

So concerning Bravery for Peace Love and the Better Way Best For All with no one left behind, look at the end of this verse as written in 3 Nephi 18:11 "And this shall ye always do to those who repent and are baptized in my name; and ye shall do it in remembrance of my blood, which I have shed for you, that ye may witness unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.".

JESUS Christ said "my Spirit". So JESUS Christ said "my Spirit applies, but many are unaware, therefore Bravely Lovingly Best Broadcast these Gifts. Similar to the above Eucharist Blood verse as JESUS Christ Spirit And Blood Agree In One JESUS Christ Serving All (see above "Hosts All" [externally Lovingly in Faith Level and in Maintenance internally likewise since "All", though Maintenance is not lower level in JESUS Christ since as stated above "Pure" "Good" "Protector"]).

The whole Chapter of discusses the previous verse including "O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them.".

Now who is "O God, the Eternal Father"? You if You have Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law and are Purely Righteously Lovingly For All Ascending. If You write Your: JESUS Christ One [Your] Spirit [as Many as likewise Ascending: Levels apply] Sermons Preceptingly [each Sermon Lifting Broadcasting the Words Of JESUS Christ] then Sermon on Sermon hence increasingly Better Levels Of Your Sermons therefore a JESUS Christ Word With Work Improving. How to be the Best?: the JESUS Christ Spirit Magnifying In Your Broadcasting Series With The Precepts Words Of JESUS Christ as much as the Precepts are properly fit together, properly Amassed, Best Lead the Whole Mass.

If to do as the above is stated properly for JESUS Christ Spirit Best Way Best For All, then to consider that Your Census form might ascend with Your Spirit, unless another Mission comes such as to detour for Good Samaritan Work therefore Before The Fact Broadcast Immediately Urgently In Desperate Love that safety and Best For All apply for and from Everyone! You fit through a gate and through a door, and the door is smaller than the gate [generally about large gates],

so You already are aware You can fit through something smaller [such as: than a "gate"]. So start in JESUS Christ Spirit for to Prepare Now Preceptingly (see above on Broadcasting and "Sermon on Sermon") and note blood cells fit through the eye of a needle (stem cells, and Noah's Ark with critters and "DNA" consideration in this Series) yet as God opens the floodgates (His Iris Spirit) for the Worthy.

Above is stated a "fast river section might pull a Person into the current more than a slow calm water", and likewise the faster air currents above the wing lift the wing. So the pertinent flow lines shown below are condensed proportional fabric layers (see recent Sermons), likewise is the Creating of such, hence to change the fabric of spacetime and the JESUS Christ Best Way For All Eternally is with as stated above. The cap (see previous Sermon), the magnifying lens, is a plugin vortex with JESUS Christ Spirit Straight through the centerline, and as a Manway Access (ibid.) that Your Spirit Through JESUS Christ Spirit Agreeingly Wholely fits if You are "Pure" as stated above and if not to opt to stray from Broadcasting the Words Of JESUS Christ, Save One Final Word: JESUS.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Anewly Answers concerns about how Thinking is possible and Memory, Over Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began answering who is God and who is the Eternal Father as JESUS Christ Spirit is explained as His All Seeing Eye Magnifies His Black Hole hence low pressure Inviting and none can resist except a little, as the Faster Ascending Flow Pulls the Good in All, with how planes fly how wings lift so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law explains the Worthy Lift Correlation Best For All with the Better Spirit Of Sermons Increasingly, quicksand safety how to recognize rip tides and undertows, Pupil, The All Giving Larynx


22 August 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Anewly Answers concerns about how Thinking is possible and Memory, Over Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began answering who is God and who is the Eternal Father as JESUS Christ Spirit is explained as His All Seeing Eye Magnifies His Black Hole hence low pressure Inviting and none can resist except a little, as the Faster Ascending Flow Pulls the Good in All, with how planes fly how wings lift so Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law explains the Worthy Lift Correlation Best For All with the Better Spirit Of Sermons Increasingly, quicksand safety how to recognize rip tides and undertows, Pupil, The All Giving Larynx.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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