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JESUS Mercy Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit is Good: be with JESUS Christ Spirit. Spirits this Sabbath morning explained [fewer than] "less than 1% launder money for everyone". Note "less than" puts the figuring the math first hence the money first, rather in JESUS Spirit "fewer than" puts We The Souls first as much as Loyal with the Heavenly Holy Ghost Father Son JESUS Christ and "The Souls" according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Way For Best For All including "Loyal" rather than to stray from the Good Way In JESUS Christ Exemplar: with Grace as recorded repeat is hardly needed about the "money changers" situation (as written in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ship Has Sailed Sermon at yet JESUS Christ Spirit Offers Redeeming Mercy Power for the Ascending.

In the beginning of secular government under the Laws of Moses, there was an Ascending Best For All Motivational Guidance from God, hence formed into a Spiritual concern in the People, such as for instance that if a Person made a tiny mistake the Person might be struck dead [not as bad as it may sound: asleep rather if Holy then Found Worthy so Lifted Promoted Into Heaven]. Example for Holy reason the Ark Of The Covenant appeared to be falling so a Person as if Righteous reached to steady it (1 Chronicles 13:9 & 10), and was struck down since as written "they must not touch the holy objects, or they will die" (Numbers 4:15): so what was the Person's mistake?: He did not Give God the Glory hence reason for the Law, not to be under Law yet to be aware.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Transcends Former Sacred Faith Interpretations Surpassing matters kept secret since the world began, like unto New Passover, with how intrinsic BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN is as this Sermon explains Biblically how Government is meant to be Leading in JESUS Spirit even if concerning money and fewer than 1% launder money for everyone.


JESUS Christ before birth [God] set the Creating Government example for instance as written in Genesis 1:16 "God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.".

And concerning Census [this does not say "separation"] Leadership such as in 1 Samuel 9:17 "When Samuel saw Saul, the LORD told him, 'Here is the man of whom I spoke; he shall rule over My people.' "; the Priests were Holy [such as in situations in the Holy Of Holies], yet "the man" for to Lead, and all the People were also to be Holy. Likewise the Priest today does not say come to Church and be sinners, rather Be Holy. A Person that is Holy and would properly "govern" as stated above fits the Mercy and Higher Level Grace Standard Of The Bible.

We The People are not to go sin, yet We are to be in JESUS Christ Eternal Good Spirit, with as many as pertinent Leading, rather All [Guide All People into the Higher Level Leadership Worthiness: let the People be found All Worthy]. This is Urgent since as written for to promote Ascending Spirit in All People: Genesis 6:3 "Then the Lord said, 'My Spirit will not remain with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevertheless his days shall be 120 years." ( this is Good Holy Reason for People to form government.

"My Spirit will not remain with man forever" / Census Government / [as if about] Lawless.

JESUS "Spirit will not remain with man forever" / Census Government / God Guided for People to Best Guide People.

If "his days shall be 120 years" then JESUS Spirit does not fall into the grave for to become dust, rather JESUS Spirit Ascending Best including New Beginning included to breathe into not worthy dust formed into nostrils for to Lift People rather for to Lift With Mother Mary: JESUS Christ [yet unselfishly, Save Best For All incentive as All Hoped].

JESUS Lifted the unworthy, hence Mercy exists if with Pertinent Higher Level Purpose, hence NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN PRAYERFULLY.

So this "PRAYERFULLY" is very pertinent: for All to be PRAYING IN THE HEART CONSTANTLY, from Precept to Higher Level Precept, from Prayer to More Blessed Prayer, from thought to more perfect thought, from plan to better plan for All, from Best To New Better Through JESUS Christ. Why plan?, because JESUS The Good Exemplar as Hoped and as showed the Way [including the Whole Christian Bible (including such as John 1:48)]. "Through JESUS Christ" applies and JESUS Spirit "will not remain with man forever" applies, so the Grace Gift applies for the Lord [for Best For All] to monitor whether a Person and rather if All People [rather All] are Ascending Best for to Lift.

So concerning "launder money" first put the "BROADCASTING" as stated above, onto the money [if to be with money (see previous in this Series on astronauts that carried no money)]. As written in Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor does a moth destroy.".

And concerning "launder money", consider that if You find in Your funds counterfeit money, then to explain source if known as giving to authority as much as rules and norms apply [You might be the pertinent Leadership Authority] toward undoing as much as "counterfeit"; perhaps to track to make Counterfeiter aware and improve no longer Counterfeiter though perhaps such as already improved so as if to destroy to rather recycle legally and Best Way.

"Sell your possessions" all that You have continues with Good meaning. Also pertinent is the JESUS Christ Better Way. For instance Moses had a stick, and He was to strike the stick on the rock so the desperately thirsty People would have water. So according to as stated above "PRAYERFULLY" "New Better Through JESUS Christ" "with Pertinent Higher Level Purpose": it would not have been right for Moses to sell the "stick" prior to providing the water! This is a tremendous Blessing for All People without price, for this New Victory Over Poverty as Never Before in this Civilization as JESUS Christ Spirit Words as written in the Christian Bible as stated above are Victory For JESUS Christ To Be Lifted.

Matthew 26:11 "The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me.". Previously in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series was explained that each time i had a garbage type thought [like unto a honeymoon thought though not about having Children] then while awake i saw JESUS Christ appear and be moving away from me, and when not such thoughts then He would approach and We would be Together, this happened 3 times. So this is the JESUS Spirit Word for the "poor", from Merciful JESUS Christ Exemplar.

24 September 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Transcends Former Sacred Faith Interpretations Surpassing matters kept secret since the world began, like unto New Passover, with how intrinsic BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN is as this Sermon explains Biblically how Government is meant to be Leading in JESUS Spirit even if concerning money and fewer than 1% launder money for everyone.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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