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JESUS Godslings (see above "Main Page" for Definitions) Of Rates Sermon.

JESUS Christ Eternal includes Eternal Up and Eternal Down, things too much for other than Creator to comprehend, Save such Miracle Revelation from JESUS Christ Spirit One Faith, and this same Miracle is JESUS Christ. In the Beginning, from JESUS [..."the last. And Jesus was left alone"...(John 8:9 New King James Version)] there was the idea of having a Creating Plan.

Plan the New Beginning: therefore there is a great NEED for how to Best Plan.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Eternal All One Agreeing JESUS, Father Son Holy Spirit concentric circles graph, 3 in 1, in the Beginning, the original creation plan, before the creation, prior to creating, circle rainbow, circular rainbow


Plan the New Beginning there was JESUS in the center in Father in Spirit and These as One United In Agreeing.

In the Beginning as shown on the top of the graph vertical line [not zero] there was [actually Eternally continues hence is] One shown above as "1", the One circle [not as shown] and prior to creation One was everywhere and Perfect with the Eternal Name of the Christ as Continues The Desperate NEED for Better: JESUS; from One "everywhere" began One point, One start of One Perfect Idea. And from that point of JESUS blossomed and magnified and grew one circle. And from that circle JESUS Father was Sent circle "2" JESUS the Son yet One hence to describe circle #2 and circles and orbs #1 and #2 grew, #3, and grow and multiply.

If to stray then toward losing Best Focus, yet as the orbs continue aligned then as the pyramid yet Agreeing in the Best Direction to grow Up [Branches yet One], yet with lower levels Awareness [recordkeeping roots]. The Upper Levels Ascend with evolving and adapting Better with a view hence the Vision while bearing fruits of labors longsuffering Loyally and with leaves in Victory Over Peacemaking as All should do, rather than be blind slaves to the underworld below many worms, the secular including "the secular Military said They were not in charge" (see previous with tags JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Gives Values Others Desperately NEED Sermon at

Not for to sound mean nor to enslave little Children, the lower levels are for beginners, for instance a Child might play with blocks and learn to stack them and throw them as if weapons against lamps and People yet as Children have fun They Give the fun [hence sharing the JESUS Joy] with Others as the Children learn about physics and dangers and harms that can be instead of Helps and Mutual Joy. This has to do with the Original Creating Plan, and to do with JESUS Christ UN as Ambassadors learn New Powers that this civilization formerly did not have in the worldly secular sense.

You might watch a vid and flinch when the star character flinches, so You have a Spirit Of Oneness with the star as when the star works to do something good. When the Mass is as the Preacher the Mass can have Spiritual Power(s) as written in John 8:2 "Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.": when JESUS Christ Proves something then all eyes and ears are fixed on JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ is Right and They know it Faithfully as written in Luke 21:15 "for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.": a Preacher can have and Give JESUS Spirit.

The Mass is hardly the Preacher unless to Give JESUS Spirit. A Person in pajamas hardly thinks to vacation in Hawaii so gets out of bed and goes out the door to walk there, that's what a young Child might do, be innocent yet wise comprehending the total of the types of Responsibilities, counting the ways and means options, and so on. Preachers [As JESUS Christ One] continue to be with the NEED to Best Guide the Mass to so NEED: this is hardly about as if merely Being Christian hence JESUS Christ hence no NEED, rather as the Child learns to Plan to Best Create New Power(s), likewise All NEEDS Grow.

Consider a Parent going to Work, that does not mean the Parent is no longer part of the Family. Likewise JESUS Christ Grows With His Family, watching Over the Child with the blocks and washing the feet of the Child and Preaching and Planning Very Complex Work(s) as Work, leading from the Top Position such as how to Better drop seeds into fertile soil, and so how to make the root growing job easier and more delightful though Ascend. If to see no room at the Top, JESUS Christ Will Make More Room For You

as written in John 14:2 JESUS Christ said ..."I go to prepare a place for you.", and "In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.".... At the top of pyramid is the Perfect Trinity One Point On Course Straight Up, the strayed amounts of the circles are as the Tube Parameter margins as with Margin amounts for Mission Amount, though beyond the margins is known as self opted straying too far and risk as to slide down, and farther out as to fall as lightning.

The deeper farther down is the harder rock in darkness and difficult work if to be able to do any work at all John 9:4 "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." hence another reason to Ascend. The Child has little power so is suitable for the shut eyes nursery survival level relying on Others, and then the slightly higher level with tiny amounts of works. But below the nursery level is the illegal level about many types of strayed faiths works that end worse and the opposite of survival.

So JESUS Christ Spirit Gives Us Godslings, the bottom [hence a default reason for a New Beginning: looping repeating mistakes rather Better than formerly] is the Lake Of Fire (see previous Sermon) about the illegal about graves and pains, and higher level is survival relying on Others, and the next higher level Godsling marker per se is full repentance with Christian Baptism, then Higher Level Preaching With Doing Strategically Better Grace.

The minimum a living census Person can say and do is the bottom of the illegal, at the slowest rate not merely worthless as a burden to against society and civilizing similar to unseen underground rocks moving crushing roots and mold and insects eating the roots. The maximum rate of works a living census Person can say and do is the law abiding top of the roots starting to see the light, with the lighter burden, without the heavy burden of rocks and fertilizer. The maximum secular rate is full repentance, Save the Christian:

the tree [or vine] trunk is as the Masses that visits Church to return down to the roots where the gems are [often allegedly reference such as minimum wages that have been known for below minimum standard of living rate (hence see above nursery level)]. Yet many Mass Members thrive above in the Branches. The Preachers have been as yielding the Healings of Individuals and rather Nations hence Together as One Body, One Church, One Menorah Candle; hence One Candle Spirit Enlightening In JESUS Christ.

Like unto the Church bus is this symbolic Passenger jet inside a rainbow!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, jet inside a rainbow, Eternal All One Agreeing JESUS, Father Son Holy Spirit concentric circles graph, 3 in 1, in the Beginning, the original creation plan, before the creation, prior to creating, circle rainbow, circular rainbow


The Whole Mass of the Church is as the Preachership Leading Piloting, and rather without any in the large Passenger compartment, so rather as the International Space Station as All Work and Each with specific tasks as part of the Whole Mission, yet rather the Church Spirit JESUS Christ Original Plan On Course Mission As One.

23 June 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred NEED Planning Over ways kept secret since the world began explaining what the Eternal is with how to start to see the light and Godslings of rates are specified with maximum rate and minimum rate specifics from illegal to nursery to young Child to Parent to Mass Member to Preacher; jesusun, JESUS Christ UN, Law, Grace concentric circles, graph, 3 in 1, in the Beginning, the original creation plan, before the creation, prior to creating, circle rainbow, circular rainbow, Church bus, passenger jet inside a rainbow, International Space Station.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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