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For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD
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JESUS Money Sermon.
JESUS Christ is for Better, including Desperate Love, so how to explain the "love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"?, there is a cause and effect, if to root and be grounded in Love of JESUS Christ, then money is optional, John The Baptist ate "locusts and wild honey" (Matthew 3:4) hence "sin", "The sting of death" (1 Corinthians 15:56); note that "honey" has great mental health improving value as a Preacher attested years ago. Money has no such level of value and is often as a plow, like unto having plenty of plows to give to friends that might store them in the garage and store then in the yard, then opt to go to the grocery store rather than do farming, or if to farm then to rather utilize particular crop specialized planting weeding and harvesting equipment.
Christian Deming (1900-1993) for instance rather brought the Golden Rule into current practice to lift Japan from a defeated small island to the 2nd biggest banking nation [along with Others about no military cost and merely internal contracting], and explained if Your Neighbor is out of work with a truck with merely three good tires, and if You have eggs to sell and a tire but no truck, then the two can function together for Mutual Benefit.
Deming was very involved in the JESUS Christ Grace of Standardizing [including measuring] for the Better Way For All.
JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law at discusses Charity, see line 447, and while hardly accomplishing everything all at once, it is a start, Precept On Precept.
Likewise Government Offered Us a Grant, and the Offer was Accepted, even though as stated on the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page at "JESUS Christ ICCDBB does not want donations" though such is in the normal Churches sense such as about typical People Tithing [also Government is allowed to invite Funding, Matching Funding, and such]
[the funds received are free and clear, such funds are not held here, they are 100% gone (minimal Maintenance if any)], and the Tax Office made a special exception as Our Request with the Go Ahead type of Approval hence Setting A New Credit Line Precedent, Establishing a Higher Level New Standard, Applying The JESUS Christ Spirit Golden Rule for Many Others in Desperate NEED; applying was already automized, and channeling funds and tax matters is according to Criteria Government Established including as so Agreed in New Precedent in this sentence. Importantly i am not in charge of setting Precedent any more than any other Person [such as You] concerning the previous sentence. The "Line" is normal to Government and Private Foundations Grants, as the "Line" is similar to being with a satisfied repeat Customer for "Mutual Benefit".
JESUS Christ Desperate Love "NEED" is Victory Over the "love of money" "evil" and "sin" per se [as much as pertinent to the situation, rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose the Better Way, "Mutual Benefit", Peace, Better Civilization Functioning Together In Unity: Thank You Government, Thank You JESUS Christ Exemplar. The previous Sermon was about "JESUS Likes" and such as unseen "Ort Cloud" Protection. Likewise We The People Protect [often the Better Way, rather Always the Best Way] Each Other, Living Quarters, Robots, Computers, Farm Animals, and the Whole: it is Our Responsibility, so Thanks Be For We The People per se.
Many People and Computers and Other Help Individuals and Groups, Thank You, rather Best Help All.
The above speaks of a Person with a truck and another with eggs and functioning Together for "Mutual Benefit". The Golden Rule functions for Everyone, and for Best For All. As previously in this Series was explained You cannot transgress JESUS Christ The Known Living God and likewise You cannot transgress His Living Word and get away with it forever and as such straying puts You into horrible danger, grave risks such as previously stated in recent Sermons a "coma" (see older Sermons such as about "quadripelegic"). It's hard to boast "Look how great I am" if "quadripelegic" [even though of remote control JESUS Christ made the storm winds to cease and the storm waves to calm and Gave New Life to Lazarus in the tomb].
Rather than "evil" works to cost and lose, Previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons explained and now Edifyingly You NEED to Be JESUS Christ Better Fittingly Precepting as if for Victory Over what JESUS Christ said [though JESUS Christ made no error in need of correction], rather JESUS Christ Words are The Master Plan Design. Part of the JESUS Christ Current Civilization Flow typically is: Firm Foundation then unseen Piping roots then finished product with Tenants (see near bottom construction gif at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 28 List Of Sermons.
Tenants / Unseen Piping / JESUS Christ Best Way Design System Currently so to speak symbolically.
Joyful Tenants = Unseen Piping x JESUS Christ Grace Improving Standard System.
Do the "Tenants" love the residence more if it costs more or less to construct?, normally if it costs more it is better though not a guarantee, some have been known for increasing costs while lowering value. JESUS Christ UN Law is a nice reminder to properly handle money, the Best For All: Ambassadors are invited to notice as written in 1 Timothy 3:3 Berean Standard Bible "not dependent on wine, not violent but gentle, peaceable, and free of the love of money.".
What is this previous verse?, this is included in the Biblical "Qualifications for Overseers" (
toward the foundation and pillar and of Righteous Truth For Wisdom Over The Mystery of Godliness In
JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit One Best Leadership Over and For All "throughout the world" (ibid.).
JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting and Utilizing is this Current Qualification And Best System Leadership.
Concerning "Leadership" Over All, what does the word "pertinent" mean?: it is the Highest Purpose Of JESUS Christ.
To Fit Precepts Together the Best Way is to "Fit" Precepts according to the Highest Purpose Of JESUS Christ.
26 September 2020.
tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Ascending Over Foundation Qualifications For Ambassadors and unseen matters Anewly Revealed Publicly The First Time since the world began specifying how to Fit Precepts Together the Best Way For System Leadership According to unseen JESUS Christ Creation Plan Direction with New Formula Proof, also discussed is a New Government Grant with Exceptional Tax Precedent Established Anewly Helping Many.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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