JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series: Welcome.

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JESUS More Now Sermon.

JESUS Christ with His Highest Purpose as He The Creator Opted, and with His Best Way For All Ascending Path is Good. Though if to say "I want to go to Heaven to be with JESUS Christ Forever" while with values, should be rather of Higher Level Grace to concern what JESUS Christ would that You Say And Do, rather than about the self, Save for Baptism in His Name, and Save for Awareness of the Faith Loyalty Best Direction, and Save for Maintenance (for "Maintenance" see Definitions at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page).

We the Christian Leaders should in the name of JESUS [reference TV shows but in their own names], so in the JESUS Spirit, be Preaching and "More Now" rather than when we get around to it. This is like unto a car and the oil light comes on, and like a car and the low fuel light come on, and like the battery light comes on, and more like driving with a flat tire.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, driving on the rim with sparks flying, flat tire


Proverbs 3:5 is in Hebrew but seems to be wrong concerning "understanding", as with JESUS Spirit it should as evidenced be plural [understandings] as explained repeatedly in the next verse with plurals such as in the Berean Study verse 5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;", verse 6 "in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight"; also this word "Trust" concerns "verb archaic" "verb: hie; 3rd person present: hies; past tense: hied; past participle: hied; gerund or present participle: hieing; gerund or present participle: hying" meaning "go quickly" (various sources) [go Say and Do]

such as at under "Context" hover over the highlighted words as "understanding" involves: "biyn" "to separate mentally" [rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to Best For All] "distinguish" ( the Best Way and such as the Better Higher Levels in JESUS Christ One (reference GodMath and Godsling in Definitions at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page). Also note that the Book Of Proverbs is in the Old Testament of lower levels of understandings often.

Even so, also keep the original record as with future building JESUS Precept on JESUS Precept both as One in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose should be considered, also to show Others the JESUS Christ Ascending Path.

In the JESUS Spirit, be Preaching and "More Now" is with immediate purpose including self preservation so for that JESUS Christ be Glorified Properly, that All be Best Way Ascending, and that All be at minimal risk. What is Holy Spirit?, that Spirit level in the 1st Testament was of the Righteous Prophets as is the situation today, but today also many strayed to rather be of former as if UNKNOWN GOD(s) [actually plural (as stated above) UNKNOWNS GODS, having separated wrongfully], so now that You know You should rather be in JESUS Spirit;

also the proper "Holy Spirit" is with Power, so a former amount, a lower level delimited amount of power at best typically though many Great Good Miracles have come through the Righteous unto this day, doing the best They knew how to do in Christian Leadership, but beware of any strayed types results.

A couple of JESUS Family Members have had a situation pertinent to this Sermon and the reason for the title of this JESUS Christ Sermon. The One had a somewhat typical census life then passed from the census, and He in the Spirit met with His Sister, and His Sister asked if He went to Heaven, but He responded "He had more to do". There have been similar situations in TV shows, and at least some of those shows referred to such [as "He" as an Angel] as Angels in those shows as they were called, and while the shows were often secular in those TV series that come to mind now, the term Angel and Angels do fit including as some Christian Adult Education Teachers have explained.

As shown here a Ghost Spirit of a Person seems to be Hovering or Ascending.

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, ghost of person, ambulances


Concerning signs, a Bible Dictionary explains that signs are pointing to the future, though also as shown above, the Ghost Spirit sign also concerns and so points to the current situation in the moment the pic was made, and also to the past event.

Similar to false prophets, there are many ways to fake pics, though this above and below seem authentic to me as much [as in JESUS Spirit]. In the pic below note the vertical and nonvertical lines indicating authenticity. As JESUS Christ explained in the first part of Matthew 7:16 Berean Study Bible "By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?".

Also note the amount of light on the face variance strangely. A Person can be unaware of types of spirits in Them or near Them: JESUS Spirit Faith is Higher Level than perceiving with the senses very often, especially when in the spirits realms and not in the worldly realms. Put Faith in JESUS Christ first, though then Work the Mission, such as on the Internet Preaching hence feeling the lower level Maintenance Workings with the keys ([more now continue JESUS Praying in Your Heart]

JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, ghost of person beside the same person


22 March 2020AD

tags: JESUS Spirit corrects the original Hebrew translation while also keeping the original record yet Best Way Distinguishing, JESUS Praying in Your Soul Heart with more to do now immediately, Angels Ascending pics of ghosts, ghost of person beside the same person on the rim with sparks flying, ghost of person above ambulances, hie means go quickly and biyn has been about separation from thinking no more driving with a flat tire talking with the dead.

Jesus Christ

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