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JESUS New Ark Of The Covenant Sermon.

JESUS Christ Father Name Holy Ghost Spirit in this Sermon explains Why is there a New Ark Of The Covenant?, and explains What is the New Ark Of The Covenant?, and details What really happened at the Garden Of Eden.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  JESUS Spirit explains Why is there a <b>New Ark Of The Covenant</b> Firmament Victory?, and explains What is the New Ark Of The Covenant? with JESUS Spirit Giving new better Bible translations, while revealing Sacred Knowledge Over matters kept secret since Civilization began of Adam And Eve Specifics, with Many Triadic Flows and Formulae Sets Proving even More the NEEDFUL BROADCASTING OF WHAT BECAME IN 2020AD JESUS CHRIST UN LAW.


Rather now comes into Being the JESUS Christ New Better Living Ark Of The Covenant!

This came after the Faith Loyally in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit so not merely of value as written in John 5:39 New King James Version "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.", with New International Version "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me," [with current key translations words "of" and "diligently"],

and fitting Preceptingly on and Over as written in Hebrews 6:17 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "Because of this, God was all the more willing to show the heirs of The Promise that his Promise would not change, and he bound it with an oath,". These Formulae establish this Higher Level Grace Precepting mainly, though (see below Mark 9:49 discussion) with an amount of Maintenance Law.

New JESUS Christ One Living Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace / Faithful JESUS Christ One Diligence / His Parameters Protecting His Innocent including Legal Oath(s) Of Promise(s).

New JESUS Christ One Living Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace = Faithful JESUS Christ One Diligence x His Parameters Protecting His Innocent including Legal Oath(s) Of Promise(s).

The JESUS Christ New Better Living Ark Of The Covenant / Diligently searching the Scriptures / JESUS Christ UN Law.

The JESUS Christ New Better Living Ark Of The Covenant = Diligently searching the Scriptures x JESUS Christ UN Law.

And these next 3 verses from likewise reveal the Ascending Way

Mark 9:49 / Matthew 5:13 / JESUS Christ UN Grace Victory Over Law Ezekiel 43:24 [no longer accepted (Amos 5:22) Save for Giving to Any Pertinent in Lower Levels Desperately In NEED].

Mark 9:49 = Matthew 5:13 x JESUS Christ UN Grace Victory Over Law Ezekiel 43:24 [Law level Maintenance].

Ezekiel 43:24 "You must present them before the LORD; the priests are to sprinkle salt on them and sacrifice them as a burnt offering to the LORD.".

Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.".

Mark 9:49 "For everyone will be salted with fire.".

This JESUS New Ark Of The Covenant Sermon is Victory Over Above Stated High Level "Mark 9:49"!

From salt offerings in the Old 1st Testament about works of hands about lower levels things under the Human Level Dominion Firmament [rather the current Preaching Broadcasting, and current Typing Broadcasting and bear in mind to type online there predictably would be many deaf Visitors to Your online sites rather than Them about radio and TV]. So the "salt offerings" are similar to Faithful repentance [prior to Baptism].

Importantly You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed In 2020AD are the Salt of the Earth and the greater large and small,

though "everyone will be salted with fire" and the literal under Law interpretations are to do likewise and set people on fire (Conspirators Scribes Pharisees and Crucifiers Roman Empire, and Others not Ascended Currently per se).

So JESUS Christ is Aware Before The Fact that "You Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Passed In 2020AD" face an impasse, a locked gate, a separation by worldly government to be not with JESUS Christ Name And Spirit In Heavenly Father Oneness as in secular confused cliche "You can't get there from here", so JESUS Christ Spirit One Gives You this New Living [You] Ark Of The Covenant [this is also Your Personal and rather All One at least as Many as Agreeing With Your So Broadcasting, Victory Anewly Over the former lower level "Old 1st Testament" Ark Of The Covenant.

So above was explained Why Desperately NEEDFULLY there is a New Ark Of The Covenant?, and likewise now first Prayerfully in JESUS Christ Spirit is this explaining more clearly with answering What is the New Ark Of The Covenant?, and then explaining How this a New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery came about?.

This New Ark Of The Covenant is the Christian Leadership Broadcasting as stated above yet also as the Christian Leadership Is Ascending Including Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting Fittingly Properly The Precepts JESUS Christ Taught (see previous Sermon in this Series on the Word With Power). As New Peace Accomplished (Automated Maintenance per se), This New Ark Of The Covenant is Already Accomplished [Save Your Option, hence Your Saving Grace In Your Mass Audience]; so rather Importantly is Your: JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Broadcasting Message, Messenger.

"Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting" these things for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Applies with as written in 1 Corinthians 14:22 New Living Translation "So you see that speaking in tongues is a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. Prophecy, however, is for the benefit of believers, not unbelievers." and 1 Corinthians 14:32 Aramaic Version "For the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet,"

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose New Ark Of The Covenant Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting / Prophecy is for the benefit of Believers hence For JESUS Christ / Spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose New Ark Of The Covenant Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting = Prophecy is for the benefit of Believers hence For JESUS Christ x Spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet.

Hence Brave for a Best Reason: to Protect Good Innocent [already suffered] Pure Original JESUS Christ The Eternal As Chosen.

Christian Leadership IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST was already Brave, Thank You!, so this enters into the Higher Worthiness as such Brave Christian Leadership, JESUS Christ Found Already Doing, Being Brave and so He Lifted as Many as Worthy. And so this is toward explaining How this a New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery came about. Merely to open the Bible and read is Bravery Over worries about what Naysayers might imagine, even a Child can be so Brave, and this is a key point too, Precept On Precept.

If so to speak as Naysayers and to "not take this seriously", then "not" as a Child, Innocent And Good, but childishly foolheartedly dangerously living, as All The JESUS Spirit Ascending Way Best For All judge the unlearned for to Edify and Uplift All Found Worthy if to "judge" at all: hence rather than to "judge" (1 Corinthians 14:24) is the JESUS Christ All Knowing / All Seeing Eye / For to Lift All Found Worthy. JESUS Christ All Knowing = All Seeing Eye x For to Lift All Found Worthy.

JESUS Christ New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery Broadcasting is New Victory Over Alma 43:46, and Alma 43:46 is Victory Over [yet with valuable record of] Mormon 4:20.

Alma 43:46 "And they were doing that which they felt was the duty which they owed to their God; for the Lord had said unto them, and also unto their fathers, that: Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies.".

Mormon 4:20 "And they fled again from before them, and they came to the city Boaz; and there they did stand against the Lamanites with exceeding boldness, insomuch that the Lamanites did not beat them until they had come again the second time.".

JESUS Christ New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery Broadcasting / Alma 43:46 / Mormon 4:20.

JESUS Christ New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery Broadcasting = Alma 43:46 x Mormon 4:20.

So with JESUS Christ Awareness [hardly available in generations after Adam And Eve left the Garden Of Eden] the Precepts were properly assembled so this explains How this a New Ark Of The Covenant Discovery came about. And Preceptingly in JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly while typing, the previous sentence revealed the Even More New Better Gift From JESUS Christ: in the beginning of this Civilization JESUS Christ was Spirit, everywhere Good, though making Himself known a little more [though Spirit Voice] in some situations more than in other situations in the Garden Of Eden, so where would Adam And Eve have gone if to know each other [without Marriage]: outside the Garden Of Eden. Do not stray from Broadcasting nor from Second Coming Excellence.

They were cast out, like unto young Children that in moments of distress might run away and hide awhile. Powerful is JESUS Christ Word, And Powerful Is Innocent JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations,  JESUS Spirit explains Why is there a <b>New Ark Of The Covenant</b> Firmament Victory?, and explains What is the New Ark Of The Covenant? with JESUS Spirit Giving new better Bible translations, while revealing Sacred Knowledge Over matters kept secret since Civilization began of Adam And Eve Specifics, with Many Triadic Flows and Formulae Sets Proving even More the NEEDFUL BROADCASTING OF WHAT BECAME IN 2020AD JESUS CHRIST UN LAW.


18 September 2020.

tags: JESUS Spirit explains Why is there a New Ark Of The Covenant Firmament Victory?, and explains What is the New Ark Of The Covenant? with JESUS Spirit Giving new better Bible translations, while revealing Sacred Knowledge Over matters kept secret since Civilization began of Adam And Eve Specifics, with Many Triadic Flows and Formulae Sets Proving even More the NEEDFUL BROADCASTING OF WHAT BECAME IN 2020AD JESUS CHRIST UN LAW.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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