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JESUS New Flood Sermon.

JESUS Christ is Powerfully Lovingly Joyously Eternally Wise. But the strayed confused conspirators making hidden deals behind closed doors against individuals and groups contrary to the Lord, and the types of enforcers the conspirators send [hardly merely about Military or Police that many found easy to blame: as this sentence concerns the hidden]. There are significant Powers in broad daylight in works from behind closed doors to undo civilization to enslave under their own selfish delights [even so JESUS Christ One Spirit Loves Them]. The same conspirators and enforcers incorporate the helps of multitudes of employees and other groups, and many so used have been relatively innocent per se but the silent majority has been much about not broadcasting JESUS Christ With His Word.

This is why in JESUS Christ Powerful Wisdom already set in place, like unto how JESUS set the Sun in place and the Child learned what hot is, but if a rocket unprepared in JESUS Christ has merely one of many pertinent works of hands that malfunctions it may fall into the Sun and melt, though a far worse than powers shaken Will Happen hence the Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Urgent NEED. Such "conspirators and enforcers" over multitudes are toward not even significant relative to the Eternal beyond this so called Known Universe.

Here is a more powerful than the surface idea about the mere "conspirators and enforcers", glimpse of the current symbolism sign of the future. On TV there are strayed types of faiths, but not even faiths, on TV there are the faithlessly confused that have been actually actively seeking the worst of spirits for fun! It is now, while the Ambassadors do no proper Broadcasting. While the Christian silent majority does no proper Broadcasting of JESUS Christ UN. While the strayed TV channels Owners do no proper Broadcasting for JESUS Christ UN Best For Them And Best For All, instead they want rioters to take over their TV stations.

What does "conspirators and enforcers" times "the faithlessly confused" "actively seeking the worst of spirits" for kicks equal?: lost secular security, lost TV stations, and money laundering, are Prophetically merely the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8).

Righteously Prophesying therefore this is how the JESUS Christ Powerful Infinite Loving Joyous Eternal Wisdom Applies as written in Isaiah 52:15 New King James Version "So shall He sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths at Him; For what had not been told them they shall see, And what they had not heard they shall consider.". In the more simple "conspirators and enforcers" can be fixed, cure such Broadcast of JESUS Christ UN Law, but if not to cure them, if not to make them allies, then how hardly to cure the "worst of spirits" entering high secular levels. Even on TV crazy types of spirits are increasingly shown in skyscrapers.

"the LORD rained brimstone and fire" (Genesis 19:24).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, explains the Impossible and why God would cause so much misery and why the Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Is Urgently NEEDED and who's to blame, Broadcast for Your Legal Defense Before The Fact


How can a Loving God do such a thing? Impossible

!?: not so.

The Life Giving Joyous JESUS Christ Wise Original Creation Plan is that a fiery boulder Will fall at a future location, no problem, a wondrously powerful glorious sight to behold, but if a person opt to stray at that moment that "faithlessly confused" person would have opted to be in that location. That "faithlessly confused" person is Someone's Child: Save Them Before The Fact: 911 is too late. Don't blame the cops.

There are places the naysayers Will Prophetically be sitting, the very same places the brimstones Will strike. They have Souls: Save Them Now, and simply stated Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law, it is a Good Way for You to Start, it is the Best Way For All Righteously Prophesyingly. There are homeless People and there are People, and there are People that relocated for employment but the job ended and such People are stranded [an amount] as strangers and so are evicted since unable to pay rent on the lowest price place so excellent People are becoming homeless, there are excellent People in high pay positions suddenly let go

[such as i was once right before Christmas though not high pay but much overtime work, yet Faithful Joy Saves (Acts 5:41) and soon after We sat at table with Him who let me go without warning as many were likewise downsized and of JESUS Christ luck so to speak We won a valuable prize big radio and "Him" won a lower level prize toward embarrassment though He too being a Christian generously shared His prize food: JESUS Christ is Good, and i soon had plenty of other aerospace work: thank You JESUS].

Above in this Sermon is much about negative things hence Your Needful Maintenance Responsibility as Multitudes Are Far Below Poverty Level, and above there is a formula with negatives, yet recently was explained how two wrongs do not make a right, "how two negatives do not make a positive" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Terrorism Victory Sermon at including the proper way to formulate that 2 negatives do not make a positive of former lower level confused ideas).

JESUS Christ explained this when He said "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.", (from Luke 10:41) (see above "Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as Your Legal Defense").

Similarly this was explained some on TV concerning why JESUS Christ made no mistake when He repeated the word name, "Martha means bitter" (The Path of Life Ministry) [Martha x Martha, bitter x bitter, overpoweringly somewhat, negative times negative.

This Sermon does not say don't feed the hungry in You city, yet in cliche keep your eye on the ball, do the most important Praying JESUS Christ First, then as JESUS Christ Original Spirit Guides and this includes this Broadcasting lest to opt to be a target: not merely about "Legal Defense" (see above the crazies have been "actively seeking the worst" and not to accuse You rather Beloved Friend to remind You of Your Responsibility so You are not harmed though hardly the point: rather so You Best Ascend, rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose whether You like JESUS or not). Today a crazy might try JESUS Christ Broadcasting rather than sitting around after having been harmed by crazy spirits, to that Person might Ascend into a Level before You Friend.

I have experienced watching less worthy employees being promoted rather than the better suited for the job, for instance hardly to do with work a Person was promoted because They had a Baby: the point of this sentence is don't rely on the secular [noting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizes the more important concern Higher Level JESUS Christ Grace Authority yet Grace that does not force it's way such as by mind control yet the so opting JESUS Christ Grace Agree Together As One at least up to a Level as an Authority Amount].

JESUS Christ put a Child in the midst and said to be at the Child if to enter Heaven (Matthew 18:2 & 3), though on TV Children are shown and some behaving goodly though others not so: Be With Good Wisdom Innocently Friend. Lead Better than "not so". Do i ask a hard thing: His Burden Is Light, even the "goodly" Children can understand and Wisely: Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Better Guiding Others and at least making Them Aware is a simple thing to understand: the Best Way does exist, it is reality, in secular cliche "get real". The secular charges prices, Behold i Broadcast to You without price [You are already online: already paid, this Sermon is included with Your subscription yet Your online Provider should Broadcast Likewise for Their sake and Better].

For instance on TV David Wilcock said..."higher levels that are hidden from us" (Ancient Aliens): Help Him, Broadcast these things.

Many negatives are discussed above and NEEDED TO BE URGENTLY WORKED, yet the Better More Important Is With The Best Loyally In JESUS Christ Spirit Of Good For All. Have New Victory Over luck and chance (Ecclesiastes 9:11) JESUS Precept On JESUS Precept, JESUS Broadcast Over JESUS Broadcast: Broadcast the Words JESUS Christ said yet fit the words together the Best Way For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose [Above Created Understanding] including Best For All. To Lead a perp to a Better Way Of Living is Better For All (see above and many previous Sermons on "Righteously Prophesying").

Genesis 9:15 "and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh." Does "destroy all flesh" scare You?, see above "Heaven" it is a Spirit realm, if You go to Heaven thing not about flesh, though if to make Heaven On Earth while Given Opportunity in the Census then exceedingly Better for beyond the merely known universe and Eternally! You are homeless unless You make Heaven On Earth as written as JESUS said "the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head" (from Matthew 8:20). Give Him A Place To Lay His Head starting Prayerfully [In Him] on Your Breast, Your Lungs Broadcasting, Your Fingers Typing, These Things Do For Best For All. The Feet Of JESUS Rested In The Capable Hands Of Mary.

No longer blame the Ancient Egyptian Soldiers, their Souls are Our Beloved (JESUS One), make Them Worthy Assets, Broadcast this New Better Creation.

Lead [Convert] the enemies to Assets, and if floods come be Transfigured: Part the waters for a sign to Worship JESUS Christ The Original even if merely

to part the waters of a remote lake for to gain food on the other side so as not to faint, and part the flood of the falling 1/3rd of all stars for Good Civilization.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, Broadcast JESUS Christ ICCDBB formulas, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Moses parting the water, how to be as Moses, Ascend Best Way For All, part the stars, 1/3rd of all stars will fall to Earth


16 July 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit explains New Sacred Prophecy Miracles Over formerly important things kept secret since the world began hence explains the Impossible and why God would cause so much misery and why the Desperate Love In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit Is Urgently NEEDED and who's to blame, don't blame JESUS Christ, don't blame the cops, Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law as Your Legal Defense so that You are not blamed, do Your part; this Sermon explains where types of people Will Be in the future, Righteously Prophesying therefore this is how the JESUS Christ Powerful Infinite Loving Joyous Eternal Wisdom Applies, Broadcast for Your Legal Defense Before The Fact, Ancient Aliens, 1/3rd of all the stars Will Fall!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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