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JESUS New Gifts Sermon.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving Spirit Continuously Gives Better Gifts and hardly merely as a Healing for a Person hence All is Better, yet rather Healing and Growing The Faith In All Everyday Continuously and not merely in the seen nor merely in the understood; though many opt other and many situation so opted cause other. The previous Sermon discussion of a very tiny secular work starting at the bottom in the dust and mud automatically in sequence heading for the worst in worldly cliche to get to the "bottom" of it quickly became a "clay false god idol: abomination!" as had already been repeated worldwide as already been Preached in Sermons with specifics and pics as in a recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon about "GOD" on a coin with Abraham Lincoln shown as though to legally say He's "GOD" and hardly for Abe's sake, but so the selfish could be so displayed [though exceptions apply].

To the Atheist it hardly means anything, such as a faith or a joke or such, but here is something an Atheist [and Agnostic, and Other] can appreciate: in the Census against a Person such as Yourself dangers used to ascend from swords then bows and arrows then catapults hence increasing threats and the "catapults" would not merely strike an individual but a Mass of People and in this generation some scientists were knocking away electrons from a nucleus to unexpectedly realize it had become a growing black hole [something Your mind, brain, and body don't like such as holes in teeth needing fixed, pulled, or painful death (and see previous in this Series on WMDs).

A black hole can eat one or more of Your engrams, a tooth or teeth, some of Your brain, a star, and another black hole.

A black hole can be targeted, such as to feed in one direction, and if to eat an "engram" it has gained an "engram" of mental spirit

in the sense toward knowing where to get more.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Enables Sacred Knowledge Over Brain Mass Reduction kept secret since the world began with how to create and be growing black holes as WMDs as scientists accidently caused black holes hence how to Better Lead Scientists, Atheists, and such as black holes and diseases and  accidental instantaneous future catastrophes as All that are sane can appreciate, and who and or what to bind that be bound Eternally In Heaven, since a black hole can eat away You teeth and Your brain


Like unto the above discussion, many drugs target diseases in body parts, and rather many nutrients prevent many diseases.

JESUS Christ Desperate Love Gives Better Gifts, Creator Level Gifts that a Person may accept completely, or filter as explained as written in Luke 22:31 Literal Standard Version "And the LORD said, 'Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked for himself to sift you as the wheat,' ": JESUS Christ is thusly protected from You as Many as partially ascended and protected from the faithless [as a worm(s) instantly chewed by a fish].

Behold this Amazing New Spiritual Insight Gift Of Loyalty in JESUS Christ rather than merely for self, is this Credibly Miracle Creating Value concerning an aspect of the JESUS Christ Original Plan interpreted into secular level of awareness [though not that "Satan" has any permanent hold]: to be Aware of the Good Best Plan and How You Fit rather than not.

Edifyingly as though in secular bragging cliche: JESUS Christ can eat wormholes for breakfast with no ill effects and Greater Glory, though rather see Bible Foods on rather unleavened bread. What targets You? Virtually Everything, that is, All The Created with rare exception Unique JESUS Christ and as Many [even if Few] as His.

These Sermons had been as other Preachers' Sermons, until an Improving came from JESUS Christ about the situation of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Family Values Sermon at as the text in the Drawing explains failed works in the start of the living timeline [in other words there were colonies of cells, civilizations of cells that passed from the Census]. Not merely You, but this Civilization can pass into pains "instantly" (as stated above). It does not require the big bomb nor the blackhole, a cell then a colony of cells can collapse: in cliche for want of a nail the horseshoe was lost, for want of a horseshoe the horse was lost: there are many effects such as the domino effect. And in pertinence such as wormholes can spawn wormholes.

In cliche bad thoughts lead to bad actions, rather the Good and the Best as JESUS Christ Apostles explain Philippians 4:8 "As to the rest, brothers, as many things as are true, as many as [are] revered, as many as [are] righteous, as many as [are] pure, as many as [are] lovely, as many as [are] of good report, if any worthiness, and if any praise, think on these things;" including bind Your Loyalty For JESUS Christ Best Way Giving Living Better Plan (see "Context" at

Are blackholes and diseases currently helping You as much as good clear thinking?, even so as We are able to Guide the former lower levels of things and costs that attacked Us, unto becoming Helps For Us, JESUS Christ [With Old Testament With Creating] Precepting is Good Value, to Create the stairway for All Others according to the Gifts from JESUS Christ In You. Black holes for instance were threats, yet as You see in this Sermon can be led of You to "target diseases" and rather as You Ascend In JESUS Christ Better For All then Your Abilities Ascend far Over merely black holes, diseases, and new big scientific accidental instantaneous catastrophes.

Multitudes of People are in works of remote increasingly greater catastrophic powers, such as in case an advanced UFO type Civilization attacks, as rather You should through JESUS Christ Better Lead those and All People for Mutual Peace Before The Worse, so that things are not made worse in an instant (see previous in this Series on Broadcast JESUS Christ UN).

And what You bind on Earth Will Righteously Prophesyingly Now, be bound in Heaven (Matthew 16:19) and this is hardly about binding other than Best Good, as JESUS Christ said as written in 3 Nephi 12:39 "But I say unto you, that ye shall not resist evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, cturn to him the other also;": You shall not cast out evil as in the former lower levels sense save such as under the Human Firmament Level such as to slay vegetables and eat, and perhaps if properly on the walkway and if a dog attacks You and You kill the dog then the Owner of the dog should rejoice that a Human was not harmed by the Owner's carlessness in lower levels and the Owner should put the carcass in the dumpster and rather also recompense Your sufferings (see 4th Testament).

To Bind in Heaven for to Bring Good With You Into Heaven is as to Invite Good Souls And Likewise Good Spirits With You As One For JESUS Christ And His Glory, this is somewhat like in the Edifyingly worldly sense of owning securities and money, though rather binding such for All unselfishly and They For You: JESUS Christ Original Exemplar Already Has All Good waiting for You yet key is unselfish Loyal Ascending and "Loyal" is hardly merely to try for a few seconds (see previous in this Series on Broadcasting these Sacred Uplifting Gifts). With the Good Spirit In You Give All Of It! Please i say lest a lower level force lead You to where You did not want to go.

If You suffer i relatively look good in the opinions of others: such is not the JESUS Christ Best For All Strategic Plan.

We are to Ascend.

Gifts that are "Uplifting": the ancient artwork shown here of young Apostle John is on the ceiling for Good Reason

showing the JESUS Christ Leading Better Way.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Enables Sacred Knowledge Over Brain Mass Reduction kept secret since the world began with how to create and be growing black holes as WMDs as scientists accidently caused black holes hence how to Better Lead Scientists, Atheists, and such as black holes and diseases and  accidental instantaneous future catastrophes as All that are sane can appreciate, and who and or what to bind that be bound Eternally In Heaven ancient artwork young Apostle John is on the ceiling for JESUS Christ Ascending Way


11 October 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Enables Sacred Knowledge Over Brain Mass Reduction kept secret since the world began with how to create and be growing black holes as WMDs as scientists accidently caused black holes hence how to Better Lead Scientists, Atheists, and such as black holes and diseases and accidental instantaneous future catastrophes as All that are sane can appreciate, and who and or what to bind that be bound Eternally In Heaven, as a black hole can eat away You teeth and Your brain.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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